Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet St., Community Room, New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Tufail, D. Batiste, G. Lazard, J. Lampton, K. Katner, M. Roney, S. Cunningham, S. Retzlaff

Directors Absent

A. Kock, B. Schilling, R. Keller, S. Thomas

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Wilson

Non Voting Members Present

S. Wilson

Guests Present

A. Berger, Charles Young, D. Deno, Jenny Carreno, Khang Vo, M. Stewart

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Roney called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday May 15, 2019 at 6:03 PM.


Approve March 20, 2019 Minutes

S. Retzlaff made a motion to approve minutes from the VIBE Board Meeting on 03-20-19 VIBE Board Meeting on 03-20-19.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve April 17, 2019 minutes

S. Retzlaff made a motion to approve minutes from the VIBE Board Meeting on 04-17-19 VIBE Board Meeting on 04-17-19.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Schilling
K. Katner
S. Cunningham
S. Retzlaff
R. Keller
S. Thomas
G. Lazard
M. Roney
D. Batiste
A. Tufail
J. Lampton
A. Kock

II. Chair Report


Chair Report

Stasi Bernard has relocated to Baton Rouge and has resigned from the board.
Call for nominations for board members.
DB suggested Andrew Ward who is interested in coming back. 
Discussion is being had in governance regarding returning board members and whether it is a good idea.
SC talked to some and shared the link to the website.
JG-L has someone in mind who has also expressed interest. Branch manager at Gulf Coast with 20+ years of finance experience.
A reminder of the process--send email to MR  with resume expressing interest, interview with MR and SW, a tour of the school, interview by governance.
JG-L will give out MR's email address.
Any interest in joining the Charter Board Leadership Academy.  The next session with begin in fall. Takes a bit of commitment. MR would like representation from VIBE
Next month is the annual meeting. Will have committee votes. Secretary position will be open as Blair is exiting. Anyone interested in changing seats, let MR know.
Teacher's Appreciation Luncheon last week - Thanks to ST for reaching out to her contact at Five Happiness.
​​​​​​Next week is graduation. We need board presence.
SW will talk about student achievements.

III. Head of School Report


Head of School Report

  • A. Love is making a decision here on campus on Thursday. Starts at 10am tomorrow. USDOE wants to attend graduation to film the story and interview her. Positive news for IHSNO.
  • We have 6 students who are million dollar scholarship winners. Val and Sal will be named tomorrow at Bacc Ceremony at 6pm tomorrow. We have 35 honor grads with 3.5 + gpa cumulative. 
  • Thank you for Teacher's Appreciation Luncheon last week.
  • End of Year staff celebration. Thursday next week. Rock & Bowl 2:00pm. Please join.
  • State testing went well. No system failures. Met with new network management team. Bidding process every three years. What comes with ERate this time is an increase in Bandwidth and increase response time.
  • EOY leadership retreat will be at ULL. Opportunity to get together to close out this year. Focus on the use of data and reporting. Cataloging progress towards goals.
  • One App - students assigned to us range from 1st pick to 8th pick.
  • We welcome Baby Demi to IHSNO - Congratulations Ms. Williams.

IV. Academics


Report of Academic Committee

  • No planned meeting. But met at the request of finance. No items on agenda. Only discussed finances. 
  • Initiating Capturing Kids Hearts.
  • Learned about items that are underfunded and others that are funded.
  • Underfunded for SPS plan as we need to hire ACT teacher and 2 remediationists.
  • IB program funded--we will bring trainer to IHSNO to train all English teachers rather than sending them to training.
  • Science department-IB said we need a science lab. IHSNO is partnering with STEM Lab Library. Has supplies that staff can borrow as needed and use in classrooms. Generally funded.
  • Math department - Can use about 40K for calculators, laptops, general equipment
  • World Language Department - Could use a language lab. Use different programs to supplement.
  • Arts department--always underfunded. But use creativity to make it work. 
  • Recruitment - Analyzing processes to see if it is working. Will probably see some changes.
  • AT believes that SR's review was thorough and helpful.
  • SR wants to have this type of meetings next year
  • The budget has not been changed since the report was written.
  • Other committees should follow Academics Committee Meetings lead.

