Environmental Charter Schools

ECS Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 5, 2017 at 5:00 PM PDT


16315 Grevillea Ave. Lawndale, CA 90260 / 409 Santa Monica Blvd. Suite E Santa Monica, CA 90401
ECS Board Members                                                               Term   and    End Date    
Mr. Ken Deemer, President..................................................3 years  June 30, 2019
Ms. Denise Berger, Vice President......................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Mr. Bruce Greenspon, Treasurer...............................................1 year  June 30, 2017
Ms. Farnaz Golshani–Flechner, Secretary.......................... 3 years June 30, 2018
Mr. William Robertson.........................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Mr. Jorge Arroyo..................................................................1 years  June 30, 2017
Ms. Amy Johnson................................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Ms. Jenni Owen...................................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Mr. Anthony Jowid...............................................................2 years June 30, 2019
ECS Staff      
Ms. Alison Diaz, Executive Director & Founder 
Ms. Kami Cotler, Director of Strategic Initiative 
Ms. Tracy Bondi, Director of Finance and Operations 
Ms. Danielle Kelsick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Ms. Makeisa Gaines, Director of Talent Management 
Mr. Robert Gloria, Principal at ECMS - Gardena 
Ms. Beth Bernstein, Principal at ECMS - Inglewood
Ms. KC Villoria, Principal at ECHS 

To create and deliver vibrant, innovative, interdisciplinary learning opportunities using the environment to engage students and connect them to the wider world.

Our vision is that students are equipped with the knowledge and skills to graduate from college, inspired to discover their own sense of purpose and empowered to become quality stewards of their own communities.

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.


      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 5:00 PM
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests   Alison Diaz/Dani 1 m

Introduce Guests

  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Ken Deemer 1 m
II. Review and Approval of Agenda 5:02 PM
Ad Hoc Compensation Committee
  A. Motion to approve the agenda Vote Ken Deemer 3 m
  B. Approve Previous ECS Board Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Ken Deemer 5 m
  • ECS Board Meeting Minutes March 27, 2017
  • ECS Special Board Meeting Minutes April 21, 2017 
III. Presentations from the Floor 5:10 PM
Ad Hoc Technology Committee
  A. Presentation from the Floor on Non Agenda Items FYI 3 m
At this time any person wishing to speak to any item not on the agenda will be granted three minutes to make a presentation to the Board. Non-English speakers utilizing translators will be granted six minutes to make a presentation to the committee. 
Any person wishing to speak to any item on the agenda will be granted five minutes to make a presentation. Non-English speakers utilizing translators will be granted ten minutes to make a presentation to the committee. 
IV. Reports / Presentations 5:16 PM
Development Committee
  A. Executive Director's Report FYI Alison Diaz 5 m
Lots of changes a foot.  
ECS is growing.  Next year we will serve more than 1160 students across three campuses. 
Departments serving three schools:  
Development, Talent, Finance, Ops, Curric &Instruction, Strategic Planning
Newest member of our team Makeisa Gains.  Position is partially supported through grant dollars raised from GPSN and Parson. And will continue to be sustained by increasing enrollment. 
Changes a foot also is affording us the opportunity to expand our team.  Tracy to remain part time and Kami to go a little more part time, ECS will interview for a Special Projects Manager to fully assume Tracy's operational responsibilities and help project support some of Kami's efforts. We are looking to partners like Broad and LASVP for possible candidates.  
Inglewood will complete July 7. 
Gardena Prop K is back on track. 
HS DSA application accepted! 
Farnaz and Bruce did an incredible job representing the board at the Capacity Hearing for Inglewood's Charter Renewal.  
Alex Johnson, LACOE, board member visited ECMS. He toured with the students, tried new edibles and was generally pleased.  
LACOE to make a decision Tuesday July 18, 2017. Join us.
And we are more organized than ever before. Summer PD planning has already been outlined and we have chosen to focus on MATH organizationally as an area of need an area to prioritize! 
  B. ECHS Graduates Discuss KC Villoria and Counselors 30 m
Where are our alum today?
Where are our graduates Going?
College Report presentation linked
V. Study Session 5:51 PM
Governance Committee
  A. LCAP for each site Discuss Kami Cotler and Each Principal 45 m
  • ECHS

We will review the following highlights from the three LCAPSOverview 
  • Goals 
  • Outcomes 
  • Actions
Most important, we will focus on organization wide outcomes and outcomes specific to each site a review of data and stakeholder input. See Board LCAP presentation

