Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Academic Committee Meeting

Academic Committee

Date and Time

Tuesday October 13, 2020 at 6:00 PM


Zoom Call
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Topic: VIBE Academic Committee Meeting
Time: October 13, 2020 @ 06:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

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MISSION:  To educate and nurture a diverse learning community through the International Baccalaureate Programme, world languages and intercultural appreciation to succeed in a global economy.

  • GOAL 1:  Monitor and increase the progress of SPS.
  • GOAL 2:  Streamline the academic dashboard.
  • GOAL 3:  Monitor ACT Progress.
  • GOAL 4:  Monitor and increase the effectiveness of the distance learning program at IHSNO.

Committee Members Present

A. Berger (remote), C. Young (remote), G. Lazard (remote), G. Medford (remote), J. Carreno (remote), L. Scott Porter (remote), S. Wilson (remote)

Committee Members Absent

S. Thomas

Guests Present

T. Huynh (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Lazard called a meeting of the Academic Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Tuesday Oct 13, 2020 at 6:11 PM.


Approve Minutes

  • Minutes from the last Board Meeting were requested to be corrected. 
  • Gail Lazard stated that Cody Borque was present but not included in the attendance of the last Academic Committee Meeting. It was confirmed that Cody Borque was not present during the last Academic Committee meeting therefore he does not need to be included in the attendance of the last Academic committee meeting. 
  • Gail Medford requested that when a Board Committee Member requests someone for information who is not a Board Member that it is reflected in the minutes that are taken for that meeting. Sean Wilson recited the Board's policy which states that a Board Member has to make the request through the Head of School because he is an employee of the board. 
  • Gail Lazard stated that she would recommend that any requests are to be made to the Head of School Sean Wilson.  
  • Gail Medford stated that the minutes should reflect that the request was made to the particular staff member. 
G. Medford made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Academic Committee Meeting on 09-08-20.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
  • Minutes from the Academic Committee Meeting on 9/8/2020 will be approved once the errors from that meeting are corrected. 
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
  • Gail Medford said that she would like to make a general statement about the minutes.
  • Gail Medford said that the minutes are not reflecting any actions that are requested for future meetings or future recording. She said gave an example that she requested that Mr. Charles Young provide her with a report on what IHSNO is doing for kids that are culture distancing for kids with some learning disabilities. She said that Charles Young said that he would look into it but it is not reflected in the minutes. 
  • Gail Medford suggests that all future minutes are to reflect what actions are being made and the person who would be responsible for that. 
  • Sean Wilson stated that he would just like to make sure that because the Board Committee is a governing body and as there are limitations as it pertains to Administration. Sean asked for clarification of what the Committee Member is asking. He asked if the Committee Member asking for more information or requesting action and it is because the Board should not ask for an action of an individual employee.  All requests are made through the Head of School and then the Head of School would delegate the responsibility of what is being asked. This is to be clear about the intent because the Board should be clear when it comes to government versus management. 
  • Sean Wilson stated that at the end of every meeting, that maybe it should be reported in the items for the next committee meeting and not to the individual person reflected in the minutes. Then the Head of School would ensure that it gets completed in time for the next meeting. 
  • Gail Lazard stated that she agrees that it should be reflected in the section that asks the items to be discussed in the next Committee Meeting. Gail Lazard stated that it should be included in Section 5. 
  • Gail Medford stated that she would like it to be reflected in the minutes itself and not delegating the responsibilities to someone. She said that within the context of the meeting itself, there are the actions that are requested or back to the recommendations that were made and those are to be seen as acted upon in the future and those who are seen as responsible. Gail Medford said that she is fine with it being stated in Section 5 but also to include who is responsible for reporting that back to the Committee. 
  • Gail Lazard stated that she has made several requests and she has always gone through Sean Wilson and that is the point that Sean Wilson was trying to make. Gail Lazard said that she doesn't like to name individuals and Members should go through Sean. 
  • Gail Medford said that she understands what is being said, however, certain responsibilities belong to certain individuals. She said that she is requesting that the minutes reflect that in the meeting, that certain individual was requested information from meaning that this is what took place and this is the individual who is responsible for the task but was asked in Sean's presence to complete that task. She would like to see that reflected in the minutes that the person is responsible for that action item. 
  • Sean Wilson recited the Board's policy which states that there is only 1 person employed by the Board and that is the Head of School. The Board cannot make a request of another member outside the Head of School to do something. Sean Wilson wants to stay clear of any requests made outside to ensure that it gets done. 
  • Gail Medford asked for clarification on the process. She asked that is the Board to ask Sean Wilson any if the request is made for further action however if there is a clarification that is needed, then the Board can ask the individual the questions needed for clarification while the material is being presented during the meeting. 
  • Gail Lazard stated that she would recommend that any requests are to be made to the Head of School Sean Wilson.  
  • Gail Medford stated that the minutes should reflect that the request was made to the particular staff member. 




