Environmental Charter Schools
Board of Directors' Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 4, 2019 at 5:00 PM
ECHS Auxiliary Office, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 / Zoom info: https://zoom.us/j/147466498 Or Telephone: (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 147 466 498) // Two-way Teleconference Locations: ECHS Auxiliary Office, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 / ECMS-Gardena (812 W. 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247) / ECMS-Inglewood (3600 W Imperial Hwy, Inglewood, CA 90303) / ECHS (16315 Grevillea Ave. Lawndale, CA 90260)
ECS Board Members Term and End Date
Mr. Anthony Jowid, President.................................................3 years June 30, 2022
Mr. Ken Deemer, Vice President/Treasurer............................3 years June 30, 2022
Ms. Denise Berger, Secretary.................................................3 years June 30, 2020
Dr. Cathy Creasia...................................................................3 years June 30, 2020
Ms. Zena Fong........................................................................2 year June 30, 2020
Ms. Jenina Ramirez................................................................3 years June 30, 2021
Lawndale Elementary School District Representative............Rotating Position
ECS Staff
Ms. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director
Ms. Danielle Kelsick, Chief Academic Officer/Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Alison Diaz, Director of Growth and Sustainability (Facilities)
Ms. Kami Cotler, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Director of Principal Development/Principal Coach
Dr. Geneva Matthews, Principal at ECMS-Inglewood
Ms. KC Fabiero, Principal at ECHS
Dr. Qiana O'Leary, Principal at ECMS-Gardena
Mr. Dave Trejo, Principal-in-Residence
Reimagine public education in low-income communities of color to prepare conscious, critical thinkers who are equipped to graduate from college and create a more equitable and sustainable world.
JUSTICE - We examine bias, racism, and prejudice. We deliver culturally-responsive curricula. We succeed when students’ race and class cease to predict their level of achievement. (footnote Noguera).
COMMUNITY - We care. We collaborate. We respect the rights and voices of our stakeholders.
CURIOSITY - We question. We explore. We innovate.
SUSTAINABILITY - We think globally and act locally. We adapt. We encourage systems thinking to create a sustainable future.
LEADERSHIP - We listen. We think critically. We advocate. We shift public discourse. We are our own superheroes.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting. However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.
Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Board on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Environmental Charter School's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Board meeting by turning in a Speaker Form (available at the check-in table in English and Spanish).
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Board allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Board's presiding officer.
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).
The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.
Mr. Anthony Jowid, President.................................................3 years June 30, 2022
Mr. Ken Deemer, Vice President/Treasurer............................3 years June 30, 2022
Ms. Denise Berger, Secretary.................................................3 years June 30, 2020
Dr. Cathy Creasia...................................................................3 years June 30, 2020
Ms. Zena Fong........................................................................2 year June 30, 2020
Ms. Jenina Ramirez................................................................3 years June 30, 2021
Lawndale Elementary School District Representative............Rotating Position
ECS Staff
Ms. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, Chief Executive Officer/Executive Director
Ms. Danielle Kelsick, Chief Academic Officer/Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Alison Diaz, Director of Growth and Sustainability (Facilities)
Ms. Kami Cotler, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Dr. Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Director of Principal Development/Principal Coach
Dr. Geneva Matthews, Principal at ECMS-Inglewood
Ms. KC Fabiero, Principal at ECHS
Dr. Qiana O'Leary, Principal at ECMS-Gardena
Mr. Dave Trejo, Principal-in-Residence
Reimagine public education in low-income communities of color to prepare conscious, critical thinkers who are equipped to graduate from college and create a more equitable and sustainable world.
JUSTICE - We examine bias, racism, and prejudice. We deliver culturally-responsive curricula. We succeed when students’ race and class cease to predict their level of achievement. (footnote Noguera).
COMMUNITY - We care. We collaborate. We respect the rights and voices of our stakeholders.
CURIOSITY - We question. We explore. We innovate.
SUSTAINABILITY - We think globally and act locally. We adapt. We encourage systems thinking to create a sustainable future.
LEADERSHIP - We listen. We think critically. We advocate. We shift public discourse. We are our own superheroes.
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting. However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.
Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Board on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Environmental Charter School's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Board meeting by turning in a Speaker Form (available at the check-in table in English and Spanish).
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Board allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Board's presiding officer.
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).
The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.
Directors Present
Anthony Jowid, Cathy Creasia, Jenina Ramirez, LESD Representative, Zena Fong
Directors Absent
Dr. Denise Berger, Ken Deemer
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
Cathy Creasia
Guests Present
Alison Diaz, Charity Rock, Dave Trejo, Dorothy Lee, Dr. Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Dr. Betsy Hamilton, Dr. Geneva Matthews, Dr. Jessyka Ramirez-Holden, Dr. Qiana O'Leary, Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, Jazmine Estrada, Jeremiah David, Julie Vo, Lacey Harris, Lucia Bañuelos, Robert Maxwell, Rossa Doño-Ramirez
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Anthony Jowid called a meeting of the board of directors of Environmental Charter Schools to order on Wednesday Sep 4, 2019 at 5:13 PM.
Approve the agenda
Jenina Ramirez made a motion to approve agenda.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
Jenina Ramirez |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Zena Fong |
II. Presentations from the Floor
Presentations from the Floor on Non-agenda Items
Presentations from the Floor on Agenda Items
III. Reports/Presentations
CEO and CAO Update
CEO Farnaz Golshani-Flechner provided the following update:
At ECS all-staff presentation, reinforced priority for this year and introduced team to new systems and structures put into place to support ECS's singular focus.
ECS has been successful in student outcomes, showing better growth than neighborhood schools. 4-year college-going attendance rates are good, but six-year graduation rates are significantly behind in California and the United States as a whole.
Same four priorities that were presented last year are the priorities this year. Still have priorities of equity and diversity committee work, environmental learning and outdoor education, community agency partnerships, and student-centered coaching. Singular priority is literacy through the implementation of reading apprenticeship in grades 6-12 across content areas.
Board Vice President Ken Deemer introduced to the board to the book Four Disciplines of Execution. For Reading Apprenticeship program, held three-day PD that included all directors, teachers, aides and support staff at schools. Reading Apprenticeship-related outcomes will be the lead measures that will continue to be reviewed in the board benchmark chart.
All future board principal presentations will be reporting specifically on LCAP goals.
Secondary Math Specialist Charity Rock is leading in minor build in Math.
ECS Cabinet and board completed a data deep dive and at the end of the conversations, it was clear that ECS had the capacity to build on literacy.
The charts for consistent growth in ELA was then shown, which completely aligns with ECS' mission statement. Also had a pattern of when RA was implemented effectively, it demonstrated gains. Pilot years of RA at ECMS-I and at ECHS showed significant gains which draws a clear pattern. Therefore, ECS decided to continue to test the theory that literacy will be the singular focus.
The updated org chart was shown. New positions starting in 19/20: Director of Principal Development, Student Services Specialist, School Psychologist, and Math Specialist.
Benchmark chart: leading, interim and lag data. If basing only on lag data, any interventions will be too late to improve outcomes. Therefore, the benchmark chart shows leading and interim data at the top, and lag data toward the bottom of the chart.
Site visits are now taking place weekly at each school site, for 1.5 hours at each school.
The 5-year strategic plan was then shown. To begin, what ECS is not doing in the next five years was agreed on: not opening an elementary school, not planning to expand beyond 4 schools, not merging with another school provider, and not opening a preschool or daycare.
At ECS all-staff presentation, reinforced priority for this year and introduced team to new systems and structures put into place to support ECS's singular focus.
ECS has been successful in student outcomes, showing better growth than neighborhood schools. 4-year college-going attendance rates are good, but six-year graduation rates are significantly behind in California and the United States as a whole.
Same four priorities that were presented last year are the priorities this year. Still have priorities of equity and diversity committee work, environmental learning and outdoor education, community agency partnerships, and student-centered coaching. Singular priority is literacy through the implementation of reading apprenticeship in grades 6-12 across content areas.
Board Vice President Ken Deemer introduced to the board to the book Four Disciplines of Execution. For Reading Apprenticeship program, held three-day PD that included all directors, teachers, aides and support staff at schools. Reading Apprenticeship-related outcomes will be the lead measures that will continue to be reviewed in the board benchmark chart.
All future board principal presentations will be reporting specifically on LCAP goals.
Secondary Math Specialist Charity Rock is leading in minor build in Math.
ECS Cabinet and board completed a data deep dive and at the end of the conversations, it was clear that ECS had the capacity to build on literacy.
