Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday June 19, 2019 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet St., Community Room, New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Kock, A. Tufail, D. Batiste, G. Lazard, J. Lampton, K. Katner, M. Roney, S. Cunningham, S. Retzlaff, S. Thomas

Directors Absent

B. Schilling, R. Keller

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson

Guests Present

A. Berger, D. Deno, K. Vo, M. Stewart, M. Stramel

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Roney called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Jun 19, 2019 at 6:03 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. Retzlaff: IB Trainers, may bring to train teachers (strike English, leave teachers; change will to may)
A. Tufail: Finance paragraph B repeated, did not have two months of financials (strike 3 lines/2nd vote)
D. Batiste made a motion to approve minutes from the VIBE Board Meeting on 05-15-19 with above changes VIBE Board Meeting on 05-15-19.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Chair Report

M. Roney: Thanked board, faculty and staff for service to school this year.

Three board resignations 19-20: B. Schilling, R. Keller, A. Kock
Potential board member candidate Percy Manson present as a guest, has satisfied one meeting requirement. Brings financial experience.

EOY Board gathering next Saturday 6/29/19 6pm at Kevin's house. He or MR will send directions and information. Administration is invited.

8/17 Board Retreat Saturday, all day engagement, 9am-4pm

8/21 Board meeting in August


Vote to adopt meeting schedule and officers/committees for FY 2019-2020

Board meetings 2019-2020 will take place on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except December).
M. Roney made a motion to Adopt 2019-2020 VIBE board meeting calendar with change mentioned above and with the addition of Saturday, August 17, 2019 (board retreat).
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
M. Roney made a motion to have the 18-19 officer positions for Chair, Vice Chair, and Treasurer carry to 19-20.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
M. Roney made a motion to nominate S. Retzlaff to the Secretary position 19-20.
A. Tufail seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
M. Roney made a motion to adopt the presented makeup of committees in globo for 19-20, with as A. Tufail as Treasurer of executive committee, not secretary.
S. Cunningham seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
M. Roney made a motion to appoint in globo A. Tufail as Chair of the Finance Committee, S. Retzlaff as Chair of the Academic Committee, J. Lampton as Chair of the Governance Committee, K. Katner as Chair of the Facilities Committee, S. Cunningham as Chair of the Development Committee, M. Roney as Chair of the Head of School Evaluation Committee, and M. Roney as Chair of the Executive Committee.
D. Batiste seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Head of School Report

S. Wilson provided an abbreviated report. The full EOY report to the board will be provided next week (including information on academics, professional development, and the operational state of IHSNO). 

IHSNO was a 2018-2019 grant awardee by the Tulane Small Center for an architectural visioning and design of an updated building and campus. Copies of the rendering were shared. It would be a renovation and revitalization project of the 727 Carondelet St. campus. SW said he was proud of students, faculty and staff for participation in the visioning process.

SW expressed gratitude to the board for their time, service, talents, and other contributions.

II. Academic


Academic Report

S. Retzlaff summarized outcomes of the final Academic Committee meeting on 6/13/19. It was the final meeting of the year, quorum was held, the academic dashboard was reviewed. Test scores are down, academics are working hard to bring entering students up to 9th grade level. A final draft of the revised charter was presented by S. Wilson, sent out by M. Roney. It is up to date with current mission, vision, what school is doing.

S. Wilson: Must be presented to charter school office with time to answer questions. They will determine whether changes are substantive or not. If not, there will be a desk review and approval will be made by the person or team reviewing document; if substantive changes are determined, the charter school office will make recommendation to the BESE board to adopt or deny the requested changes. Goal: short desk review, or recommendation to BESE to approve revisions to charter.

SR: Academics committee believes it is ready to be sent on for review. Crucial to get it submitted early. 

SW: With changes, students looking for language learning and IB program will elect seats at IHSNO, still open enrollment.

