Voices for International Business and Education


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 18, 2017 at 6:00 PM


727 Carondelet Street, New Orleans, LA
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Directors Present

A. Kock, A. Tufail, C. Allen, J. Carter, K. Katner, M. Roney, R. Keller, S. Retzlaff, S. Thomas, T. Ceballos-Meyers

Directors Absent

B. Schilling

Ex Officio Members Present

L. Lopez, S. Wilson

Non Voting Members Present

L. Lopez, S. Wilson

Guests Present

A. Berger, D. Deno, N. Reyes-Arias, R. McGee, T. McGregor

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

C. Allen called a meeting of the board of directors of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Wednesday Oct 18, 2017 at 6:02 PM.



MR read the mission and vision


Approve Minutes

C. Allen made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-20-17 Board Meeting on 09-20-17.
J. Carter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Chair and HoS Reports


Chair Report

CA welcomed Ms. Eleanor Simmons, PTO Chair, and parent appointee to the Board. 
CA recognized Ms. Robertson, the PTO secretary, as a member of the audience.

By the first week of November, the Executive committee will work on the Exceptional Staff Pillar of the Strategic Plan
  • Each committee chair will report to the board an update of work being done or any updates of each of their pillars by November
  • The pillar of exceptional Staff will be addressed by the executive committee. Results will be presented in January. 
  • CA mentioned the Lead issue with OPSB schools. She has emailed Dr. Katner at the University of New Orleans to find out further clarity on the issue. 
    • OPSB has pulled back in looking for a resolution to this issue but CA is wondering if we as a school should pursue independent action to take care of our building's water quality.  
    • Dr. Katner stated that it is unusual to see "No lead" in NOLA's water. She provided a range of amount that is usually found at in the city.
    • AT asked what raised the concerned about lead water?
    • KK is recommending to get our water tested for lead levels and make it clear for peace of mind of parents and the rest of the stakeholders. 
    • AT stated that we don't have any true data to take further action or further speculations.
    • SW stated that based on the news article, the administration will assess the course of action with the facilities team. 
    • ES suggested that as a parent, she wants to know the lead levels in our water and if it is even a question mark. Led poisoning or impact is not just for young children, but all ages. 
    • CA will pass the information to administration to follow up on this issue. 
MOCK MAJORAL ELECTION was a great hit. The news and media have contacted us to do the run-off as well. 


HoS Report

  • FASFA night is coming up and we have a great number of colleges, and other organizations supporting our students' next chapter. Everyone is invited.
  • Open House for prospective families next Thursday. 
  • New Camera System has been put in place outdoors to monitor what is happening around the building during and after school hours. 
  • There will be a parent night coming up organized by the Orleans Parish Education Network (OPEN) to provide parents with information that supports their students' education. 
  • We met with the DDD regarding the future of IHSNO in the downtown area. They are also excited for us to grow in the lower grades in the future. 
  • We are expecting a visit of LODE next week to see the great things that are going on. 
  • We have the French Heritage Celebration next month. 
  • We will be having a MOCK mayoral run-off in November. 

III. Committee Reports


Academic Committee

  • It is not an easy task to quantify the work and outcomes of the academic efforts at the school. 
  • The committee is currently working on a dashboard that would present the information that is more practical to decipher. 
  • The committee has spent time in looking into what language proficiency means for each of the languages. 
  • At the next meeting, the committee will tackle Goal 2 and 3. 
AT asked if there is any overlap between the state's definition of "proficiency", "mastery", etc. 
Fr. C explained that we are not there yet. The committee has worked on setting the goal to tackle, not the process to get there yet. 
SW explained that the state has assessments for some disciplines, but LA does not have assessments for languages that IHSNO offers. 
Ms. Simmons asked if parents get any information on whether and how many students are passing IB/AP courses. 
SW explained that the results become available in the month of May. Information is shared two times a year when that information is available. The academic committee receives and reviews that information. 


Development . Committee

The committee has not met this month. 


Facilities Committee

The committee met and discussed the latest findings regarding the building's lease. 
The committee is recommending to approve the funds to contract the services of Adams and Reese to help us with putting a lease together for us to approach OPSB regarding our building. 
K. Katner made a motion to Approve the funds and action to contract the services of Adams & Reese to create a lease for IHSNO.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Committee

  • MR invited our PTO chair to attend the Finance Committee 
  • A draft for the request for proposal of the PKIs was worked on by the committee. The committee will finalize this work at the next meeting. 
  • The committee is looking to work with the academic committee to check against and collaborate with the PKIs 
  • The committee is determining what are the right amount of months of cash to keep. The administration is working on that information. We currently have 2 months of cash. 
  • We are at a 3.2 liability/payables 
  • Everything looks healthy in the September financials. Nothing was identified by the committee as a cause for concern. 
  • In future meetings, we will show graphics and information of financials in the Board Meeting Packet. 
M. Roney made a motion to Accept the September financials.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Governance Committee

R. Keller made a motion to Accept Dr. Batiste as a board member.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
R. Keller made a motion to Accept the Board Member Agreement.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

  • Each board member introduced themselves to the PTO representative 
T. Ceballos-Meyers made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
S. Retzlaff seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Amer Tufail was nominated and selected as the Board member of the month embodying the IB Learner profile; Inquirers. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Lopez