The charts for consistent growth in ELA was then shown, which completely aligns with ECS' mission statement. Also had a pattern of when RA was implemented effectively, it demonstrated gains. Pilot years of RA at ECMS-I and at ECHS showed significant gains which draws a clear pattern. Therefore, ECS decided to continue to test the theory that literacy will be the singular focus.
The updated org chart was shown. New positions starting in 19/20: Director of Principal Development, Student Services Specialist, School Psychologist, and Math Specialist.
Benchmark chart: leading, interim and lag data. If basing only on lag data, any interventions will be too late to improve outcomes. Therefore, the benchmark chart shows leading and interim data at the top, and lag data toward the bottom of the chart.
Site visits are now taking place weekly at each school site, for 1.5 hours at each school.
The 5-year strategic plan was then shown. To begin, what ECS is not doing in the next five years was agreed on: not opening an elementary school, not planning to expand beyond 4 schools, not merging with another school provider, and not opening a preschool or daycare.
Agenda items III.B and C were combined into this agenda item:
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner presented the ECMS-G CAASPP slides: the Class of 2019 data showed clear gains across the board. The next slide showed the average student growth from 2018 to 2019 in ELA and Math. What this shows is that there is growth in raw scores in both subjects. However, the next slide showed that the rate of growth in Math failed to meet the expected growth. AA growth in Math and ELA showed significant growth, kudos to Principal Dr. Qiana O'Leary and her entire team.
In LACOE charter MPOs, only one teacher did not meet ELD standards, which caused the result to show as "Not Met" based on the required criteria. CAASPP ELA and Math met Distance From 3 but not in all places. For chronic absenteeism, two student groups didn't meet the goal.
Dr. Qiana O'Leary presented and apologized in advance for leaving the meeting early to attend a daughter's event: the transformation that is underway is expected to take 3 years as transformations typically do. Piloted program in 4th quarter of school for EL designated supports. Rather than provide service to only students that needed the most assistance, provided these supports to all students. Clinic block was implemented to build in remediation during the school day. Teaching critical conscious thinking for 45 minutes. Biggest initiative was inclusion co-teaching model. RSP specialist pushed into ELA and Math courses, which was not occurring in the regular school day. These four major initiatives were all implemented in one single school year. An EL audit took place in Q4 and the feedback was taken to be implemented in the year 19/20. Lastly, the inclusion model needed to be strengthened as well as the supports, with 3 paraeducators and other staff.
Gardena successes shared were: strong parent involvement in the all-staff PD that took place at ECMS-Gardena as well as the 2019 ice cream social. The college-going culture was strengthened through the implementation of Wednesday college wear day. Finally, Reading Apprenticeship program in action was a success, with 100% teacher buy-in. Student engagement of text isn't always text-based but can also be visual annotations.
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner presented the ECMS-I CAASPP slides. The Class of 2019 data showed that gains significantly surpassed the state averages. The next slide showed the average student growth from 2018 to 2019 in ELA and Math. What this shows is that there is growth in raw scores in both subjects.
In LACOE charter MPOs, only one teacher did not meet ELD standards, which caused the result to show as "Not Met" based on the required criteria. CAASPP ELA and Math met df3 for many but not all areas. 3.3% suspension rate at ECMS-I was 0.3% higher than the lowest suspension rate by neighboring schools.
Dr. Geneva Matthews presented: goal is to implement SST intervention strategy with fidelity. Held several PDs. Back to school night was highlighted. LESD board representative Dr. Betsy Hamilton asked about required PD time for teachers. Geneva responded that every teacher is required to attend Monday afternoon PD. Director of Growth and Sustainability Alison Diaz added that there are 2 weeks of summer PD for returning teachers and 1 additional week for new teachers to ECS.
Interim Principal Dave Trejo presented: for Class of 2020, 26% increase in ELA and 2% increase in Math. Overall growth was significantly lower, growing much higher than expected in ELA but lower than expected in Math. Being the interim principal of ECHS has been the easiest part of Dave Trejo's current responsibilities, which is a testament to ECHS's effective systems in place. ECHS Assistant Principal Jane Wyche has led the Reading Apprenticeship implementation and supervised four ELA interns. Differentiated Reading Apprenticeship support from all areas. Making data analysis actionable so that it is not retroactive but actionable in real-time. Celebrations: ECHS Principal KC Fabiero had a baby, a substantive number of students in alumni mentoring program at CSUDH, summer SAT boot camp, and GROW and grounded programs. Day of the Dead celebration in October 25: bring family and know that parking is difficult.
