Voices for International Business and Education

Development Committee Meeting

VIBE Development Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 18, 2022 at 6:30 PM CST


This meeting is held virtually: https://ihsnola-org.zoom.us/j/81805239175?pwd=SkZUajIyYjhoOVBLUStwZ1c0eGhoZz09
Voices for International Business and Education http://public.boardontrack.com/VIBE_1


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order
Senate bill No 466 passed in 2020 to authorize public bodies to conduct certain meetings electronically during certain states of emergency or disaster;


Per RS 42:17.1 (2) (c):


Matters that are critical to the continuation of the business of the public body and that are not able to be postponed to a meeting held in accordance with the other provisions of this Chapter due to a legal requirement or other deadlines that cannot be postponed or delayed by the public body.
  B. Record Attendance and Guests
Welcome to IHSNO: Director of Development - Steve Lenahan
  C. Approve November 2021 Minutes
II. Developing our Development Committee
  A. Goals for Development Committee
Goals for Development Committee
GOAL 1: Identify and implement Fundraising Activities 
GOAL 2: Identify Marketing and Advertising strategies to secure student enrollment
GOAL 3: Update and expand the Donor Database and Outreach


Are these the goals we want to continue with this year?
III. Grant Writing
  A. Grant Writing Updates
Assistance from Sean Wilson 
Update on Grant writer, grants applied for/received
Updates on reports submitted from grants from 2020-2021 for committee to review



IV. Spring GALA Updates
  A. Gala Update - April 9, 2022 6-10pm
 Gala Update
     Date 4-9-22 6-10 pm
     Legacy Park
     Board to send sponsor solicit email and sponsor levels to prospects
     Committees open and need members to volunteer
     (sponsorships/ auction/ décor-entertainment/ food+drink)
     Save the Date e-card needs to be forwarded to board contacts+social



  B. Spring Gala
Dear IHSNO Board Members:


Happy new year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe holiday.
IHSNO’s annual gala “What a Wonderful World of Languages” is set to take place on Saturday, April 9, 2022, from 6-10 pm (Patron Party 6-7 pm). Your Gala Committee is hard at work planning the school’s biggest fundraiser of the year, and we need your help to make our event a success!  Sponsorships are crucial right now.
International High School of New Orleans has one of the most extensive foreign language programs in the state, and we are raising much needed funds to continue the success of these very important programs. Our hope is to raise more than $25,000 at our 2022 Gala.
As with prior galas, we are asking for your help in the following areas:
1.    Fundraising: Each Board member’s fundraising goal is $1,000 which can be satisfied through an individual contribution and/or by securing sponsorships and/or by selling tickets.  See attached for sponsorship levels; please distribute ASAP to any and all organizations with whom you or your friends/family are connected.  An editable cover letter is also attached to personalize these distributions.  Sponsorships make up a majority of our funding, so this is very important!
2.    Volunteering: There are several committees in need of volunteers.  Please let us know by January 14 if you are interested in serving on one or more committees.  If we do not gain enough traction, we will call and assign you to a committee. 

a. Sponsorships – following up with previous sponsors and identifying/soliciting new sponsors
b. Auction – securing and cataloging auction items
c. Food – we are asking donations of celebrity chefs to attend and prepare special international food dishes or restaurants to provide catered dishes
d. Decorations/Entertainment – planning the décor and setting up / taking down on the day of the gala and securing and coordinating entertainment for the event


Thank you all in advance for your support of this very important event for our school.  We look forward to working with you over the next few months to plan a successful gala, and of course connecting and having fun with you on April 9.  If you have any questions, please reach out to one of us.


Don't forget to mark your calendars for April 9!
V. Recruitment
  A. Recruitment
NCAP Main round closes Jan 21
Staff Recruitment committee assigned middle schools/ fairs/presentations
VI. Weekly Staff and Parent Newsletter
  A. Weekly Newletters
Weekly Staff and Parent Newsletter
Website additions-Donations + Alumni

PR- TP SGA students (see pic Ihsno Lob 12-11-21)
Hurricane relief drive (see pic ihsno tp 12-29-21)
VII. Other Business
  A. Other Business
Items to Include at next meeting: 
Institutional Development Plan
Volunteer Opportunities
VIII. Public Comment
  A. Public comment
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting