Environmental Charter Schools


ECS Board of Directors' Meeting

Date and Time

Monday August 20, 2018 at 5:00 PM


2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 / Zoom info: https://zoom.us/j/147466498 Or Telephone: (669) 900-6833 (Meeting ID: 147 466 498)
ECS Board Members                                                           Term   and    End Date    
Mr. Anthony Jowid, President.................................................2 years June 30, 2019
Mr. Ken Deemer, Vice President.............................................3 years  June 30, 2019
Ms. Denise Berger, Secretary.................................................3 years  June 30, 2020
Ms. Cathy Creasia..................................................................3 years June 30, 2020
Ms. Zena Fong.......................................................................2 year June 30, 2020
Mr. Ernie Levroney.................................................................2 year June 30, 2019
Ms. Jenina Ramirez...............................................................3 years June 30, 2021
Lawndale Elementary School District Representative...........Rotating Position      

ECS Staff      
Ms. Alison Diaz, Executive Director & Founder
Ms. Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, Chief Operating Officer
Ms. Kami Cotler, Director of Strategic Initiatives
Ms. Danielle Kelsick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Principal at ECMS - Inglewood
Ms. KC Villoria, Principal at ECHS
Dr. Qiana O'Leary, Principal at ECMS - Gardena  


Reimagine public education in low-income communities of color to prepare conscious, critical thinkers who are equipped to graduate from college and create a more equitable and sustainable world.


JUSTICE - We examine bias, racism, and prejudice. We deliver culturally-responsive curricula. We succeed when students’ race and class cease to predict their level of achievement. (footnote Noguera).

COMMUNITY - We care. We collaborate. We respect the rights and voices of our stakeholders.

CURIOSITY - We question. We explore. We innovate.

SUSTAINABILITY - We think globally and act locally. We adapt. We encourage systems thinking to create a sustainable future.

LEADERSHIP - We listen. We think critically. We advocate. We shift public discourse. We are our own superheroes.

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.

Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Board on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Environmental Charter School's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Board meeting by turning in a Speaker Form (available at the check-in table in English and Spanish).

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Board allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Board's presiding officer.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).

The public should be aware that the Board is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

Directors Present

Anthony Jowid, Cathy Creasia, Dr. Denise Berger, Ernie Levroney, Jenina Ramirez (remote), Ken Deemer, LESD Representative, Zena Fong

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Alayna Santos, Alison Diaz, Danielle Kelsick, Dave Trejo, Dorothy Lee, Dr. Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro, Farnaz Flechner, Jane Wyche, Jeremiah David, Julie Vo, KC Fabiero, Kami Cotler, Lacey Harris, Lucia Banuelos, Qiana O'Leary, Rossa Dono-Ramirez

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

Anthony Jowid called a meeting of the board of directors of Environmental Charter Schools to order on Monday Aug 20, 2018 at 5:11 PM.


Approve the Agenda

Cathy Creasia made a motion to approve the agenda.
Ernie Levroney seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Zena Fong
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez
Ernie Levroney
LESD Representative
Cathy Creasia
Dr. Denise Berger
Ken Deemer

II. Presentations from the Floor


Presentations from the Floor on Non Agenda Items



Presentations from the Floor on Agenda Items


III. Reports/Presentations


CEO Update

CEO Alison Diaz shared the following update:
Visited two of three schools on the first day of school today. Great to see students and teachers back in class, as well as the principals in action. Very fun to be back with the students on campus.


Principals Updates

ECMS-Inglewood: Principal Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro shared that today was the first day of school. First time having 360 students at the ECMS-I campus, along with 39 employees and looking forward to a great year! Introduced Dave Trejo, current Ryan Fellow and planned future principal of ECHS 2.

Dave Trejo introduced himself and shared his appreciation for being able to shadow Principal Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro. He shared about his involvement at the Accelerator Institute in Chicago. He complimented ECS on its professional development system for teachers and staff, which is one of the most extensive that he has seen. He looks forward to contributing to ECS after learning the ECS approach from Principals K.C. Villoria, Beth Bernstein-Yamashiro & Dr. Qiana O'Leary.

ECMS-Gardena: Principal Dr. Qiana O'Leary shared the theme for ECMS-Gardena for the 18-19 school year: ELEVATE. Dr. O'Leary spoke about her experience touring the headquarters of Uber and learning about the Uber Elevate program. For ECMS-Gardena, ELEVATE signifies Excellence Leveraged through Equity, Values, Awareness, Trust, and Empathy (with an emphasis on trust).

Focus for the school year is school climate and culture. This includes focusing on professional growth, communicating among colleagues, and providing a great educational model for students and families. All of these aspects tie into having a school climate of respect and mutual accountability. Delivering on commitments and coming through with our promises.

Dr. O'Leary shared recent highlights:
  • 100% of teaching staff hired and present on the first day of school at ECMS-Gardena.
  • Full enrollment for students
  • 98% of IEP amendments complete
  • First day of school successes: new pond is complete, partnered with Gardena High School band to welcome ECMS-Gardena students back to school.
Board Member Cathy Creasia commented that her son was very happy to be at ECMS-Gardena on the first day of school, saying that the day was fun, the teachers were nice, and he really liked the new pond. Kudos to the entire ECMS-Gardena team.

ECHS: Update tabled due to already being on the agenda in the following agenda item.

CEO Alison Diaz commented on how proud she is of all 3 school sites, for all the preparations that the school site staff made to be ready for the first day of school.


Gradtracker Results and College Report

ECHS Principal KC Fabiero presented the College Tracker slides:
KC Fabiero shared about the importance of college-going persistency which is explicitly included in the newly revised ECS mission statement.

The following statistics were shared:
  • ECHS is averaging 84% enrollment rate of the 97% of students who are admitted to a 4-year college or university.
  • ECHS alumni persistence rate of students returning for their second year of college is 94%. By comparison, the non-ECHS average rate of students returning for their second year of college is 79%.
Slides were presented showing the types of degree that students are graduating with from college, the number of years that students are taking to graduate as well as the 6-year college graduation rates with an ethnic breakdown.

ECHS counselors Lucia Banuelos, Rossa Dono-Ramirez, and Lacey Harris presented the ECHS Graduation Update slides:

The following statistics were shared:
  • 84% of seniors qualify for free and reduced lunch.
  • 83% of seniors will be first-generation college students. The gender and ethnic demographic breakdown of students was also shown.
  • 58% of students applied to a UC. 67 seniors submitted applications to all UC campus.
  • 96% of students applied to a CSU campus. 109 seniors applied to 22 of 23 CSU campuses.
  • 100% of students received a Letter of Recommendation, 100% of students received 1-1 college counseling, 100% applied to an institution.
  • 99% of students submitted FAFSA/Dream Act applications.
  • 100% of CalGrants for students were submitted. Over 60 family meetings took place to provide students and parents financial information so that the family could make well-informed decisions for the student and family.
  • 96.49% of ECHS seniors were accepted into a 4-year institution. 23 ECHS students committed to a UC campus. 43 ECHS students committed to a CSU campus. 13 ECHS students committed to a private institution. 35 ECHS students committed to a California community college.
The counseling team reiterated their commitment to their social justice, student-centered, and socio-emotional approach to providing student's services.

The counseling team commends ECS board member Zena Fong for her work helping at-risk students get to college. As well, the counseling team shared their appreciation for the work of the ECS leadership and board of directors in helping ECHS achieve these results from their students. The Bruce Greenspon Bridging the Gap Scholarship and Manhattan Beach Rotary Scholarship made it possible for 4 ECHS students to go to college.

The different ways in which ECHS helps students get admitted and enrolled into college were shared: 
  • Senior Seminar workshops
  • Zena Fong + LMU interns focus on at-risk students
  • Community Partnerships
  • El Camino College partnership
  • Alumni Coordinator Rachael Adsila

Zena Fong commented that the ECHS counseling team actively works with graduating ECHS students to sign up for college programs such as first-year experience programs which makes a large impact by giving the students the supports they need to succeed in college year 1 and beyond.

Information on what's ahead for college acceptance and enrollment services were shared:
  • New 9th/10th grade counselor
  • More office space
  • Exploring alumni mentorship programs
  • Summer SAT program for incoming seniors
  • NorCal college trip
  • Continue to offer internal scholarships to seniors
On a final note, the counseling team shared that if the internal scholarship amounts could be increased, it would make a large impact toward getting more students to UC campuses. For each student, it costs 3-4k for the first two years to be able to attend these campuses.


Financial Update

EdTec Consultant Dorothy Lee presented the financial update slides:

The financial update slides were shown.

The 17-18 financials were shown. The ECMS-Gardena difference was explained. This was due mostly to a timing issue with Prop K funding, more SPED costs than in the prior school year, and the SPED legal settlement.

The 18-19 financials were shown.


Development Update

Development Manager Julie Vo shared the development update slides:

18-19 fundraising goals were shown.

Julie Vo commented on how beneficial it has been to have COO Farnaz Flechner as a thought partner in fundraising, including carefully considering the ROI on money spent for fundraising.

The development status report was shared.

The 18-19 grant calendar was shown and the board members were highly encouraged to share any leads on potential donors.

IV. Study Sessions


Focus on ECS Strategic Goals

Director of Strategic Initiatives Kami Cotler presented the study session slides:

Highlights at each ECS school were shared:
  • ECHS - renewed WASC accreditation, AP passage rates increased
  • ECMS-Gardena - improved CAASPP scores across the board
  • ECMS-Inglewood - continued steady growth in CAASPP scores, closing in on statewide average scores
These successes are indicators of making progress toward the equitable outcomes aspired to in the quote "We know we are succeeding in closing the gap when the backgrounds of students (race and class) cease to be predictors of achievement." - Dr. Pedro Noguera.

ECS COO Farnaz Flechner shared about the importance of having a singular focus across ECS. With a singular focus, anytime that a decision or action takes place that is at odds with the singular focus, all ECS stakeholders have the ability to speak up and ask if the decision or action is in line with ECS' singular focus: strengthening student outcomes.

The study session began with the following guiding questions as each group reviewed the benchmark chart's 4 strategic goals, their subgoals, and measures of success:
  • Are these the right goals?
  • Are these the right metrics?
  • Should they all be reach goals? Should anything start green? OR are there some metrics that are so important that we should always keep an eye on them?
  • What is missing?
Each group shared their takeaways from their study session:

Group 1:
Focused on reviewing Goal 1. Subgoal 1b was confirmed as a crucial subgoal. Not sure if subgoals that extend out to year 2022 should be on this benchmark chart. Subgoal 1a could be moved from Goal 1 to Goal 3 since it is not specifically a student outcome goal. For goal 2, the group debated whether it should be limited to pursuing student equity and enrollment or if it should be opened up to equity in staffing as well.

Group 2: For goal 2, the group echoed considering adding equity in staffing to the equity goal. The group also questioned if the tool is intended to be reviewed at every board meeting. If so, the group suggests developing additional subgoals and measures of success that are measured more frequently than annually. Finally, the group asked if the subgoal of creating a sustainable Green Ambassadors program should be put on the back burner at this point.

Group 3:  The group struggled with the difference between static and dynamic measurements. For Goal 1, why not expand it to all schools rather than just ECMS-Gardena, adding in students and parents as well? The group discussed that teacher retention may not be the best measure related to student outcomes since there are many factors that influence teacher retention. Additionally, college readiness should be a measurable goal. The group also questioned whether the Green Ambassadors goal was connected directly to the revised ECS mission statement. Finally, the group suggested that it would be beneficial if the compliance-related subgoals and measures of success were moved off to a separate compliance checklist so that they do not occupy space on this strategic benchmark chart.

Group 4:  The group discussed that the school climate and culture morale issue was not specific to ECMS-Gardena, so it should be reconsidered and potentially added to all ECS schools. The teacher retention measure of success only showed ECS teachers that were asked back, but not which teachers wanted to be back. Equity goal needs to be more defined, putting hard numbers and percentages into the measures of success. Specifically, these numbers should mirror the demographics of the local communities. Finally, the Expand ECS' Reach goal appeared to be missing a subgoal related to outreach and community engagement. The group commented that there should be more ways to bring up the overall level of excitement and engagement as local community outreach efforts take place.


Potential Sites for ECHS #2

CEO Alison Diaz presented the study session slides:

Research on potential sites has taken place with the assistance of Pacific Charter School Development, Red Hook Capital Partners, and Bushore Church Real Estate, as well as ECS' own extensive efforts.

Finding the right site is always a very challenging part of opening a new school. What this means is that things look different than expected when you first obtain a site versus after improvements are made over time.

Facilities and Sustainability Manager Alayna Santos shared that the site search criteria list was devised from various sources, including the CDE and other agencies. The following criteria were agreed to be important in the search for any new school site:
  • Location
  • Safety
  • Environment
  • ECS Culture
  • Share and Size
  • Cost
  • Availability
  • Public Acceptance
Research data was shown on competing high schools in the area, where current ECS students live, and where potential sites in the desired area were.

Board member Denise Berger asked if the triangle area is currently skewed slightly to the west because of ECHS, with the thought being that where ECHS students live is less significant than where ECMS students live because ECHS students are already matriculated. Alison Diaz commented that there have been a number of other sites outside of the triangle area that have been visited but there have been few viable options found.

Denise Berger asked what the difference is between a short-term and a long-term site. Alison Diaz responded that because new ECS sites typically open up one grade level at a time, a short-term, smaller site is beneficial because its ADA funding can support its facility expense as the school grows to full enrollment over multiple years.

The Crossroads site was discussed through the lens of the ECS site search criteria category by category. For location and safety, the site scored favorably. For environment, the issues raised were the aesthetic from inside the building looking outside, due to small windows and minimal natural light views. From the street to the building, the site was aesthetically pleasing. Also a potential problem, the site may have some potential odor issues--a musty smell emanating from some parts of the building. Next, ECS culture was considered. There are potential issues with outdoor space limitations, as well as small classroom sizes. However, for a short-term site, these issues are not considered to be significant. Finally, shape and size, and cost were considered and though there are some potential issues, if they can be worked out with the building owners they will be manageable for a short-term site.

Planned ECHS #2 Principal Dave Trejo presented a SWOT analysis of the major strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the Crossroads site. Some strengths were dual enrollment possibilities with El Camino College as well as turnkey technology on-site and the existence of a Conditional Use Permit. Weaknesses were the asking cost of the building owners, the subterranean level and narrow hallways in the building, and that the original plan to open in 20/21 would have to be expedited to 19/20.

Denise Berger asked if she could get a sense of what typical costs are to lease facilities for a charter school of this size. Some discussion ensued and it was agreed that due to being over time for the meeting, further discussion would take place at next month's board meeting. No immediate board action would need to take place because the next step regarding the Crossroads site is to send in a letter of intent to lease and this is non-binding.

V. Approve Consent Items A-P


Approve Previous Meeting Minutes for July 27, 2018 Special Board Meeting

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-27-18 Special Board of Directors' Meeting on 07-27-18.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ken Deemer
LESD Representative
Jenina Ramirez
Cathy Creasia
Ernie Levroney
Anthony Jowid
Zena Fong
Dr. Denise Berger


Accept Minutes From the Following Board and Committee Meetings

Ken Deemer made a motion to accept minutes from the board and committee meetings listed on the agenda.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
LESD Representative
Dr. Denise Berger
Zena Fong
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez
Cathy Creasia


Accept May, June, July 2018 Check Registers as recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to accept May, June, July 2018 check registers as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jenina Ramirez
Zena Fong
Ken Deemer
LESD Representative
Anthony Jowid
Cathy Creasia
Ernie Levroney
Dr. Denise Berger


Accept May-July Private Donations Over $1000 as recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to accept May-July private donations over $1000 as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ken Deemer
Zena Fong
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
LESD Representative
Dr. Denise Berger
Cathy Creasia
Anthony Jowid


Approve FY 18/19 Contracts as Recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve FY 18/19 contracts as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ken Deemer
Anthony Jowid
Cathy Creasia
Dr. Denise Berger
Zena Fong
LESD Representative
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez


