Environmental Charter Schools


Equity and Diversity Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 24, 2019 at 4:30 PM


ECHS Auxiliary Office, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278
ECMS-I Members:
  • Tashanda Giles Jones
  • Danny Cristales
ECMS-G Members:
  • Dr. Qiana O'Leary
  • Sabrina Johnson
ECHS Members:
  • KC Villoria
  • Sara Diaz 
Board Members:
  • Ernie Levroney
  • Jenina Ramirez
Home Office Members: 
  • Danielle Kelsick (chair)
  • Alison Diaz

Equity & Diversity Taskforce Charter
The Equity & Diversity Taskforce promotes and supports ECS’s work to develop a school culture that fosters equity, inclusion and an appreciation of the diversity within our community.  

Recent events in our nation have drawn attention to structures and processes that have historically disadvantaged people of color and persist today. We acknowledge that ECS, as an educational institution, is situated within a historical context and is not immune to the biases and structural inequities that have disenfranchised the communities we serve. As a public education leader in Los Angeles, we have a powerful responsibility to respond proactively and to embrace opportunities to change the structures and processes within our institution that undermine our efforts to educate and empower ECS students.
We need to critically examine our practices with an eye to continual growth, modeling the lifelong learning and critical thinking that will empower our students to be quality stewards of their communities and our world.

History of this Work
The Taskforce will build upon the work already begun at our three campuses, including Arlene Ford’s Great Minds Inquiry at ECHS in 2011-2014, the ongoing efforts of the ECHS Equity & Pedagogy Coalition and collaborative work of ECMS with Tyrone Howard in 2015-16.

Call to Action
The Equity & Diversity Taskforce will examine data on topics such as student achievement, school discipline, school climate and enrollment trends/retention; address the roots of bias; share insights and suggest possible resources or actions to ECS leadership. The Taskforce membership will include parent, student, teacher, staff, administration and Board representation. Community members may also serve on the Taskforce.

The goals of the Committee include:
  • Provide a fresh perspective on ECS data sets, considering where data suggest there may be bias or structures/processes that are unfair.
  • Support ECS leadership in identifying resources to help develop the ECS community’s capacity to be inclusive and recognize and mitigate bias.
  • Develop metrics or benchmarks to help measure effectiveness of equity initiatives.

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.

Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Committee on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Committee's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Committee meeting by speaking with the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Committee allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).

The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

Committee Members Present

Alison Diaz (remote), Danielle Kelsick, Danny Cristales, Qiana O'Leary, Sabrina Johnson, Sara Diaz

Committee Members Absent

Ernie Levroney, Jenina Ramirez, KC Fabiero, Tashanda Giles Jones

Guests Present

Jeremiah David, Kami Cotler, Robert Maxwell, Sarah Jamieson

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Danielle Kelsick called a meeting of the Equity and Diversity Committee of Environmental Charter Schools to order on Thursday Jan 24, 2019 at 5:00 PM.


Review Objectives and Approve Agenda

The committee discussed the addition of a new 18-19 EDC goal "Empower all ECS stakeholder groups, especially parents". A consensus was reached that this goal is beneficial to add.

For the goal "Maintain collective focus on improving achievement,  enrollment, and retention achievement of African American students at ECS", a suggestion to remove enrollment and retention from this goal was discussed. The outcome of the discussion was that committee members do not want to remove reference to enrollment and retention from this goal because they do not want to lose track of the interconnectivity of these issues for African-American students at ECS.

Next Steps:

1. Explore enrollment and retention data in upcoming EDC meetings. Develop a plan for addressing enrollment and retentions goals with a Home Office EDC goal or some other mechanism.

2. The committee will revisit these objectives at next EDC meeting, where a vote will take place to confirm the final objectives.
Danny Cristales made a motion to approve agenda.
Sabrina Johnson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ernie Levroney
KC Fabiero
Sabrina Johnson
Alison Diaz
Tashanda Giles Jones
Jenina Ramirez
Qiana O'Leary
Danny Cristales
Danielle Kelsick
Sara Diaz


Approve minutes from 11/27/2018 Committee Meeting

Danny Cristales made a motion to approve minutes from the Equity and Diversity Committee Meeting on 11-27-18 Equity and Diversity Committee Meeting on 11-27-18.
Alison Diaz seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Danielle Kelsick
Sara Diaz
KC Fabiero
Alison Diaz
Jenina Ramirez
Ernie Levroney
Qiana O'Leary
Danny Cristales
Sabrina Johnson
Tashanda Giles Jones

II. Presentations from the Floor


Presentation from the Floor on Non Agenda Items



Presentations from the Floor on Agenda Items


III. Discussion Items / Updates


Meeting Overview


Opener Activity: Common Equity Vocabulary

The following committee members and guests paired up and presented their analysis of UNCF study "African American Youth’s Perceptions of K-12 Education":

Sabrina Johnson and Robert Maxwell: 75% of AA learners are underrepresented in AP program but overrepresented in the percentage of students receiving disciplinary infractions. Key Term: Representation.

Dr. O'Leary and Danny Cristales: Young people having unique perspectives. Own learning preferences. Key Term: Insights.

Kami Cotler and Sara Diaz: How do we become more grounding and inspiring to our students? Key Term: Awareness and Reality.

Farnaz Flechner and Danielle Kelsick: Overrepresentation--lack of safety. Underrepresentation as well. Key Term: Representation (under vs. over).

Geneva and Sarah: AA students more likely than other groups to be in schools with inexperienced and less qualified educators. Key term: Qualified. Boldness in choice of language.

IV. Study Sessions


Explore site-specific data

The chart for Student Proficient in ELA CAASPP was shown. Several trends were identified. ECS students over the 4 year period (14-15 to 17-18) were steadily increasing in test scores. ECS AA students showed wide variability, with 15-16 being an exceptional year for test scores, and 16-17 being a down year for test scores. AA students across CA were significantly lower in achievement than ECS AA students over 3 of 4 years.

The chart for Student Proficient in Math CAASPP was shown. ECS students over the 4 year period (14-15 to 17-18) were steadily increasing in test scores. ECS AA students showed wide variability, with 15-16 being an exceptional year for test scores, and 16-17 being a down year for test scores. ECS AA students were significantly lower in achievement than AA students across CA over 3 of 4 years.

AA student representation at each school was explored. There will be more follow-up work on this area of data analysis.


Refine SMARTE goal and action plan

Danny: Empower AA parents to feel more supported and confident in assisting their child in Math. Parent workshops designed. Using parent surveys conducted pre, during, and post each workshop
Robert:  Targets--seek to reduce negative responses and increase positive responses. Translate old survey results to new survey format. Determine change that would be outside a reasonable margin of error: 6.8% increase. Question 1 and Question 2 response targets were shared.
Sabrina: Looked at data, found need to improve Math scores. Peer math mentor program using reciprocal teaching. 7th and 8th graders will mentor 6th graders.
Robert: Targets--determine change that would be outside a reasonable margin of error: 5.8% increase. New 2019 CAASPP proficiency goals for each MS cohort were shared.
Sara: Ongoing gradebook analysis with support from Master Teacher. AA or black students. Gradebook analysis affinity group meeting twice a month for four months. Provide best practices.
Robert: For course passage rates, where historical average change is negative, seek to maintain semester 1 rate. Where historical average change is positive, match schoolwide growth. The proficiency targets for course passage rates, PSAT to SAT growth.


V. Action Items


Approve Revised Committee Goals


VI. Closing Items


Closing Discussion


Adjourn Meeting

Sara Diaz made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Sabrina Johnson seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Danielle Kelsick
Qiana O'Leary
Alison Diaz
Sara Diaz
Danny Cristales
Sabrina Johnson
KC Fabiero
Tashanda Giles Jones
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Danielle Kelsick