V. Facilities


Report of Facilities Committee

  • No quorum during meeting.
  • April - 32 tickets, down 20% on paper. Spiceworks was down for two weeks. 65% drop in tickets.
  • Due to spice works, tickets shown closed in 7 days.
  • Inventory, cleaning basement.
  • Summer projects: auditorium, trees, signage
  • Master Facilities plan that OPSB has for all of their buildings.
  • For 2017 assessment, facility preservation plan. May not be what is envisioned for the building. No RFP/RFQ was given.
  • There will be some change over in OPSB which may lead to the contradictory statements of facilities repairs. There may be minor repairs but not complete makeovers. 
  • Representatives will be in the building tomorrow (5/16). We would like to know what work was done in the school post-Katrina as there was still water in the basement upon IHSNO's take over of the LERabouin building.
  • We may need to look for another space. We love the location but the building is not conducive to students. 
  • We will need to move to a temporary location while the building is being renovated. 
  • There were project worksheets completed for this building post-Katrina but no evidence of work completed. 
  • Representative will have paperwork that enumerates what work was completed post-Katrina.
  • We initally looked into hiring our own consultant to complete an assessment on the building but then OPSB put out RFP. We could use OPSB's consultants to assess the building. However, they will not complete assessments on all of their buildings, therefore we need to assess building using our own consultant.

VI. Finance


Report of Finance Committee

  • No quorum.
  • Use of Academic Committee information.
  • The admin is trying to make bold changes in student outcomes. The academic committee was tasked with looking at how the budget is impacted by the bold moves. We had a healthy fund balance. But dipping into the fund balance to support academic goals, the fund balance will decrease. We can not operate at a deficit for long. Both stakes and expectations are very high. The vote for the budget will occur during the June meeting. 
  • KK says we may need to make the decision to move to a different parish as the One App is causing big problems. 
  • DB says we should speak up about the problem that is occurring with One App and get others to join us rather than running.
  • We would need the help of LAPCS. This needs to be addressed in another committee. 
  • MR asks AT to highlight a zero budget operating at a deficit. We will end the year with less money in the bank. Board has asked admin to refocus to change the SPS. But this can not be the new budget as it is not sustainable.


Vote to approve April 2019 financial statements

A. Tufail made a motion to to approve April 2019 financial statements.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Tufail made a motion to to approve April 2019 financial statements.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Governance


Report of Governance Committee

no quorum.
Discussed what will happen at the annual meeting with board evals.
Rob will be circulating assessment tool and setting a date for completion.
Discussion around vote with respect to consultant of HOS evaluation process. Will help with eval process but also give a rubric around more effectively fulfilling governace role as a board.

VIII. Head of School Evaluation Committee


Report of HOS Evaluation Committee

  • Committee met two times.
  • Used document and SW's employment contract.
  • Some items there was no information on.
  • Places that could be measured but are not.
  • There should be a way to measure progress towards goals. Effective boards have dashboards that are in line with org's goals that are monitored on a monthly basis and guides board meeting discussions.
  • MR and GL met with Nancy Fournier of Fournier Consultants to help with HOS evaluation
  • Proposes phased approached implemented in August to help operationalize strategic plan as plan has not been given the attention it needs over the course of the year.
  • How to measure goals, use board on track, create a process to ensure board is looking at the corrective items.
  • Fee would be covered by what is currently in the budget. 
  • Get to more strategic mode than report out mode.


Vote to engage consultant (Nancy Fournier) for HOS evaluation process

M. Roney made a motion to Recommendation to engage Nancy Fournier of Fournier Consultants to help with HOS evaluation process.
G. Lazard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Development


Report of Development Committee

Nothing to report. Gala results were reported during last meeting.
We did not do too well on Give NOLA day. We were $2500 shy of goal.
Uptick in grants awarded.  Admin is hopeful that we will see more grants coming in.

X. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Berger