Approve FY 17/18 Unaudited Actuals: ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI as Recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve FY 17/18 Unaudited Actuals: ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ernie Levroney
Cathy Creasia
Zena Fong
Ken Deemer
LESD Representative
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez
Dr. Denise Berger


Approve Consolidated Application FY 18/19: ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI as Recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve Consolidated Application FY 18/19: ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
LESD Representative
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
Dr. Denise Berger
Jenina Ramirez
Zena Fong
Anthony Jowid
Cathy Creasia


Approve Principal Salaries as Recommended by Finance Committee

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve principal salaries as recommended by Finance Committee.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
Dr. Denise Berger
Cathy Creasia
Zena Fong
LESD Representative
Anthony Jowid


Approve Policy: ECS Child Safety Alert System & Transportation Safety Plan

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve policy: ECS Child Safety Alert System & Transportation Safety Plan.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dr. Denise Berger
Cathy Creasia
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez
Ken Deemer
LESD Representative
Ernie Levroney
Zena Fong


Approve ECS Title I Allowable Costs Policy and Guidance

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve ECS Title I Allowable Costs Policy and Guidance.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Zena Fong
Ken Deemer
Anthony Jowid
Cathy Creasia
LESD Representative
Jenina Ramirez
Dr. Denise Berger
Ernie Levroney


Approve 2018-2019 ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI Parent-Student Handbooks

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve 2018-2019 ECHS, ECMSG, ECMSI Parent-Student Handbooks.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Cathy Creasia
Zena Fong
Dr. Denise Berger
Ken Deemer
Anthony Jowid
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
LESD Representative


Approve 2018-2019 ECS Employee Handbook

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve 2018-2019 ECS Employee Handbook.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
LESD Representative
Jenina Ramirez
Dr. Denise Berger
Zena Fong
Ernie Levroney
Anthony Jowid
Cathy Creasia
Ken Deemer


Approve NPS Master Contract & ISA

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve NPS Master Contract & ISA.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Jenina Ramirez
Anthony Jowid
LESD Representative
Zena Fong
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
Cathy Creasia
Dr. Denise Berger


Accept 2017-18 Governance Reviews for ECMS-Gardena and ECMS-Inglewood

Ken Deemer made a motion to accept 2017-18 Governance Reviews for ECMS-Gardena and ECMS-Inglewood.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Dr. Denise Berger
Ken Deemer
LESD Representative
Cathy Creasia
Ernie Levroney
Zena Fong
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez


Accept 2017-18 ECMS-I Instructional Program Review for ECMS-Inglewood

Ken Deemer made a motion to accept 2017-18 ECMS-I Instructional Program Review for ECMS-Inglewood.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Cathy Creasia
Zena Fong
Dr. Denise Berger
LESD Representative
Ken Deemer
Ernie Levroney
Anthony Jowid
Jenina Ramirez


Approve Revised 2018-2019 Board and Committee Calendar

Ken Deemer made a motion to approve revised 2018-2019 Board and Committee Calendar.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Ernie Levroney
LESD Representative
Zena Fong
Anthony Jowid
Dr. Denise Berger
Cathy Creasia
Jenina Ramirez
Ken Deemer

VI. Action Items


Approve Retainer for Potential ECHS #2 Site


VII. Upcoming Dates/Announcements


Next ECS Board Meeting


Next ECS Committee Meetings


Student Led Tours


Upcoming Events



COO Farnaz appreciated K.C. Fabiero and the ECHS counselors for the positive energy that they always have when talking about their students as well as the data that they shared at this board meeting on ECHS student graduation and college acceptance and enrollment.

Board member Anthony Jowid appreciated the efforts that Dr. O'Leary made for a successful first day of school at ECMS-Gardena as well as her attendance after the first day of school to this board meeting.

Finally, ECHS Assistant Principal Jane appreciated the board's approval of consent item H.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Ken Deemer made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Cathy Creasia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
Zena Fong
LESD Representative
Dr. Denise Berger
Anthony Jowid
Ernie Levroney
Jenina Ramirez
Cathy Creasia
Ken Deemer
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Anthony Jowid