Voices for International Business and Education


Academic Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet St. New Orleans, LA 70130
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Committee Members Present

C. Allen, J. Carter, L. Lopez, R. McGee, S. Retzlaff, S. Thomas (remote), S. Wilson

Committee Members Absent

A. Berger

Guests Present

D. Batiste, Jenny Carreno

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Carter called a meeting of the Academic Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Tuesday Nov 14, 2017 at 6:00 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. Retzlaff made a motion to approve minutes from the Academic Committee Meeting on 10-10-17 Academic Committee Meeting on 10-10-17.
J. Carter seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic


Progress on the Steategic Plan

At the last meeting, we stated that the committee will change goal 2 and 3 

SR suggested that we vote for goal 3 and add it to the agenda. We still have culture pending that we have not addressed. 

SR made a motion to add to today's agenda Goal 2 and 3 as well as school culture. 

SR made a motion to approve the motion that was carried last time. 

SR made a motion to add to the agenda the current's year SPS and our decrease in the grade. 

FR. Carter seconds the motion. 
1. Report on the Status of dashboard regarding Goal 1 of the academic Pillar
2. Discussion of Goal 2 of the Academic Pillar: 
The objective on Goal 2, #6  has to change because not all students are enrolled in the IBDP. 
    "60% of students will be enrolled in the IBDP with %100 ..."
    - Course option students are taking a number of IB courses, but they are not testing to get the diploma. 
    - The goal should read "60% of 11th and 12th graders are enrolled in one or more IB courses." 
    - 20% of our students are currently enrolled in the IBDP - outcome 

1. Annually 100% of faculty & staff receive continuous development in IB 
2. IB requires that every three years staff is trained 
3. All 11th and 12th DP teachers are currently trained or registered for training in January. - Change wording to DP teachers instead of just "all teachers).
    Is this a change that has to go to the board or is an editorial change? Carol says the change will go to the board in Jan 2018
4. annually 9th and 10th grade are educated about the expectations and rigor of the DP progrAM- NO CHANGE NEEDED
5. analyze remediation and enrichment programs to ensure all student are achieving goals--No change needed
6. annually all 11th and 12th grade students are enrolled in one or more IB course - change is needed to say 60% of all 11th and 12th grade students are enrolled.l..   
Goal 1. Dashboard on Languages: 
  • AB explained that at the beginning of the school year, all students took a diagnostic test to find where are they as they came through our doors. 
  • We expect students to score low since they don't always have previous foreign language knowledge. We expect growth as the year progresses with instruction. 
  • The information presented the diagnostics at the beginning of the school year. 
    • The colors depicted in the document speak to the grades the letter grade students scored in the diagnostics. 
    • The percentages as listed in the chart.
    • The dark blue line represents the total of students that took the test. 
    • Some languages showed more growth than others based on their previous exposure to the language. 
    • Students will take another diagnostic measure in December
    • SL = stands for Standard Level and HL = Higher level
    • ST asked about the failures represented in the levels II, JC explained that the assessment that students take are based on the projection that students are expected to learn in that following year. 
    • Fr. Carter asked to have that same report as we move forward for the future assessments 
    • Fr. Carter asked if staff/faculty can determine proficiency based on the external assessments. 
    • AB explained that this diagnostic is what does exactly that, assess proficiency over time. 
    • Fr. Carter is asking that the dashboard closely reflects the goals and objectives of the strategic plan. 

Goal 2. 
  • Goal 3. Develop and implement a technology plan that provides appropriate technology to advance students' learning in all program areas. 
    • Objectives: 
      • 1. Done. Annually we ensure that all teachers have the technology support they need
      • 2. Done. Annually 
        • Fr. Carter asked if we have a plan in place for school to continue remotely
      • 3. Done. In November last year, we had and upgrade of the network, routers, wireless access points, servers, etc. 
      • 4. Done. All classrooms have wireless internet. 
      • Outcome, we should add the word "annually" to the statement "Student efficiency, skill, and overall performance is increased as measured by state mandated testing and internal assessments by grade level cohort. 
      • Outputs: 
        • All outputs have been met. 
  • Suggestions to keep accomplished items on the plan were made. SR suggested to keep track of accomplished items, not necessarily as part of the plan to be accomplished. 
  • ST suggested to add the language lab in the strategic plan. 
  • SR suggested that such project sounds like a combination of academics with facilities. 
  • CA stated that this is how the strategic plan will stay as a living document with new ideas
  • SW added that Academics would like to add a STEAM lab as well as the language lab
  • Goal 1, bullet 2 "By 2019 IHSNO will have implemented and established a World Language Lab" 
  • Goal 2, Outcome 3 " By 2019 IHSNO will have implemented a STEAM Lab"  
    • ST moved a motion to add those two items to the strategic plan. SR seconded. Motion passes unanimously. 


