Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday June 9, 2020 at 6:00 PM


Remote Zoom Call

Meeting ID: 862 3269 9522
Password: 9h@Z=B
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Committee Members Present

A. Berger (remote), A. Winchell-Stieffel (remote), C. Young (remote), G. Lazard (remote), J. Carreno (remote), L. Scott Porter (remote), S. Retzlaff (remote), S. Thomas (remote), S. Wilson (remote)

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

M. Roney (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. Retzlaff called a meeting of the Academic Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Tuesday Jun 9, 2020 at 6:11 PM.


Approve May 12, 2020 minutes

S. Thomas made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Academic Committee Meeting on 05-12-20.
L. Scott Porter seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Programs Report


Academic Programs Reporting - COVID-19 updates

  • Finished the year strong with distance learning. We had more participation once progress reports went out.
  • Students were able to take their final exams. This required creativity from the staff to complete exams.  Students who failed for the year were already in danger of failing.
  • Strong Start committees met for 8 hours to complete draft of various plans. The application was submitted May 29th.
  • Committees: Core Academics, Workforce Talent, LEA, and Students with Diverse Needs
  • Waiting to see if we get awarded additional funds from the state based on our application.

III. School Culture


Cultural Elements of the School - COVID-19 updates

  • Good closeout for graduation!
  • Community was happy about having graduation!
  • Working now on planning for next year.
  • Time has been spent planning. Safety is our goal.

IV. SPS Improvement


SPS Improvement

  • Regardless of not having an SPS, our teachers put time and effort into ensuring our students participated in classes. 
  • We have been working many hours planning for the next school year. We will ensure our students receive a quality education regardless of the learning model.

V. Academic Dashboard


Academic Dashboard

S. Thomas made a motion to adopt the updated dashboard as presented tonight.
L. Scott Porter seconded the motion.
The information is updated when the data is available. Some things may fluctuate on a monthly basis, such as enrollment. Some items may be updated quarterly, such as interim assessments, while other information may be updated yearly, such as the end of year assessment data.
The information comes from various sources within the school where the data lives. 
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Cares Act Funding


Funds received from Cares Act

  • We wanted to ensure we reach all students and that all students have the tools they need to be successful in any learning environment. We had some work to do to be successful at this. Such as, our math program has been changed to Illustrative Math, which will be better for a blended learning environment. 
  • For our students with diverse needs, funds have been budgeted for assistive technology and other online programs.
  • We are going to a 1:1 student device ratio and need to ensure all of our students have access to a device and internet connection.
  • We are adopting a new learning management system. This will help students have one place for all classes. We will make a decision by the end of the current week. 
  • We have a significant amount of PD that our teachers will be involved in so that we can provide adequate coaching for the next school year.
  • We will be paying teachers to get trained on the student information system and the learning management system to help train others during the beginning of year PD.
  • To ensure everyone is effective at distance learning, we ensured that the CARES Act funds went towards Curriculum, PD, Adaptive Technology, Student Devices, and Internet connectivity.
  • The Dept of Ed didn't give much guidance on how to spend the funds.
  • The programs chosen, such as Study Island, English Central, are programs we have been using and are very familiar with.
  • Concern: 14K is budgeted towards Teacher PD compared to 5K for students 
    • PD is needed to ensure our teachers are successful working in blended learning enviornment.
  • Programs and Bilingual Support: LMS will allow us to upload documents and videos in other languages.  

VII. Charter


Are Modifications Needed due to Current Circumstances?

We will have an on-campus component and a virtual learning academy to draw more students outside of the metro area to IHSNO. Students will have an option for choosing which model works better for them. Students in the total virtual academy will receive all of their learning while in a virtual environment. The blended learning model will help with going between virtual and on-campus.

This is a board decision. We will need to revise the charter to add this. The state hasn't given any guidelines yet regarding charter modifications. This will be added to next year's agenda.

VIII. Other Business


Other Business

Set August meeting: Tentatively, August 4th
Will be set at a later date.
Set August meeting: Tentatively, August 4th
Will be set at a later date.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:08 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Berger