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner appreciated Dave's new eyes and focus on bringing in leading-edge discipline practices.
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner presented the ECMS-G CAASPP slides: the Class of 2019 data showed clear gains across the board. The next slide showed the average student growth from 2018 to 2019 in ELA and Math. What this shows is that there is growth in raw scores in both subjects. However, the next slide showed that the rate of growth in Math failed to meet the expected growth. AA growth in Math and ELA showed significant growth, kudos to Principal Dr. Qiana O'Leary and her entire team.
In LACOE charter MPOs, only one teacher did not meet ELD standards, which caused the result to show as "Not Met" based on the required criteria. CAASPP ELA and Math met Distance From 3 but not in all places. For chronic absenteeism, two student groups didn't meet the goal.
Dr. Qiana O'Leary presented and apologized in advance for leaving the meeting early to attend a daughter's event: the transformation that is underway is expected to take 3 years as transformations typically do. Piloted program in 4th quarter of school for EL designated supports. Rather than provide service to only students that needed the most assistance, provided these supports to all students. Clinic block was implemented to build in remediation during the school day. Teaching critical conscious thinking for 45 minutes. Biggest initiative was inclusion co-teaching model. RSP specialist pushed into ELA and Math courses, which was not occurring in the regular school day. These four major initiatives were all implemented in one single school year. An EL audit took place in Q4 and the feedback was taken to be implemented in the year 19/20. Lastly, the inclusion model needed to be strengthened as well as the supports, with 3 paraeducators and other staff.
Gardena successes shared were: strong parent involvement in the all-staff PD that took place at ECMS-Gardena as well as the 2019 ice cream social. The college-going culture was strengthened through the implementation of Wednesday college wear day. Finally, Reading Apprenticeship program in action was a success, with 100% teacher buy-in. Student engagement of text isn't always text-based but can also be visual annotations.
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner presented the ECMS-I CAASPP slides. The Class of 2019 data showed that gains significantly surpassed the state averages. The next slide showed the average student growth from 2018 to 2019 in ELA and Math. What this shows is that there is growth in raw scores in both subjects.
In LACOE charter MPOs, only one teacher did not meet ELD standards, which caused the result to show as "Not Met" based on the required criteria. CAASPP ELA and Math met df3 for many but not all areas. 3.3% suspension rate at ECMS-I was 0.3% higher than the lowest suspension rate by neighboring schools.
Dr. Geneva Matthews presented: goal is to implement SST intervention strategy with fidelity. Held several PDs. Back to school night was highlighted. LESD board representative Dr. Betsy Hamilton asked about required PD time for teachers. Geneva responded that every teacher is required to attend Monday afternoon PD. Director of Growth and Sustainability Alison Diaz added that there are 2 weeks of summer PD for returning teachers and 1 additional week for new teachers to ECS.
Interim Principal Dave Trejo presented: for Class of 2020, 26% increase in ELA and 2% increase in Math. Overall growth was significantly lower, growing much higher than expected in ELA but lower than expected in Math. Being the interim principal of ECHS has been the easiest part of Dave Trejo's current responsibilities, which is a testament to ECHS's effective systems in place. ECHS Assistant Principal Jane Wyche has led the Reading Apprenticeship implementation and supervised four ELA interns. Differentiated Reading Apprenticeship support from all areas. Making data analysis actionable so that it is not retroactive but actionable in real-time. Celebrations: ECHS Principal KC Fabiero had a baby, a substantive number of students in alumni mentoring program at CSUDH, summer SAT boot camp, and GROW and grounded programs. Day of the Dead celebration in October 25: bring family and know that parking is difficult.
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner appreciated Dave's new eyes and focus on bringing in leading-edge discipline practices.
Principals Updates
Agenda items III.B and C were combined into Agenda item III.B.
DOE Charter Schools Program Grant Update
Director of Growth and Sustainability Alison Diaz and Development Manager Julie Vo presented the following update:
In 2017, received a DOE start-up grant to replicate ECHS into a new school, ECHS 2. Recognized that more time would be needed, so revised the original timeline. This provided time for Principal-In-Residence Dave Trejo to participate in the Ryan Fellowship, time to revisit org chart and make shifts in leadership, revisit and refine board dashboard, and time to narrow down a facilities partner to identify potential sites for ECHS 2. In monitoring site visit, the auditors agreed that 11 of the 13 goals were fully met. 1 indicator not met was to establish fiscal policies that showed allocability and allowability of grant expenditures. The other indicator was not met was related to a pending evaluation model planned to be built in 2020 as the new school begins to take shape.
Toward the opening of ECHS 2, three new charter petitions have been prepared for submission to three charter authorizers within the local areas that existing ECS school sites exist.
A potential site was discussed with a walkthrough taking place in the near future.
In 2017, received a DOE start-up grant to replicate ECHS into a new school, ECHS 2. Recognized that more time would be needed, so revised the original timeline. This provided time for Principal-In-Residence Dave Trejo to participate in the Ryan Fellowship, time to revisit org chart and make shifts in leadership, revisit and refine board dashboard, and time to narrow down a facilities partner to identify potential sites for ECHS 2. In monitoring site visit, the auditors agreed that 11 of the 13 goals were fully met. 1 indicator not met was to establish fiscal policies that showed allocability and allowability of grant expenditures. The other indicator was not met was related to a pending evaluation model planned to be built in 2020 as the new school begins to take shape.
Toward the opening of ECHS 2, three new charter petitions have been prepared for submission to three charter authorizers within the local areas that existing ECS school sites exist.
A potential site was discussed with a walkthrough taking place in the near future.
Inglewood Site Plan
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner provided the following update:
When it was discovered that ECMS-I was chartered out of district, ECS reported this to LACOE and received advice. LACOE is requesting that a board-approved plan be submitted to them and sent to them in early September. This plan is attached to this agenda item. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner welcomed any questions from the board. Alison Diaz added that per instructions from LACOE, ECS notified Inglewood Unified School District that they were submitting a charter petition on appeal to LACOE.
Board member Zena Fong asked what the worst-case scenario is and what is expected to take place upon submitting this Inglewood site plan. Farnaz responded that ECS is optimistic that Hawthorne School District will temporarily authorize ECMS-I to continue until the charter term expires. If this does not take place, ECS is optimistic that LACOE will uphold its authorization to continue operating ECMS-I as it is chartered until the charter term expiration.
Board member Jenina Ramirez asked if LACOE has previously approved an ECS school on appeal. Alison Diaz responded that this is the method by which both ECMS-I and ECMS-G were approved.
Zena Fong asked if this petition will be submitted before the new AB1507 law is implemented. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner responded that the plan is multi-pronged: if AB1507 passes, ECS will have to base their actions based on how the law is written when passed.
Jenina Ramirez asked what the financial impact would be of moving from one district to another. Alison Diaz and Farnaz Golshani-Flechner stated they are not sure but that districts have mechanisms in place for these type of matters.
When it was discovered that ECMS-I was chartered out of district, ECS reported this to LACOE and received advice. LACOE is requesting that a board-approved plan be submitted to them and sent to them in early September. This plan is attached to this agenda item. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner welcomed any questions from the board. Alison Diaz added that per instructions from LACOE, ECS notified Inglewood Unified School District that they were submitting a charter petition on appeal to LACOE.
Board member Zena Fong asked what the worst-case scenario is and what is expected to take place upon submitting this Inglewood site plan. Farnaz responded that ECS is optimistic that Hawthorne School District will temporarily authorize ECMS-I to continue until the charter term expires. If this does not take place, ECS is optimistic that LACOE will uphold its authorization to continue operating ECMS-I as it is chartered until the charter term expiration.
Board member Jenina Ramirez asked if LACOE has previously approved an ECS school on appeal. Alison Diaz responded that this is the method by which both ECMS-I and ECMS-G were approved.
Zena Fong asked if this petition will be submitted before the new AB1507 law is implemented. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner responded that the plan is multi-pronged: if AB1507 passes, ECS will have to base their actions based on how the law is written when passed.
Jenina Ramirez asked what the financial impact would be of moving from one district to another. Alison Diaz and Farnaz Golshani-Flechner stated they are not sure but that districts have mechanisms in place for these type of matters.