VI. Committee Reports 6:36 PM
Facilities Committee
  A. Finance Committee FYI Dorothy Lee and Alison Diaz 20 m
  • EdTec Report include budget presentation
  B. Facilities Committee FYI Alison Diaz
Tabled for July's Meeting
Minutes Included for your review and Highlights below:
Alison provided a brief update in opening. 
ECHS: LESD reached out to request a site visit. DSA accepted plan submission.  We have a project #
ECMS G: Contracts with new project manager to support prop K
ECMS I: Shooting for July 7 with landscaping features to conclude by end of August. 
  C. Development Committee FYI Julie Vo
Tabled for July Meeting
Highlights provided and included in minutes
Development Dashboard 16-17
  • We raised about 830K to date and we expect to raise between to 925K to 1 Million by June 30, 2017 depending if we receive the final few grants awards we expect by year end.  
  • Good news is we have exceeded our goals in both our general and possibility funds and have about 300K left in our capital goals for Inglewood. 
See Capital Campaign Fundraising Deck  linked or see attached Deck.  
  D. Govenance Committee FYI Denise Berger 5 m
Board Recruitment Efforts
Board Calendar 2017-18
Board Officers 17-18
Board Committee Membership
Board Committee Meeting Calendar
Diversity of Board and Action Research to Support Equity & Diversity Taskforce

  E. Academic Excellence Committee FYI Danielle Kelsick/Kami Cotler 1 m
  F. Diversity and Equity Taskforce Discuss Danielle Kelsick/Kami Cotler 1 m

Meeting scheduled for Monday June 12th.  Come here what each site has achieved and help us devise a plan forward.  

VII. Consent Agenda 7:03 PM
  A. Approve Consent Agenda Vote Alison Diaz 5 m
  1. Minutes
    • Accept ECMSI School Site Council Minutes on March 23, 2017
    • Approve ECS Board Meeting Minutes on March 27, 2017
    • Accept Academic Excellence Committee Minutes on March 27th 
    • Approve ECS Special Board Meeting Minutes on April 21, 2017 
    • Accept Facilities Committee Minutes on April 21, 2017 
    • Accept Development Committee Minutes on April 27, 2017
    • Accept Governance Committee Minutes on April 28, 2017
    • Accept ECHS School Site Council Minutes on May 14, 2017
  2. Approve Private Donations 
  3. Approve Check Registers
    • March 2017 
    • April 2017
  4. Approve ECS Policies as recommended for approval by Governance Committee in April 2017:
    • ECS Anti-Bullying Policy 
    • ECS Stock Donation Policy
    • ECS Pupil Fees Policy
    • ECS Suicide Prevention Policy
  5. Approve 2017-2018 Contracts. 
    1. 2017-2018 ECS: EdTec Services Renewal Proposal: After another successful partnership year with Ed Tec, ECS contract for service auto renews at essentially the same rate as prior year with only slight increase for hourly contract service for powerschool support.
    2. CST IT Outsource Contract: ECS continue to receive excellent Information Technology Support.  Data from surveys gives our tech team glowing reports.  Sites couldn't be any happier with the level of service.  Accordingly, ECS seeks to continue the contract services.  There is an additional contract for ECHS as they have an additional on site support provider to meet their day to day needs.  
      • 2017-2018 ECHS: CST IT Outsource Contract 
      • 2017-2018 ECS: CST IT Outsource Contract
    3. Custodial Service Contracts
      • 2017-2018 ECMSG: Custodial Contract for Gerardo Ochoa:  This contract is being extended for another year with the same vendor. 
      • 2017-2018 ECMSI: Custodial Contract for CCI: After a bid process, ECMS I selected CCI as their vendor for the 17-18 school year. 
      • 2017-2018 ECHS: Custodial Contract for VNS: There is a slight increase after two years of no increases.
    4. HS Overnight Field Trips
      • 2017-2018 ECHS CELP Contract_Catalina Island (9th Grade)
      • 2017-2018 ECHS: Boojum Contract_Joshua Tree (11th Grade)
      • 2017-2018 ECHS: Boojum Contract_ Joshua Tree (10th Grade)
      • 2017-2018 ECHS: NatureBridge Contract_Yosemite (12th Grade)
    5. ECMS I Overnight Field Trips
      • 2017-2018 ECMSI: NatureBridge Contract (7th Grade Girls) 
      • 2017-2018 ECMSI: NatureBridge Contract (7th Grade Boys)
      • 2017-2018 ECMSI: NatureBridge Contract (6th Grade)
More contracts will be moved forward at July's meeting.  These are the only ones ready for review.  Please note all contracts costs are included in the budgets.

