Environmental Charter Schools


Facilities Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Friday May 17, 2019 at 11:00 AM


ECHS Auxiliary Office, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 // Zoom info: https://zoom.us/j/577196418 Or Telephone: (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 577 196 418) // Two-Way Teleconference Locations: 1324 Agate Street, Redondo Beach, CA 90277 / 409 Santa Monica Blvd., Suite E, Santa Monica, CA 90401 / 2741 Peachwood Circle, Corona, CA 92882
Facilities Committee Members 
Anthony Jowid 
Alison Diaz 
Ernie Levroney
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner
Jenina Ramirez
Jeremiah David
Facilities Committee Charter 
  • Provide leadership and oversight for the construction, revitalization, and maintenance of ECS's physical sites;
  • Develop and oversee the implementation of strategies to engage stakeholders on a continuing basis in efforts to address ECS's facility needs;
  • Consider, as appropriate, matters relating to the physical sites of ECS, including approval of plans for new construction and revitalization and the institutional prioritization of capital projects plans and requests, as well as, and in coordination with, the Finance Committee.
  • Provide review, policy guidance, and strategic oversight of campus master planning activities, capital improvements and real estate type activities while also aligning the same to our mission, vision and values.  
  • Provide guidance and recommendations to the ECS Board and senior ECS staff on facilities-related matters; and
  • Undertake such other matters and review such other issues as may be directed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Goals for 2018-2019
  • ECMS-I
    • Implement CEC Prop 39 measures
    • Modernize science labs and bathrooms
  •  ECMS-G
    • Complete Prop K grant objectives 
    • Implement CEC Prop 39 measures
  • ECHS
    • Secure Final DSA signoff on existing modular units
    • After securing DSA signoff, work with LESD on long term facility plans
    • Secure approval to Implement CEC Prop 39 measures
    • Develop creative solutions to both space challenges and classroom temperature challenges during warmer months
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.

Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Committee on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Committee's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Committee meeting by speaking with the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Committee allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).

The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

Committee Members Present

Alison Diaz, Anthony Jowid (remote), Ernie Levroney (remote), Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, Jenina Ramirez (remote), Jeremiah David

Committee Members Absent


Guests Present

Bruce Greenspon (remote), John Quiter, Ken Deemer (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Alison Diaz called a meeting of the Facilities Committee of Environmental Charter Schools to order on Friday May 17, 2019 at 10:59 AM.


Motion to Approve the Agenda

Farnaz Golshani-Flechner made a motion to approve the agenda.
Ken Deemer seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Alison Diaz
Jenina Ramirez
Anthony Jowid
Ernie Levroney
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner
Jeremiah David


Approve Previous Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes from June 13, 2018

Farnaz Golshani-Flechner made a motion to approve minutes from the Facilities Committee Meeting on 06-13-18 Facilities Committee Meeting on 06-13-18.
Ken Deemer seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Anthony Jowid
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
Alison Diaz
Jenina Ramirez
Jeremiah David
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner

II. Presentations from the Floor


Presentations from the Floor



Presentation From the Floor on the Agenda


III. Discussion Items/Updates


Facility project updates for each site

ECHS update:
  • ECHS Prop 39 energy efficiency project: lighting, insulation, cool roof. Before these installations take place, a hazardous materials survey is required to be conducted and this is going to take place this weekend.
  • ECHS furniture: there is a need for new desks for students. Not currently in compliance with testing policy. Not allowing for as much collaboration as we would like. Will bid out for new classroom furniture.
  • Long term facility plan at ECHS: The ECHS campus has been dealing with a chronic lack of space.
    • Conducted audit of ECHS special education program and space was determined to be insufficient.
    • In addition to needing space, there are concerns for adequate ventilation and school security.
    • Lack of parking and traffic buildup are challenges that would be addressed with the long-term facility plan.
    • During the school day, every teacher shares classrooms. There is only one extra classroom that is often available throughout the day and this is not enough to meet student demands for elective classes and other student uses.
    • Lack of field practice space and gymnasium space, which prevent teams from making the most of their athletic training.
  • Final approval on DSA portables was received from Lawndale Elementary School District.

ECMS-G update:
  • Property that Menlo 165th LLC owns. Prop K grant has been completed, there are additional play structures, gardens, and special green features.
  • SB 740 appeal for ECMS-G. Farnaz took ECS' appeal to the CSFA board in Sacramento and successfully had the initial ruling overturned which resulted in about 75k in revenues being restored to ECMS-G's budget.
  • Solar panels installed on ECMS-Gardena campus. All energy upgrades were completed.
  • New Market Tax Credit loan matures in December 2020. ECS has the ability to refinance this loan as soon as January 2020.
  • Community safety has been a challenge. Although cleanup efforts have helped and there is a reduction in crime, there are still challenges.
ECMS-I update:
  • This site is leased to ECMS-I by Yukon LLC. In addition, there is existing space that is being leased to ECMS-I by Concordia Lutheran Church.
  • Prop K energy projects have been completed: a cool roof and solar panels.
  • There is a new greenhouse project underway and other projects being planned.
  • Concordia Lutheran Church also has several projects that they are planning to undertake. Challenges are long term facility needs.
  • Bathrooms are in a state of disrepair and need to be renovated. Additional space for small group testing.
  • There is currently a grant request in process with Ahmanson and it is quite possible that this grant will be awarded
ECHS 2 update:
  • Seeking to open up new high school. The ECS board has been updated on the search for a new site, also collected new data from students on their needs for this new high school. Location and what the school looks like matters a lot to the parents and students. Also, there is a challenge in identifying which charter authorizer will be used for the new high school.
  • Possibilities on types of sites and selection of partners to coordinate were then shared. It was then recommended by Alison Diaz that Daniel Murrillo and Ryan Bushore be selected as partners with September 30, 2019 being the deadline for these partners to procure the ECHS site option.
  • InSiteEFS and other partners would then be contracted if no site is identified and procured.
  • Committee member Jenina Ramirez asked what the significance is of the first September 30, 2019 deadline. Farnaz Flechner responded that there is anti-charter legislation that is holding up the procurement of a site that LACOE owns and the ECS staff believes that it will be known by then what the outcome will be.
Action Item: Alison Diaz and Jenina Ramirez will flesh out a timeline of next steps for the procurement of a site.


Discuss refinancing plans for NMTC loan (Menlo 165th Pl)/Yukon LLC loan, financing future facilities

Consultant Tracy Bondi presented the facilities financing options for renovating ECHS, securing the ECHS 2 site, and refinancing the 165th NMTC (ECMS-G) and the Yukon Loan (ECMS-I).
  • Facilities financing options were presented: bonds/tax exempt loans, bank loans, CDFIS/donor funds.
  • Bank loans: simpler, but shorter-term, therefore higher payments and interest rates.
  • CDFIS/donor funds: community organizations that provide bonds and loans. However, these are usually geared toward entities with lower credit ratings that ECS.
  • Bonds/tax-exempt loans:
    • Pros: spread out over long terms, such as over 30 years. This makes monthly payments more affordable and allow for greater flexibility for future underwriting. Also, can be guaranteed only with MCP. ECS can potentially borrow up to $15M in additional funds through this bond financing.
    • Cons: complex, expensive upfront costs, likely require renegotiation with landlords
  • Bank loans:
    • Pros: less expensive up-front costs, may not require renegotiation with landlords, less complex
    • Cons: higher rates, shorter terms, may need to be guaranteed by ECS, more risk-averse
  • CDFIS/donor funds:
    • Pros: A lot of handholding, more accessible to organizations with less credit history
    • Cons: higher rates, shorter terms, may need to be guaranteed by ECS, can be strict covenants
  • Current staff plan is to 1) pursue long term lease between MCP and LESD for ECHS #1 site. 2) Wait to refinance until NMTC deal is in the window to avoid additional fees for refinancing + know more. 3) Consider municipal advisor when ECS has more clarity about the need for / option of a bond / tax-exempt loan.
  • There is currently a lot of uncertainty for refinancing options. ECS will continue to keep the committee apprised.

IV. Action Items


Accept Resignation of John Kim (chair) from Facilities Committee

Anthony Jowid made a motion to approve.
Jenina Ramirez seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner
Anthony Jowid
Alison Diaz
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
Jeremiah David

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Anthony Jowid made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Jenina Ramirez seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jenina Ramirez
Anthony Jowid
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner
Alison Diaz
Ernie Levroney
Jeremiah David
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Anthony Jowid