Development Update
Development Manager Julie Vo presented the following update:
Exceeded fundraising goals with $1.321 million raised. 100% of board giving took place. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner added that Julie Vo achieved all of these fundraising goals with an inactive Development Committee, a reduction of expenditures for development consultants, and a reduction from a team of two Development staff to heading the Development department all on her own.
Exceeded fundraising goals with $1.321 million raised. 100% of board giving took place. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner added that Julie Vo achieved all of these fundraising goals with an inactive Development Committee, a reduction of expenditures for development consultants, and a reduction from a team of two Development staff to heading the Development department all on her own.
Financial Update
Jazmine Estrada introduced herself as a new EdTec consultant to partner with EdTec lead Dorothy Lee.
EdTec Lead Dorothy Lee provided the following update:
Changing: AB1505 appeal rights. Once approved, very difficult to pass on appeal. Negative identification or state receivership. Don't have to approve charter either. If any schools apply for a charter material revision, the school will be subject to fiscal and community impact considerations.
New renewal tracks: fast track for high-performing with renewal up to 7 years, a middle track and slow track. Renewal tracks are strongly based in CA school dashboard.
Board President Anthony Jowid asked why CMO expense were underbudgeted. Dorothy explained that these numbers will be adjusted in the period between the release of the unaudited and audited actuals.
Slide on state budget was shown. STRS % was increased higher than expected and PERS % was slightly lower. ASES grant went up so this was reflected in more services to be rendered by the after-school provider.
CapEx slide was shown to account for the long term depreciation over the life of the lease.
Capped by districts unduplicated percentage (ELs, foster youth, and students that qualify for free/reduced lunch). Depending on the chartering district, there will be variations in budget numbers as shown in the different scenarios to be approved.
EdTec Lead Dorothy Lee provided the following update:
Changing: AB1505 appeal rights. Once approved, very difficult to pass on appeal. Negative identification or state receivership. Don't have to approve charter either. If any schools apply for a charter material revision, the school will be subject to fiscal and community impact considerations.
New renewal tracks: fast track for high-performing with renewal up to 7 years, a middle track and slow track. Renewal tracks are strongly based in CA school dashboard.
Board President Anthony Jowid asked why CMO expense were underbudgeted. Dorothy explained that these numbers will be adjusted in the period between the release of the unaudited and audited actuals.
Slide on state budget was shown. STRS % was increased higher than expected and PERS % was slightly lower. ASES grant went up so this was reflected in more services to be rendered by the after-school provider.
CapEx slide was shown to account for the long term depreciation over the life of the lease.
Capped by districts unduplicated percentage (ELs, foster youth, and students that qualify for free/reduced lunch). Depending on the chartering district, there will be variations in budget numbers as shown in the different scenarios to be approved.
Annual College Commitment Report
ECHS Counselors Lacey Harris and Rossa Doño-Ramirez provided the following update:
Many of our students come from low-socioeconomic backgrounds and are the first in their family to go to college: 81% qualify for free or reduced lunch and 94% will be first-generation college students.
If they’re eligible, the students are applying to college. Senior seminar allows the team to work with students close enough to ensure they are applying to appropriate schools. 3 seniors did not apply to CSU, one because parents did not want to pay for it and the others were below the required GPA minimum. Simultaneously going through the financial aid process: 4 students did not submit FAFSA. One for reasons of physical health, another one for mental health, and for the other 2 students because their parents refused.
Each year, the number of students with disabilities increases and now the percentage of SWDs is starting to line up more closely with the percentages at our neighborhood schools. As we see this increase, we also notice that we receive more students who are not collegebound. Also, about 100 students each year in our senior class, so for each student who does not get accepted to a 4-year university or college, we will also see about a 1% decrease in our outcomes.
Current supports include Zena Fong who operates the College Scholars program, guiding high achieving students that did not get into college match with personal statements & private school applications, LMU interns who focus on at-risk students, Community Partnerships such as College Match, El Camino College Partnership-Orientation, Login Help, Counselor Check-Ins, South Bay Promise
Reports through CSAC website and identifying students who have not received their entitled Cal Grant Awards, and Alumni Coordinator Rachael Adsila.
For what is ahead, there will be a new Senior Seminar Teacher, and new counselor, CARPE Learning sessions 3 times this year in San Diego, Alumni Mentorship Programs at UC Merced & CSUDH, the Summer SAT program for incoming seniors, the College Bound - Youth Centered Trip, and will continue to offer internal scholarships to seniors.
