Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 15, 2020 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet St., Community Room, New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

G. Lazard, J. Lampton, K. Katner, M. Roney, S. Cunningham, S. Retzlaff

Directors Absent

A. Tufail, P. Manson, S. Thomas

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson

Guests Present

A. Berger, A. Williams, D. Deno, K. Vo, Karen Dwyer, M. Stewart, Rufus McGhee

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Roney called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Jan 15, 2020 at 6:02 PM.


Approve Minutes - November 2019 VIBE Board Meeting

S. Retzlaff made a motion to approve the minutes from VIBE Board Meeting on 11-20-19.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Chair Report

Karen Dwyer is a former and prospective board member. She is in attendance.
Amer and Mariska met with another potential candidate with extensive facilities experience.
2 Board members are rolling off. Everyone needs to send recommendations.
February board meeting is scheduled for the day of Nyx. Would like to discuss moving the meeting. On the table is Tuesday, Feb 18th.

M. Roney made a motion to Suspend the rules.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
M. Roney made a motion to Change the February meeting to February 18.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.

S. Retzlaff to move cancel the february meeting. 
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Cunningham
A. Tufail
S. Retzlaff
S. Thomas
J. Lampton
M. Roney
G. Lazard
K. Katner
P. Manson


Head of School Report

The collaborative will train Faculty and Staff in areas of title I which is harassment, non-wanted communication/action between employees and students. So that everyone is aware of what can occur in the workspace. Adams and Reese is conducting workshop. Individuals schools are not engaging A&R, GNOCCS is scheduling this, to help fray cost. A&R will be conducting HR training. New FSLA laws in terms of who can and can not be exempt employees. Trainings on contracts/management of contracts. Will be one standard contract for all of the schools to use. Such as Transportation. Contracts are only as good as those who enforce them. 86% of school bus services are meeting the criteria for bus contracts. Our buses have gone through inspection and have met all the criteria. Will be putting out to bid to see what else is out there.

Teacher Fair, March 7 at Hynes Charter School in Lakeview. 300-500 participants. IHSNO will be present to begin filling seats for next year.

Intent to return letters have gone out yesterday. Employees have to decide if they would like to stay or have conversations prior to the decision.

Advocacy. 30% turnover in the state's legislature. Through advocacy, some in New Orleans still do not understand what charter schools are. ACTn91 will impact charter schools and autonomy. If Act 91 is opened, it could impact charter autonomy. Lots of work needs to be done to ensure to maintain charter autonomy. Ex: the desire for schools to have individual calendars. According to act 91, the school board can not force schools to have the same calendar. If the calendar is forced, then that opens us up for other things to be forced upon us.

USDOE is visiting IHSNO tomorrow. They are making rounds to recipients of the school climate transformation grant. This was short notice. Stacy C. may be able to attend. They will attend from 12:30-1:45pm. K. Katner will attend. Stacie R. will not attend. 

CKH overview. Academics has decided to chunk the model into smaller bites to assist with implemetation. School climate grant will cover additional training in CKH, data gathering, project managing, a social worker, teaching 9th graders on becoming leaders of the school (2020-21 school year). Many components that school climate transformation grant pays for.

II. Academic


Academic Report

November meeting - riding high with an increase in SPS. S. Retzlaff was not in for the December meeting, but the two committee members held a successful meeting. They looked at dashboard to simplify it for the board meetings. Discussion on SPS funds was deferred to the next meeting. No January meeting held. 

The aim is to have a condensed dashboard, see the data, and make more informed decisions.

III. Finance


Report of Finance Committee

Amer could not make it.
Meeting was moved to Wednesday from Monday due to the LSU game. 
Did not have a quorum. Only Stacie R. was in attendance, 
Revised budget due to change in MFP has been incorporated into the financial reports. 
No substantial variances.
Still over minimum requirement of reserved.
Need to vote on November and December Financials


Vote to adopt November 2019 Financial Statements

S. Retzlaff made a motion to Vote to adopt November 2019 Financial Statements.
S. Cunningham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to adopt December 2019 Financial Statements

S. Retzlaff made a motion to Vote to adopt December 2019 Financial Statements.
S. Cunningham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Facility


Report of Facilities Committee

Facilities did not meet last month. Will meet next month.
Will discuss how OPSB will handle facilities.
Need to discuss Facilities' strategic plan
will begin fixing room after testing this Spring. Replacing the roof.
No pending requests at the close of December.
Tickets are being taken care of. 
Lots of work to do.
Room 208 pipework.
Roof bid in the Community room on February 23rd. 
Work should be completed by first day of school.

At last facilities meeting, it was discussed that renovation discussion will be back on the table. 

V. Governance


Report of Governance Committee

No meeting. 
Next meeting February 4th


Vote to adopt suicide prevention policy

All schools must ensure that IDs of students include suicide hotlines numbers. 
IHSNO will print information on the back of student IDs at the begininning of 2020-21 school year. 
Front has picture, name, grade level
Back has suicide phone numbers. 
The policy states that there is mandatory two-hour training. But the vote does not include the information. 

IHSNO does participate in suicide prevention course.

S. Wilson will make the addition to the procedure component indicate when staff will be trained.

This policy was provided by GNOCCS in their outline of policies/procedures.

The training for faculty/staff will take place during the beginning of the year staff development and will be documented with sign-in sheets and will be uploaded in employee files.

K. Katner suggests that policies not have too much detail as you are giving yourself greater liability to follow the policy. Add the minimum that is required. For instance, the two hours of training are required, but not when the training occurs. 

Training must occur by the end of the calendar year.

The policy should not say that the training will occur at the beginning of the year, but that the training will occur. Some staff may be hired after the beginning of the school year.

K.Katner suggests passing policy by A&R as they know school law. 

The procedure should address both parts of the policy, student IDs and staff training.

S. Wilson will pass by attorney.

Vote will be deferred.

VI. Development


Report of Development Committee

Did not have the regular Monday meeting.
Remember GALA sponsorships. Begin selling GALA tickets.
Stacey C.'s brother is opening Stumpy's near Dave and Busters and have agreed to sponsor GALA.
Silent auctions: 2 weeks of classes from improv company, The Orpheum is donating
At $5000 in sponsorship money.

Discount tickets will be offered to parents and alum to get more guests to celebrate 10 years.

K.Katner is requesting a donation form that includes what can be donated (items, tickets, table) and a reminder for pledges.

Class baskets - maybe with class colors. Based on themes. Parents will try to buy their class baskets.

Wednesdays at the Square- Dates are out. Do members want to sponsor a booth (alcohol. tickets, surveys) Free marketing. Can wear IHSNO gear. Would be good for marketing.

School store - members can order a great variety of IHSNO gear

VII. CEO Support And Eval


Report of HOS Evaluation Committee

S. Wilson and M. Roney will work on evaluation.

VIII. Public Comment


Request for Public Comment

Will be onboarding Chief of Staff/ Grant manager tomorrow (Jan 16)
She will be here tomorrow for DOE visit
She worked at ISL. S. Wilson has known her for 16 years. 
Ann Winchell-Steifel

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Roney made a motion to to adjourn.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Berger