Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Development Committee Meeting

Development Committee

Date and Time

Monday August 17, 2020 at 6:30 PM


Zoom Meeting
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Committee Members Present

J. Lampton (remote), K. Dwyer (remote), M. Roney (remote), P. Manson (remote), S. Thomas (remote), S. Wilson (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Carol, Steve Schulkens PR, T. Huynh, Tina Totorico

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Development Committee Meeting on 04-20-20.
P. Manson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Developing our Development Committee


Guest Speaker

  • Dr. Shontell Thomas - filling in until official subcommittee chair is chosen by BOARD
  • Guest Speaker - Ms. Tina Totorico - Development Officer with Breakthrough New Orleans - Discussion about fundraising plans 
  • Tina spoke about how to get others to participate with our organization
  • Tina spoke about how to apply for different grants and how to participate in them
  • Questions were asked by committee: Tina answered questions
  • Tina and Carol gave suggestions on different ways on how to do fundraising 
  • Karen Dwyer gave suggestions on fundraising ideas and referring to Board on Track
  • Fundraising discussions took place
  • Tina Totorico - spoke about donors and virtual auctions
  • Steve Schulkens spoke about virtual auction in the later part of this fall
  • Percy Manson - suggested looking into the vendor file to see if we can have fundraising events with them
  • Virtual auctions were discussed in more detail
  • Fundraising was discussed in more detail
  • Discussion on the past Gala 
  • Discussion on how the economy is not right now and how it would affect the ability to have fundraising events
  • Discussion on maybe having live auctions with parents, donors, companies, etc. 
  • Discussion on targeting different companies on donations - maybe with the organizations who have been doing really well like grocery stores, restaurants, etc. 
  • Discussion on Give Nola Day
  • Discussion on marketing/advertising on social media
  • Discussion about grant writer and how that role works - Maria Flanigan is the grant writer


Goals for Development Committee

S. Thomas made a motion to Move to rearrange agenda to speak about the Gala.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
  • Moving this to speak about the Gala
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
  • Discussion about the Gala that was supposed to take place in September 2020 which does not look like it will take place in September
  • Committee will discuss the Gala and auction during the next meeting
Committee then discussed goals of Development Committee
GOAL 1: Identify and implement Fundraising Activities (including adjusting for COVID-19 pandemic)
GOAL 2: Identify Marketing and Advertising strategies to secure student enrollment
GOAL 3: Update and expand the Donor Database and Outreach
S. Thomas made a motion to S. Thomas made a motion to approve the development committee goals.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Development


IHSNO 10th Anniversary Gala Update

  • per above

IV. Other Business


Other Business

  • Discussion about Institutional Development Plan
  • Discussion about Institutional Development Plan document 
  • Discussion about fundraising activities in the Institutional Development Plan document
  • Committee members agreed with speaking about the Institutional Development Plan document in more detail at the next meeting as it pertains to fundraising
  • Development Committee will be scheduled for September and have agreed to have a Development Committee meeting every month
  • Items to include in next meeting: 3 year Development Plan update
  • Next meeting - looking to develop Committee's goals more 
  • Next meeting will be 9/14/2020 and it will take place on Zoom. 


V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Thomas