Many of our students come from low-socioeconomic backgrounds and are the first in their family to go to college: 81% qualify for free or reduced lunch and 94% will be first-generation college students.
If they’re eligible, the students are applying to college. Senior seminar allows the team to work with students close enough to ensure they are applying to appropriate schools. 3 seniors did not apply to CSU, one because parents did not want to pay for it and the others were below the required GPA minimum. Simultaneously going through the financial aid process: 4 students did not submit FAFSA. One for reasons of physical health, another one for mental health, and for the other 2 students because their parents refused.
Each year, the number of students with disabilities increases and now the percentage of SWDs is starting to line up more closely with the percentages at our neighborhood schools. As we see this increase, we also notice that we receive more students who are not collegebound. Also, about 100 students each year in our senior class, so for each student who does not get accepted to a 4-year university or college, we will also see about a 1% decrease in our outcomes.
Current supports include Zena Fong who operates the College Scholars program, guiding high achieving students that did not get into college match with personal statements & private school applications, LMU interns who focus on at-risk students, Community Partnerships such as College Match, El Camino College Partnership-Orientation, Login Help, Counselor Check-Ins, South Bay Promise
Reports through CSAC website and identifying students who have not received their entitled Cal Grant Awards, and Alumni Coordinator Rachael Adsila.
For what is ahead, there will be a new Senior Seminar Teacher, and new counselor, CARPE Learning sessions 3 times this year in San Diego, Alumni Mentorship Programs at UC Merced & CSUDH, the Summer SAT program for incoming seniors, the College Bound - Youth Centered Trip, and will continue to offer internal scholarships to seniors.
IV. Study Session
Feedback on 5 Year Plan
V. Approve Consent Items A-O
Approve previous meeting minutes for June 3, 2019 board meeting
Cathy Creasia arrived.
LESD Representative made a motion to approve minutes from the Board of Directors' Meeting on 06-03-19 Board of Directors' Meeting on 06-03-19.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
LESD Representative |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Cathy Creasia |
Jenina Ramirez |
Zena Fong |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Approve previous meeting minutes for July 1, 2019 special board meeting
LESD Representative made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-01-19 Special Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-01-19.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Ken Deemer |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Zena Fong |
Cathy Creasia |
Accept minutes from the following committee meetings
LESD Representative made a motion to accept minutes from the committee meetings listed in this agenda item.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Cathy Creasia |
Ken Deemer |
Jenina Ramirez |
Zena Fong |
LESD Representative |
Anthony Jowid |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Approve May-July 2019 check registers as recommended by Finance Committee
LESD Representative made a motion to approve May-July 2019 check registers as recommended by Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Cathy Creasia |
Zena Fong |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Ken Deemer |
Approve May-July 2019 private donations over $1,000 as recommended by Finance Committee
LESD Representative made a motion to approve May-July 2019 private donations over $1,000 as recommended by Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Cathy Creasia |
Ken Deemer |
Jenina Ramirez |
LESD Representative |
Zena Fong |
Approve CMO fees allocation schedule as recommended by Finance Committee
LESD Representative made a motion to approve CMO fees allocation schedule as recommended by Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Jenina Ramirez |
Zena Fong |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Approve updated Kinecta Liquid CD investment amount as recommended by Finance Committee
LESD Representative made a motion to approve updated Kinecta Liquid CD investment amount as recommended by Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Cathy Creasia |
Ken Deemer |
Zena Fong |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Approve Geneva Matthews as check signer for ECMS-Inglewood as recommended by Finance Committee
LESD Representative made a motion to approve Geneva Matthews as check signer for ECMS-Inglewood as recommended by Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Dr. Denise Berger |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
Zena Fong |
Ken Deemer |
Anthony Jowid |
Jenina Ramirez |
Approve following FY 2019-2020 contracts
LESD Representative made a motion to approve FY 2019-2020 contracts listed in this agenda item.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Zena Fong |
Jenina Ramirez |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Approve 19/20 Finance Committee goals
LESD Representative made a motion to approve 19/20 Finance Committee goals.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Cathy Creasia |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Ken Deemer |
LESD Representative |
Zena Fong |
Anthony Jowid |
Jenina Ramirez |
Approve 19/20 Governance Committee goals
LESD Representative made a motion to approve 19/20 Governance Committee goals.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Ken Deemer |
Zena Fong |
Jenina Ramirez |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Anthony Jowid |
Cathy Creasia |
LESD Representative |
Approve 19/20 Committee Memberships
LESD Representative made a motion to approve 19/20 Committee Memberships, adding board member Zena Fong to Equity and Diversity Committee and Finance Committee.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Jenina Ramirez |
Ken Deemer |
Anthony Jowid |
Zena Fong |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Cathy Creasia |
LESD Representative |
Accept 18/19 LACOE Governance and Instructional Reviews for ECMS-I and ECMS-G
LESD Representative made a motion to accept 18/19 LACOE Governance and Instructional Reviews for ECMS-I and ECMS-G.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Zena Fong |
Jenina Ramirez |
Anthony Jowid |
LESD Representative |
Ken Deemer |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Cathy Creasia |
Approve El Dorado SELPA Policies
LESD Representative made a motion to Approve El Dorado SELPA Policies listed in this agenda item.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Jenina Ramirez |
LESD Representative |
Ken Deemer |
Zena Fong |
Anthony Jowid |
Cathy Creasia |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Approve ECHS, ECMS-I, ECMS-G Parent Student Handbooks
LESD Representative made a motion to approve ECHS, ECMS-I, ECMS-G Parent-Student Handbooks.
Zena Fong seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Jenina Ramirez |
Ken Deemer |
Anthony Jowid |
Zena Fong |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
Dr. Denise Berger |
VI. Action Items
Approve LAUSD, IUSD, CVUHSD charter petitions for ECHS #2
Zena Fong made a motion to approve LAUSD, IUSD, CVUHSD charter petitions for ECHS #2.
LESD Representative seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Cathy Creasia |
Zena Fong |
Jenina Ramirez |
LESD Representative |
Approve LAUSD, IUSD, CVUHSD budgets for ECHS #2
Zena Fong made a motion to approve LAUSD, IUSD, CVUHSD budgets for ECHS #2.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Zena Fong |
Anthony Jowid |
Dr. Denise Berger |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Cathy Creasia |
Ken Deemer |
Approve Formation of Audit Committee
Zena Fong made a motion to approve Formation of Audit Committee.
Jenina Ramirez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Zena Fong |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Ken Deemer |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Cathy Creasia |
Approve ECHS HVAC Design & CM Support Services Proposal
Zena Fong made a motion to approve ECHS HVAC Design & CM Support Services Proposal.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Jenina Ramirez |
Ken Deemer |
Anthony Jowid |
Zena Fong |
Dr. Denise Berger |
LESD Representative |
Cathy Creasia |
VII. Adjourn to Closed Session
Adjourn to Closed Session
Zena Fong made a motion to adjourn to closed session.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Cathy Creasia |
Ken Deemer |
Dr. Denise Berger |
Jenina Ramirez |
LESD Representative |
Zena Fong |
VIII. Report Out of Closed Session
Report Out
Anthony Jowid delivered the following report out of closed session:
No actions were taken, noting that there was an agenda typo regarding taking votes as no votes were taken on closed session items A or B.
No actions were taken, noting that there was an agenda typo regarding taking votes as no votes were taken on closed session items A or B.
IX. Upcoming Dates/Announcements
Next ECS Board Meetings
Next ECS Committee Meetings
Student Led Tours
Upcoming Events
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner appreciated every board member for being available for this board meeting. Very grateful not to have to hold a special board meeting by making efficient use of this board meeting.
Anthony Jowid appreciated all the time and effort that Farnaz Golshani-Flechner is putting in with all that is going on with charter petitions and other work. Also, thanked Senior Operations and Compliance Manager Jeremiah David for helping to plan and operate the board meeting.
Alison Diaz added that Farnaz Golshani-Flechner is doing an awesome job in her role as Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer.
Anthony Jowid appreciated all the time and effort that Farnaz Golshani-Flechner is putting in with all that is going on with charter petitions and other work. Also, thanked Senior Operations and Compliance Manager Jeremiah David for helping to plan and operate the board meeting.
Alison Diaz added that Farnaz Golshani-Flechner is doing an awesome job in her role as Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer.
X. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
Zena Fong made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Anthony Jowid |
Ken Deemer |
Cathy Creasia |
LESD Representative |
Jenina Ramirez |
Zena Fong |
Dr. Denise Berger |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Anthony Jowid