AT: How would amended charter change OneApp process?
SW: Charter currently states language immersion (not offered at IHSNO) and international curriculum (not codified). Revision speaks to two aspects of program (above) that are more specific to the curriculum and language learning opportunities that IHSNO offers. Would require students to take 4 years of language (can't enforce right now, state only requires 2 years).

AT Requested clarification on the OneApp process
SW: Language learning and IB program would be specified in the new charter. For OPSB/OneApp NOLA, we would be classified as a "unique learning environment", e.g. NOMMA is a unique learning environment requiring of every student a military uniform and haircuts specific to their charter and the military. Families must agree to those requirements by signing a unique learning environment form upon enrollment. 
SR: With amended charter, VIBE can present an argument to OPSB/charter school office (no ratification) to make OneApp change.
SW: BESE Board representation would be critical if approval is needed, then to OneApp office. 

AT: Does this create an additional screening requirement in OneApp process?
SW: The process would change by students coming to campus and signing unique learning environment form. Would not impact 19-20 school year, but for 20-21 school year, all students would have to go through above process.
ST: Transfer students would also have to meet that requirement? Will that limit transfer students?
SW: Yes, students will have to sign the unique learning environment form upon enrollment as transfer students and participate in offered programs. For example, transfer student coming in with 2 years language, would have to take additional years.
ST: Does IHSNO have curriculum for 4 year language? 
SW: Already in place.
SB: All new incoming students will sign form, even if assigned to school?
SW: Yes, NOMMA students can be assigned - though it is open enrollment, all students must still must sign/participate. 
ST: What is participation in IB program? Specific to number of courses?
SW: No, because some students need access to career pathways.
SR: Maintain one class minimum.
A. Berger: All students take at least one ELA IB course, additional 2 years of language will be IB.
SR: Very specific requirements aligned with strategic plan. That's why Academic Committee wants to incorporate changes into charter.
SB: Will other updates to charter (dates, org charts, etc.) be made?
SW: Those items don't impact the goal of OneApp changes.
SR: The goal was to get updates to academics first.
MR: Governance did not have time to complete revisions. Can submit academic piece with updates now. 


Vote to adopt Academic Revisions to IHSNO Charter

S. Retzlaff made a motion to accept academic portions of charter amendments as presented.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Schilling
S. Thomas
A. Tufail
J. Lampton
R. Keller
G. Lazard
S. Retzlaff
K. Katner
M. Roney
D. Batiste
A. Kock
S. Cunningham
AT: hopeful that other challenges discussed will be addressed 
MR: First year with Tier I curriculum - research indicates it will take 3 years for results to become apparent
SR: Culture program Capturing Kids Hearts
AT: 3 years or 1 year result?
SW: New curriculum requires teacher training, Math and English difficult trend, data does not show initial assessment, students have shown improvements even over the first year of new curriculum, 70% of English I students now passing (compared to entry scores). Data shows that there have already been positive improvements. Not demonstrated in LEAP results. Greater impact demonstrated in 2 years, greater in 3 years.
AT: Should be able to see turn around in a year?
SW: How do you measure turn around?
AT: Measured by composite score?
D. Batiste: They are different students. Can't compare year by year, but measure student improvement over time.
AT: Operating at a budget deficit with justification to invest in student performance. What are goal posts/objectives to measure improvement?
S. Thomas: Academic committee concern about invested funds (instructional coaches, etc.) not being used for that purpose or not showing results.
SR: Remediation specialists have not been hired. New direction with ACT Prep teacher.
MR: Agree need benchmarks, ways to measure student performance
AT: What are broad strategies if don't meet goals in next year? Deliberate rather then reactionary strategy going forward.
MR: First meeting 19-20 Academic committee should address this - what is academic plan, contingency plan, make full board aware
DB: EOC what assessments are done before that? NWEA map helps guide assessment following instruction, with interim reports quarterly, bring those interim reports to the board rather than wait until end of year to share results.
SB: Goalposts do shift based on what students come to school throughout the year. Need info from beginning of year about where we are starting. Info not available in report about where SY started. 
MR: Entry test, board has not been examining right data to make decisions. Consultancy Fournier HOS committee work with Academic committee to define goals.

