Voices for International Business and Education


VIBE Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday October 22, 2018 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet St. New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Committee Members Present

A. Kock, B. Schilling, S. Cunningham

Committee Members Absent

J. Lampton

Guests Present

A. Williams, L. Lopez, S. Wilson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

B. Schilling called a meeting of the Development Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Monday Oct 22, 2018 at 6:12 PM.


Approve Minutes

The minutes are not attached to the packet so we will defer the vote until the next meeting. 

II. Development


Discuss Marketing/Development goals and strategies

The development committee was created to have a board arm to better understand and help the development and fundraising needs of the organization. The committee would be the venue to combine board efforts with the staff's efforts in moving IHSNO in a sustainable direction. 
There was an idea to get other stakeholders outside of the board membership (community members) to participate in the committee as non-voting members just active helping guide the committee - "Friends of IHSNO" 

BS: it will help us involve community members if we are more organized/structured. 
SC: Asked who are the community members that we would like to involve? Is there a specific skill set that we are looking for?
SB: Explained that the skillset includes Marketing, fundraising,  and connections in the community connections. 
SC: Asked who are the consumers of our marketing and advertisement? 
AW: Businesses with both donations, in-kind donations, annual fund and internships. Annual fund kick-off involving businesses in the surrounding areas. 

 BS: How will the administration reach out to the businesses in the vicinity? 
AW: Meet one-on-one connection building around the area.  
SC: Board members would be the connection with the broader community to create the environment for the ask from the administration 
BS: Spreadsheet of contacts for board members along with connections, introductions 
BS: We need to work harder on connecting with businesses in the community. Raise awareness - 
SC: Social media follows - following the businesses around. 
BS: What are the deliverables that board members can provide to administration to support? 
AW: A list of contacts with ideas of what each contact can support with so the administration knows how to connect with them. The list from the DDD will be shared with all board members to see if they know any of those contacts to approach from that vein. 
SC: asked that it will be easier to make a connection with a community member with some tools - school profile, marketing materials, elevator pitch, annual events list and the specific events (problems we are trying to solve for) that the donation will support.  

BS: Asked for a calendar of events that can be circulated to board members. 

Areas of focus for the committee: 
  • BUSINESS CONTACTS:  Administration will share a list of the DDD businesses to see who do they know from that list. 
  • MARKETING/PR/SOCIAL MEDIA:  We have a schedule when advertisement will go out in the community. We need help with reviews on our social media platforms.  
    • It will help to reshare events and quotes from IHSNO to increase presence in social media
    • Ticket sales, sponsorships, connections, 
    • We are still looking for a space for the gala and decide on the date 
    • BS will ask the board at large if they have any connection with anyone to get a venue for the gala. 
  • GRANTS: The committee wants to know where the grants fall and their status, but it is more of an administrative function. There are local foundations that the board can help with connections. The administration will reach out to the committee when the grants are identified for support from the board. 
MR - Will follow up with Denise regarding the update on board member pledges  
AW  - will share the DDD list with Blair to share with the rest of the board 
MR - Wednesdays at the square in the spring is constantly looking for volunteers, this would be an easy way to increase awareness in the community.  
BS: will bring to the full board the reminder for the pledges and annoucne that the DDD list is forthcoming so to take 5-10 minutes to take a look and determine if they know anyone from the list that we can connect with. 

Next meeting will be following the finance committee for the rest of the school year. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

B. Schilling made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
A. Kock seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Lopez