  • Sean Wilson discussed items on the Head of School Report. 
  • Students are to start returning to campus starting on Tuesday which is October 20, 2020. The Monday prior to their return, teachers and staff will be on campus to prepare for students' return.
  • Juniors and Seniors will start returning on the 22nd and 23rd which is on Thursday and Friday. 
  • Freshman and Sophomores will start returning that following Monday and Tuesday. 
  • 12th graders will start taking their ACT tests therefore other students will be asynchronous on that Tuesday. 
  • Sean Wilson spoke about the preparations that IHSNO has made to prepare for students' return to the building.
  • The transportation contract is still being worked on. The current pricing is higher than last year by 60%. 
  • IHSNO is confident that we will secure a contract however is working out the specifics.
  • IHSNO is in contact with families and trying to understand their needs as it pertains to transportation. 
  • Sean Wilson spoke more about items that were ordered for the students.
  • Sean spoke about items that IHSNO is waiting for to arrive however they are not items that will cause disruption in students' return. 



School Culture

  • Charles Young spoke about the preparations that IHSNO has made for students' return to the building. 
  • Charles Young stated that IHSNO will continue to use the Code of Conduct that has been in place for many years as students make their way back to school in the building.
  • Charles Young spoke about implementing PBIS practices and Restorative Practices for students. 
  • Charles Young spoke about preparing the environment for students to return to the building. He spoke about different items that the Culture Department has been working hard at having the building items and signage in place to keep everyone safe and aware of the changes that have taken place at IHSNO. 
  • Charles Young spoke about policies of IHSNO as it pertains to the students while they partake in distance learning. 
  • Charles Young explained how the students will move around in the building as they practice social distancing. Students will move in 1 direction due to the pandemic. 
  • Charles Young spoke about the adaptation of the students as it pertains to distance learning and how the Culture Department enforces IHSNO's rules during classes. He stated that sometimes have talks with the students along with their parents about their incidentals. After talking to the students' parents, the culture team will notice the students will make adjustments to their actions during class. 
  • Charles Young spoke about Capturing Kids Hearts. 
  • Flippen Group will be coming to the IHSNO campus in November help develop any planning that school may need help with. 
  • Charles Young spoke about other programs that IHSNO is participating in. 
  • Sean Wilson was asked to give a brief description of the SCT Grant. Sean Wilson spoke about SCT Grant and explained the programs that were implemented through the funding that was provided. This particular grant is a 5-year federal grant and IHSNO is now in its 2nd year.  He is hopeful in the positive things that will occur after the policies have been taught and implemented. 




  • Adierah Berger discussed the Intervention Strategies as it pertains to the ELL students. 
  • Adierah spoke about the ESL students and their grade levels.
  • Check-ins take place between ESL students and their teachers.
  • Adierah discussed how students improve their language proficiencies. 
  • Adierah Berger spoke about how electives play a part in the students' lives. 
  • Adierah Berger said that getting students logged into the computer is the hardest part for them as it pertains to ESL. 
  • Adierah spoke about the ESL students and other classes that they take. 
  • ESL students are prepared in vocabulary.
  • ESL 2 and ESL 3 happen in their 2nd semester. 
  • Adierah spoke about other programs that the students take place in. 
  • Adierah said that ESL students take part in the same programs so that they can understand the other programs. 
  • ESL students get acclimated in other classes and programs which helps them to get familiar with the regular programs also. 
  • Students are matched with Tulane Tutor tutors depending on the needs that they may have. 
  • Teacher and student collaboration is important. 
  • Some students are registered into IHSNO and they are still speaking in their same native language. 
  • The students are held at the same level as it pertains to their Leap Tests. 
  • ELL students are able to go into their IB course in their 12th-grade year. 
  • Jenny Carreno spoke about the ACT prep program
  • Jenny Carreno spoke about how teachers are trained to incorporate ACT prep into their curriculum that they teach. 
  • Mock assessments will happen in the fall and spring semester. 
  • Different grade levels are prepped at their level that they belong to depending on their grade levels. 
  • Saturdays are used to prep students for ACT testing,
  • Students who take place in the prep classes usually score higher on their tests, 
  • Jenny Carreno also spoke about how the prepping that students take part in helps in reducing anxiety while taking ACT Testing,
  • Adierah Berger spoke about Leap 360 and how it is not available at this time. 
  • Adierah Berger said that students are not able to take their diagnostic testing at this time as it pertains to Leap360. 
  • Academic Dashboard that was sent was very clear to Committee Members. 
  • IHSNO does have some early complete students. 
  • Early graduation students will have the opportunity to take their ACT. 



  • This part has been postponed. 



  • Sean Wilson spoke about the Pupil Progression Plan. 
  • The PPP program was very prescriptive.
  • Adierah Berger spoke about the FAFSA and how the seniors are familiar with it.
G. Medford made a motion to Approve the Pupil Progression Plan (PPP) as it is submitted to the Board Members.
L. Scott Porter seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.




  • The next meeting will take place on November 10, 2020. 
  • ELL student information, Org Chart information, ACT Prep Plan will be sent in a separate email. 
  • Sean Wilson made a suggestion to have the Distance Learning Simulation in the next meeting.
  • Sean Wilson also suggested that we discuss the Org Chart and ELL plan that will take place separately from the Distance Learning Simulation during the next meeting. 
  • Sean Wilson said that we will probably start including IT in the future Academic meetings instead of Facilities Committee meetings.
There was not any public comments. 

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:11 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Lazard