Environmental Charter Schools

Facilities Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Monday July 31, 2017 at 5:00 PM PDT


16315 Grevillea Ave, Lawndale, CA 90260 / 515 S. Figueroa St. Suite 1800, LA, CA 90071 / 409 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite E, Santa Monica, CA 90401 / 590 Rosecrans Ave. Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 /Zoom Info: Join from PC or Mac: https://zoom.us/j/333580464 Or Telephone: +1 408 638 0968 Meeting ID: 333 580 464
Facilities Committee Members 
John Kim - Chair 
Anthony Jowid 
Alayna Santos 
Alison Diaz 
Victor Garcia (bio linked here)
Megan Hadden

Facilities Committee Charter 
  • Provide leadership and oversight for the construction, revitalization, and maintenance of ECS's physical sites;
  • Develop and oversee the implementation of strategies to engage stakeholders on a continuing basis in efforts to address ECS's facility needs;
  • Consider, as appropriate, matters relating to the physical sites of ECS, including approval of plans for new construction and revitalization and the institutional prioritization of capital projects plans and requests, as well as, and in coordination with, the Finance Committee.
  • Provide review, policy guidance, and strategic oversight of campus master planning activities, capital improvements and real estate type activities while also aligning the same to our mission, vision and values.  
  • Provide guidance and recommendations to the ECS Board and senior ECS staff on facilities-related matters; and
  • Undertake such other matters and review such other issues as may be directed from time to time by the Board of Directors.
Goals for 2016-2017
  • At ECMS-I, ensure careful planning and execution for Inglewood campus.
  • At ECMS-G, provide expertise and support as staff and consultants facilitate the PROP K grant objectives.
  • At ECHS, transition from old modular units to new two story units maximize the utilization of Prop 39: Energy Grants including considering plans for renewable energy like solar.
Goals for 2017-18: to be established. 

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Review and Approval of Agenda
Facilities Committee
  A. Motion to Approve the Agenda
  B. Approve Previous Facilities Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes from April 21, 2017

    Approve minutes for Facilities Committee Meeting on April 21, 2017
III. Presentation from the Floor
  A. Presentations from the Floor
At this time any person wishing to speak to any item not on the agenda will be granted three minutes to make a presentation to the committee. Non-English speakers utilizing translators will be granted six minutes to make a presentation to the committee. 
  B. Presentation on the Agenda
Any person wishing to speak to any item on the agenda will be granted five minutes to make a presentation. Non-English speakers utilizing translators will be granted ten minutes to make a presentation to the committee. 
IV. School Site Updates:
  A. ECHS Update
1. Modular Building Updates with LESD and from Cunningham with Timeline.  We continue to working with Cuningham to secure close out of the portables.  Linked are updates provided by Cuningham and a sample of our ongoing effort to collaborate with LESD.  
2. Shed Removal Plan Update: We are currently working with the Contractor who recently completed our site in Inglewood to help us solicit bids from a few transport companies.  We will share their info with LESD as soon as the mover is scheduled. We are trying to schedule the move for the week of August 15. 
3. Meeting additional space needs: To help alleviate some of the space concerns at ECHS, we have been exploring several creative solutions.  First, we are expanding our partnership with the YMCA to lease some of the classroom/gym space to serve as recreational space for electives.  Second, we also have secured additional office space/meeting space for lease within a mile from the High School.  We will submit these leases to the Office Of Public School Construction for reimbursement under SB 740 to defray some of the costs. Last we are exploring creative furniture plans with our partners at Tangram Interiors. 
  •     Lease with YMCA for additional recreational elective programs.  The lease is not yet available for review.  
  •     Proposed Lease for additional office space, small group meeting space, leadership/teacher planning and  professional development needs. 
  •     Creative Furniture plans
4. Goal to explore Creative Cooling Systems: Misters, Fans, Mobile HVAC.  As a new HVAC systems is not slated for consideration until after the Portables receive final approval with DSA, we are exploring alternatives.  Does the committee have any ideas?  
5. Long Term Planning: HVAC: ECHS will collaborate with LESD to explore HVAC after DSA approval. 
6. CEC prop 39 Application update (Alayna)
  • Notice of Application approved
  • Work to be completed by 2020
  • Work not to start until after Modulars receive final DSA approval and installation of energy efficiency measures approved by LESD
  B. ECMSI Update
1. New Construction
  • Final inspection Updates 
  • Certificate of Occupancy Update expected August 1 
  • LACOE facility Inspector visit scheduled
2.  Office Space Remodel (Alayna) 

3.  Landscape Plans (Alayna)
  •  EcoMedia Grant and Dept of Transportation funding water efficiency best practices
  •  LA Loma Proposal to create the spaces defined in the landscape plan (attached contract and revised landscape plans) 
4. CEC Prop 39 application submitted (Alayna/Chad) 
5. ECMS I Ribbon Cutting Scheduled for November 4.  Please mark your calendars. 
  C. ECMSG Update
1. Prop K (Alayna/Alison)
  • See City of Los Angeles Revised Contract (#2) approved Winter 2017 
  • Review winning bid from Fast Track Construction Corp Public Bid May -June 2017.  The contract is subject to LA City approving the extended timeline for the City of LA prop K contract. The contract is identified as contract A.  Should the city not approve the Bid, ECS asked for an alternative contract with revised scope.  
  • Contract Extension Submitted June 2017 and approved by Prop K Steering Committee 
  • City of Los Angeles Must Approve Contract Extension
  • Work to be scheduled during school year
2. CEC Prop 39 Update (Alayna/Chad)
  • Worked approved by CEC
  • Solar and lighting installation in progress 
3. Proposed Joint Use Space at the Boys and Girls Club on Gardena Blvd
  • Use of play yard for games
  • Use of Multipurpose room on rainy days
V. Action Items
  A. Recommend Low Bidder to meet Prop K Contract

Attached Contract

  B. Recommend approval of Landscape Contract with La Loma Construction

After COO, church and ECMS I agreed to add landscape features to the ECMS I campus.  
Landscape features are partially funded by EcoMedia Dept of Transportation Grant

  C. Recommend approval of Lease Agreement for additional office space
  • Term: 3-5 year term
  • Price 1.52 per square foot +utilities, janitorial and time warner
  • approximately 2600 square feet
  D. Recommend Approval of Lease with YMCA for additional recreational/elective space

Executive Director and Principal to negotiate lease not to exceed 24K. 

  E. Approve 2017-18 Facilites Goals
  1. At ECMS-I, complete Inglewood campus:
    • Secure COO
    • Implement Phase I of our Landscape Greening Plan
    • Celebrate ribbon cutting ceremony November 4
    • Work with Development to secure funding to complete phase 2 of greening & rec plans
    • Implement CEC prop 39 measures
  2.  At ECMS-G, provide expertise and support as staff and consultants facilitate the following
    • PROP K grant objectives 
    • CEC prop 39 measures
  3. At ECHS
    1. collaborate with landlord to complete the following:
      • secure final DSA sign off on existing modular units
      • remove shed
      • secure approval to implement CEC measures
      • After securing DSA sign off, work with LESD on long term facility plans 
    2. develop creative solutions to both space challenges and classroom temperature challenges during warmer months
VI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