New school grading system

  • SPS come out every year around this time 
  • IHSNO remains a C rated school. The letter grade didn't change from last year, yet the raw score declined by 3.6 points. The area of concern through the testing is our graduation cohort. The number of students that did not do well in Sciences, History, Biology, and English (6 classes) 
  • Our scores were lower last year than the year prior including ACT scores. 
  • If we were measured by the system the way it was last year, we would've shown an increase. 
  • Since the grading system changed, it does not longer allow for a curve and that impacted our raw grade. 
  • These results remind us to be strategic and purposeful in the way we recruit and retain teachers. 
  • In the last academic meeting, teachers expressed that they are looking to move our progress points. 
  • We are looking at 80% of our students passing their EOCs at 80% or above and Composite of ___ and 85% of the ____. These numbers would position us at 110% 
  • The results reflect the accountability to teachers and administrators. We had many distractors with the people that were in the building at the time.
  • DB asked what is the game plan for this year as a CEO. What are the supports that will be provided now for teachers to meet the benchmarks established?
  • SW stated that this year IHSNO has created a School Improvement Plan with measurable objectives and outcomes. 
  •  Among the changes that set us up for success is the administrative restructure of the organization such as having a principal with a strong curriculum base supported by two assistant principals. Teachers are being observed, and supported and given feedback. 
  • DB asked about what is the strategic plan for teachers to go by in instruction. 
  • SW explained that there is a curriculum being built 
  • ST asked what is happening as a standardized way to ensure that the scores are going up? 
    • AB explained that we are currently collecting data, activities, and plans that are going into a virtual folder. The "art of teaching" will build up the data that will be analyzed to determine what works and what doesn't. We have changes coming up in standards and we see that constantly moving, therefore having a "fixed binder" would not be very helpful. 
    • Looking at the SPS report, CA asked about the items listed on the chart. How do we wrap our hands around the things that we can do and start doing it better? 
    • SW explained that in the past, the school was behaving as a selective enrollment school. It was until the involvement of the centralized enrollment process that we became part of. Now, we can see a true reflection of the students that we are serving. 
  • DB asked about the support for the teachers provided by the school based on their experience, level of expertise, etc. 
  • AB explained that each teacher has been assigned to different support (mentor) groups to work together. Teachers are also reading books together to have a better understanding on how to use data, and other tools. Teachers were matched with different people to get the support they need. 
  • CA shared that hopefully the school teaches to the individual student and look at the growth, not just the grades. 
  • ST reminded us that we should focus on the students, yet data is what "people" look at when making a decision to apply her or not. 
  • DB suggested to pay attention to the students that are at the bottom of the grades and move them up and that will make the greater impact, 
School Culture 
Goal 1. 
Objective 1. By the 2015- 2016 school year, have a 3 year targeted marketing plan to recruit IHS-IB student candidates. Done. 
                2. By 2020, have a staffing population that is reflective of the student population. - Wording was updated 
                3. Update wording to "By June 2018 develop a staff retention plan. 
Outcome: By July 2020, IHS' student body is diverse - ongoing 
  •     Annually, 80% of retainable staff has been retained 
  • REMOVE - By Fall 2016, develop a benchmark selection process as measured by 80%... 
Goal 2. 
    1. Done 
    2. Done 
    3. Done - annually  
ADD - The creation of an Alumni Association. A motion to add this to Development fo their goals/objectives. 
  •     Edit the wording to: Annually ensure participation in a balanced extracurricular program inclusive of activities to include sports and clubs* 
  • Rewording the safe and healthy spaces for our students. 
  • Survey output stays, getting rid of all the percentages as "Students are surveyed regarding an environment of acceptance" 
  •     extracurricular + community service
  • Annually, IHS holds cultural events, assemblies as measured by the school calendar. 
  • attrition bullet stays as it is
Goal 3 
   1. By July 2015
Outcome G3 stays 
Output G3 stays 





Add Goal 3 to the Agenda


Add Goal 2, 3 and the School Culture Strategic Pillar


Add to the agenda conversation about current's IHSNO's SPS

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Next Meeting's agenda: 
  • Fr. Carter suggested that administration should share with the board how the goals and objectives are being met by administration meeting outcomes and outputs. 
  • Added Goal of STEAM and Language Labs. 
  • Fr. Carter would like the administration to edit the dashboard as amended. With the information that is codifiable. 
  • SW stated that the dashboard will reflect what is in the strategic plan and when the information is available form the state. 
  • SR will have the edits after the holidays. 
S. Retzlaff made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Thomas seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:21 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Lopez