III. Finance


Report of Finance Committee

A. Tufail provided a review of the 19-20 Budget and May Financial Report. Will end FY18-19 at deficit as planned. Indicators are thresholds. Recommendation from FN committee to adopt 19-20 budget. 

S. Thomas: Deficit number?
D. Deno: $148K now, no payroll expenses in 2nd half of June, $60-80k loss at end of fiscal year.
ST: Last year?
M. Roney: $45k last year
DD: Unexpected payment from Orleans Parish last year of $100k
MR: Expect EOY in line with projected deficit $60-80k
ST: How does that effect the school?
S. Retzlaff: Big reserve
AT: Can't continue to spend from reserve at that rate; dip into reserve when investing in future/improving value; level of spending can't be sustained

ST: Need Finance people at Academic committee meetings and vice a versa to stay abreast of committee activities
AT: FN committee has approved budget, needs administration to justify to other committees that results will be achieved. 
SR: August meeting bigger goals related to finances for coming year


Vote to adopt May 2019 financial statements

A. Tufail made a motion to approve May 2019 Financial documents.
M. Roney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Vote to adopt FY 2019-2020 budget

S. Cunningham: Item 1990 Revenue/Income misc., difference for next year?
A. Tufail: Fund balance
SC: Repairs maintenance $35k, same as last year, is that enough?
M. Stewart: On track to maintain.
M. Roney made a motion to approve budget for 19-20.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
AT will be a finance committee of one with AK departure. Invited participation.

IV. CEO Support And Eval


Report of HOS Evaluation Committee

M. Roney: May of each year the board conducts a CEO performance evaluation, was already provided in 2019. Board has engaged a consultant to provide additional feedback. Meeting Monday 6/17 to discuss scope of work with Consultant. Three meetings total to establish goals of evaluation and measure of success. MR strongly encouraged all board members to attend. 

HOS evaluation will address strategic plan, HOS goals, contract, board survey, charter (to define goals and measurements) 

V. Governance


Report of Governance Committee

M. Roney: Board evaluation survey distributed via BOT, please complete. Will address results at Retreat since not available for this meeting. 

VI. Facility


Report of Facilities Committee

M. Stewart: 13 Facilities requests in May 2019, 54 May 2018 (one open ticket remaining, ac unit to be replaced July 1).
Summer projects include painting, exterior lighting, bids for auditorium painting, signage/branding throughout school, logo mats

K. Katner: HOS Evaluation Consultant asked about competitive schools -- IHSNO in a catch 22 of rigorous program without getting prepared students. Previous vote to stay in building. Radical change could be to move out of Orleans Parish, could take students from Orleans in JP.
S. Retzlaff: Charter states location in Orleans Parish?
KK: Could change charter. Need to get students who are ready for curriculum. Or start a K-8 elsewhere, bring those students here. 
SR: Previous vote? To expand campus?
M. Roney: Next year ad hoc committee to look at OneApp situation by banding with other type 2 charters, trying to influence algorithm, or leave it all together.
A. Tufail: IHSNO not in Orleans Parish master plan.
S. Wilson: OPSB committee to create master facility plan, all types should be invited, all charters putting pressure on for that.
AT: Conversations with OPSB about OneApp?
SW: BESE determines algorithm, not OPSB.
D. Batiste: OneApp authorized by State for Type II, little leverage to influence OneApp within Orleans Parish. 
MR: Best we can do under this system. To stay in system is another question.

VII. Development


Development Report

Nothing to report. No committee meeting in June. AW on leave.

VIII. Public Comment


Request for Public Comment

No public comment.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Batiste made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Thomas seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Stramel