VIII. Action Items 7:08 PM
  A. Approve 2017-2018 Board Terms and Officers Vote Alison Diaz 3 m

Board Terms:
  • Approve Bruce Greenspon as board member for another year term ending 6/30/18 
  • Approve Jorge Arroyo as board member for another year term ending 6/30/18 
  • Approve Denise Berger as board member for another two-year term ending 6/30/20
  • Approve Jenni Owen as board member for another two-year term ending 6/30/19
  • Approve the resignation of William Robertson and Amy Johnson effective July 1, 2017
Board Officers:
  • Ken Deemer for President
  • Anthony Jowid for Vice President
  • Denise Berger for Secretary
  •  ``````````for Treasurer
New Members: * We are currently interview possible new members. Some of whom are present tonight.  I look forward to their being invited to participate further with ECS and joining our board. 
  B. Approve 2017-2018 Board and Committee Calendar Vote Alison Diaz 5 m
  C. Approve 2017-2018 Academic Calendars for each site Vote Danielle Kelsick and Principal 5 m
  • ECHS
  D. Approve Graduation Waivers Vote ECHS Counselors/Special Ed Coordinator & KC Villoria 10 m
Approve Three Graduation Waivers. 

Student #13236 The waiver request for this student is Here
Student #10964
Student #10972

The waivers for the remaining two students will be presented by the Counselors/Special Ed coordinators.  
  E. Approve LCAPs for each school site Vote Kami Cotler and Principal 5 m


  F. Approve 2017-18 Year Budgets for each school site Vote Tracy Bondi/Dorothy Lee and Alison Diaz 10 m

ECHS Budget
ECMS I Budget
ECMS G Budget

  G. Approve 2016-2017 and 2017-2018 Education Protection Act Funds resolution Vote Tracy Bondi 5 m
The Education Protection Act funds are one of three funding streams that make up the general purpose entitlement for the schools. The EPA was developed as a result of the passage of Proposition 30 in 2012. 

The three funding streams that make up the LCFF general purpose entitlement are State Aid, Property Tax, and the EPA. These funding streams make up different proportions of the entitlement depending upon when the school was opened (those opened after 2012 receive a smaller proportion of EPA) and the school's authorizing entity (which determines the proportion of property tax funds). 

As we have since 2013, we must annually approve the usage of EPA funds in an open Board meeting as a directive of the proposition.
IX. Upcoming Dates 7:51 PM
Finance Committee
  A. Next ECS Board Meeting FYI Alison Diaz 3 m
Next ECS Board Meeting: Monday August 21st, 2017 (in lieu of July meeting)
Future Dates:  
September 25, 2017 (4th Monday of the month)
November 27, 2017 (4th Monday of the month)
January 22, 2018 (4th Monday of the month)
March 19, 2018 (3rd Monday of the month due to spring break)
June 4, 2018 (1st Monday of the month as 4th Monday is a holiday)
  B. Next ECS Committee Meetings FYI Alison Diaz 1 m
  1. Finance Committee Meeting - TBD
  2. Facilities Committee Meeting - TBD
  3. Development Committee Meeting - TBD
  4. Governance Committee Meeting - TBD
  5. Equity Taskforce Meeting - June 12, 2017
  6. Academic Excellence Committee - July 10, 2017 
Note: Once Committees have been reconstituted for the 17-18 academic year, calendar of meetings will be set. 
  C. Culminations and Graduation FYI Alison Diaz 3 m
  • ECHS Graduation@El Camino College - June 20th at 5pm
  • ECMSI Culmination @ the Inglewood Campus - June 15th at 9AM
  • ECMSG Culmination@ the Hawthorne Community Center - June 16th at 11AM 
  D. Other important dates FYI 3 m
  1. Student Led Tour Dates
    • Tuesday, June 13, 2017 @ 10AM 
  2. LACOE Board Meeting re ECMS Inglewood Petition Renewal
    • Tuesday July 18, 2017 @ 3 pm
X. Reflections
XI. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote