Environmental Charter Schools

Finance Committee Meeting

By Teleconference/Zoom

Date and Time

Monday June 15, 2020 at 1:00 PM PDT


Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/892326751?pwd=cnpIVUJxOEUwdXVzeHZTeHdTRU00dz09
Two-Way Teleconference Location: ECHS Auxiliary Office, 2625 Manhattan Beach Blvd, Suite 100, Redondo Beach, CA 90278
Finance Committee Members
Farnaz Golshani-Flechner - Chair
Ken Deemer
Denise Berger
Bruce Greenspon
Alison Diaz
Tracy Bondi

Finance Committee Charter
  • Provides financial oversight for the organization
  • In conjunction with staff and other stakeholders, develops an annual operating budget and recommends for board approval
  • Monitors adherence to budget and recommends changes, if necessary
  • Sets long-term financial goals with funding strategies to achieve them
  • Considers special, unbudgeted requests and make recommendations to board
  • Develops multi-year operating budgets that tie to strategic plan
  • Ensures adequacy of financial controls and monitor for compliance
  • Ensure Financial literacy of Board Members by providing training
Goals for 2019-2020
  • Integrate ECHS 2 financials into ECS financial reporting and processes.
  • Hold a yearly ECS financial training course.
  • Ensure adequate financing for the facilities development for all school sites.
  • Collaborate with Menlo Charter Properties to refinance loans at ECMS-Gardena and ECMS-Inglewood.
  • Ensure salary schedules and benefits are supportable and sustainable.
  • Engage board in a critical assessment of the budget as it relates to organizational priorities and goals
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.

Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Ralph M. Brown Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only. The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Environmental Charter Schools recognizes that it benefits greatly from public input and perspective. Individuals are invited to address the Committee on any topic or subject matter that falls within the Committee's purview. Speakers may sign up in person immediately prior to the beginning of the Committee meeting by speaking with the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each). Please note that the Committee allows a maximum of 10 minutes to each subject as determined by the Committee Chair.

Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).

The public should be aware that the Committee is unable by law to deliberate or take action on items raised during the Presentations from the Floor section.

Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.

For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at (310) 214-3408, option 5.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Agenda
II. Presentations from the Floor
  A. Presentation from the Floor on Non Agenda Items
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters not listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of three (3) minutes each to address the Committee (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of six (6) minutes each).
  B. Presentations from the Floor on Agenda Items
Should a member of the public wish to speak on matters listed on the agenda, they may speak during the Presentations from the Floor section of the agenda. Speakers will be given a maximum of five (5) minutes each to address the Board (non-English speakers utilizing translators will be given a maximum of ten (10) minutes each).
III. Discussion Items / Updates
  A. EdTec Financial Review
  • 2019-2020 Financial Update
    • June 2020 financial update slides is here
    • ECHS income statement and cash flow is here
    • ECMS-G income statement and cash flow is here
    • ECMS-I income statement and cash flow is here
    • ECHS 2 income statement and cash flow is here
    • ECS balance sheet is here
  • 2020-2021 Budget Proposal
    • ECHS 2020-2021 Budget is here
    • ECMS-G 2020-2021 Budget is here
    • ECMS-I 2020-2021 Budget is here
    • ECHS 2 2020-2021 Budget is here
  B. Fundraising YTD update
  • Fundraising YTD update is here
  C. Discuss Finance Committee Goals for 2020-2021
For reference:


Goals for 2019-2020
  • Integrate ECHS 2 financials into ECS financial reporting and processes.
  • Hold a yearly ECS financial training course.
  • Ensure adequate financing for the facilities development for all school sites.
  • Collaborate with Menlo Charter Properties to refinance loans at ECMS-Gardena and ECMS-Inglewood.
  • Ensure salary schedules and benefits are supportable and sustainable.
  • Engage board in a critical assessment of the budget as it relates to organizational priorities and goals
IV. Consent Items A-H
  A. Recommend board approval of previous meeting minutes
    Approve minutes for Finance Committee Meeting on February 7, 2020
  B. Recommend board acceptance of March and April 2020 check registers and credit card statements
  C. Recommend board acceptance of March-May 2020 private donations over $1,000
  • March-May 2020 private donations over $1,000 is here
  D. Recommend board approval to open ECMS-G, ECMS-I, ECHS 2 checking accounts with Beneficial State Bank
  • Approve check signers: Farnaz Golshani-Flechner, KC Fabiero, Anthony Jowid
  E. Recommend board approval to open ECMS-G, ECMS-I, ECHS, ECHS 2 credit card accounts with Beneficial State Bank
  • Approve credit cards for: Dave Trejo (ECMS-G), Geneva Matthews (ECMS-I), KC Fabiero (ECHS), Farnaz Golshani-Flechner (Home Office)
  F. Recommend board approval of 2020-2021 Education Protection Act Plan and Resolution
  • 2020-2021 Education Protection Act Plan is here
  • 2020-2021 Education Protection Act Resolution is here
  G. Recommend board approval of FY 2020-21 contracts
  • TGC IT Outsource Contract for all sites
    • $155,160 expected annual cost (+3% change from previous year)
    • Contract is here
  • School Nutrition Plus Food Service Vended Agreement renewal for all sites
    • $420,676,02 expected annual cost (+3% change from previous year)
    • Contract is here
  H. Recommend board approval of Forms 990 and 199
V. Action Items
  A. Recommend board approval of 2020-2021 Budgets
  • 2020-2021 Budgets for ECHS, ECMS-G, ECMS-I, ECHS 2 attached in Discussion Items / Updates III.A agenda item
  B. Recommend board approval of revised ECS Financial Policies
  • Revised ECS Financial Policies (tracked changes) is here
  C. Recommend board approval of Finance Committee Goals for 2020-2021
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting