Voices for International Business and Education

Academics Committee Meeting

VIBE Academics Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 8, 2022 at 6:00 PM CST


This meeting is held virtually: https://ihsnola-org.zoom.us/j/89869154704?pwd=Zjh1U1UxYmV1UzZtQW5FR1FkK2tzZz09

Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1


I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order

(IF VITUAL): Senate bill No 466 passed in 2020 to authorize public bodies to conduct certain meetings electronically during certain states of emergency or disaster. Per RS 42:17.1 (2) (c): Matters that are critical to the continuation of the business of the public body and that are not able to be postponed to a meeting held in accordance with the other provisions of this Chapter due to a legal requirement or other deadlines that cannot be postponed or delayed by the public body. 


Mission: To educate and nurture a diverse learning community through the International Baccalaureate Programme, world languages and intercultural appreciation to succeed in a global economy. Academic Committee's Charge: Review, monitor, and measure the academic results of IHSNO against goals stated in the IHSNO Charter operated by VIBE, the accountability (strategic) plan, and annual CEO goals. (Adapted from BoardOnTrack)

  B. Record Attendance
  C. Approve Minutes
    Approve minutes for Academics Committee Meeting on January 11, 2022
II. Academic
  A. Head of School Report
  B. Academic Dashboard and Student Performance Update
  C. IB Program Information

Updates on survey results, student performance, teacher professional development, strategies for increased program retention and graduation rates, and the self-study plan.

III. Other Business
  A. Strategic Plan Review

Assessment results of the Academic Pillars outlined in the 2018 Strategic Plan

IV. School Culture Update
  A. New policies/changes
V. School Technology Update
  A. Technology Updates
VI. Public Comment
VII. Closing Items
  A. Next Meeting

Next meeting will be May 10, 2022

  B. Adjourn Meeting