Voices for International Business and Education


Governance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday April 4, 2017 at 6:00 PM

Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1

Committee Members Present

K. Katner, R. Keller, S. Wilson

Committee Members Absent

C. Allen, H. Blumenthal, S. Retzlaff, S. Thomas

Guests Present

L. Lopez

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

R. Keller called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Voices for International Business and Education to order on Tuesday Apr 4, 2017 at 6:10 PM.


Approve Minutes

Not enough quorum 

II. Governance Update


Compliance Rubric

  • R. Keller created a table to facilitate the compliance areas for the school to keep track 
  • The document was shared with all attendees. 
  • The document is broken up in areas of compliance and provides the space to assign responsible individuals or groups for each area. 
  • Performance compact establishes the areas that the State Department of Education conducts an assessment of compliance to policy. An area that is assessed is the time fashion in which information is presented. It is not only the compliance, but also the timeline compliance. 
    • This contact doesn't speak to the academic progress, but to the operations of the building. 
    • This document provides useful information to guide the operations of the school. 
    • This is an annual review 
    • The document is not very specific, rather broad 
    • This document is a good guide to plan moving the organization forward without having to wait until the annual review. 
    • 504 842 9226
    • B Schilling suggested to contact the State department to ask for a more specific checklist guiding compliance. She suggests both a call and an email. 
    • S. Wilson explained that in the pass, the state has come into the school and grade each section on "all or none" basis. 
    • S. Wilson will reach out to ask more specificity about each component. 
    • The check list/document guiding is an exhaustive task and R. Keller suggests that it is worth looking into legal support in completing this document. 
    • This item has been a priority for a while that R. Keller wants to address now. 
    • R. Keller suggests that a portion of this can be done by the board, not so much in detail but a section of the compliance compact. There are some links provided in the compact that provides  more guidance. 
    • B. Schilling suggest to check the links that are listed on the compact to seek clarity and specificity and then submit to an attorney for revision and finalization of the document and get a quote of the project to consider investing in professional help. 
    • R. Keller suggest that staff monitors some of these components 
    • R. Keller stated that each of the links provided will be looked into to gather more information. He will go through the compact and make a list of the most objective areas that can be presented in a sort of list and then circulate them with the board members for edits. 
    • B. Schilling suggested that each committees takes care of the sections addressed on the compact 
    • Dr. Thomas asked what is the goal of this compliance document. 
    • R. Keller explained that the board wants to be aware of what are the laws and regulations does the school need to comply with and make sure we are working on it before the state comes in to assess us. 
    • Dr. Thomas asked if this document is the same as the academic dashboard. S. Wilson explained that they are two different documents. The academic dashboard addresses the academic items for the school to grow academic achievement. 
  • R. Keller stated that this document is not expected to be completed by the end of the year, rather looked over during the summer. 


Other Business

  • There will be no more interviews for potential board members for the rest of the school year. 
  • This year H. Blumenthal is finishing his term 
  • K. Katner mentioned that K. Dwayer wants to come back to the board and she would fulfill the financial experience required by the board. 
  • S. Wilson explained that he is not sure about the rules of coming back to the board. 
  • The board needs more people with financial experience
  • It may be worth reviewing the different skills set at the board table currently and evaluate what are the current needs.
  • R. Keller stated that it is important to present on the front end of recruiting board members the time commitment necessary to fulfill their role at the board. 
  • R. Keller wouldn't want to limit potential board members based on their time availability that could bring a lot to the organization in other ways 
  • Dr. Thomas suggested to inquire more about potential board members' time availability to better understand the time constrains 
  • R. Keller stated that there are a lot of new board members and different commitments. He also suggested not to have passive board members, rather encourage each board member to take leadership in different committees and sub-committees
  • R. Keller wants to make sure that the participation of each board member in the committees are actually contributing, instead of just seating there with no contribution. He suggests to limit committee involvement of the board members. 
  • We currently just have one CPA person on the board 
  • Ann Kock has finance knowledge and she could be a great support for that area. 
  • K. Katner suggests that staff members are assigned to each of the committees to contribute. 
  • Some committees don't have a lot of voting going on and we should look at the way things are recommended and voted on from committees to the entire board. 
  • Dr. Thomas suggests that committees are looked into and determine how many members should each committee should have. 
  • B. Schilling suggest to find people that can support each committees even if they are not board members. 
Dr. Thomas is asking what else is left for the latest potential board member Ms. Kock. 
R. Keller stated that she only has to attend a full board meeting to be in fully compliance. 

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Lopez