Environmental Charter Schools

Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 27, 2017 at 5:00 PM PDT


16315 Grevillea Ave. Lawndale, CA 90260
Board Members                                                               Term   and    End Date    
Mr. Ken Deemer, President..................................................3 years  June 30, 2019
Ms. Denise Berger, Vice President......................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Bruce Greenspon, Treasurer...............................................1 year  June 30, 2017
Ms. Farnaz Golshani–Flechner, Secretary.......................... 3 years June 30, 2018
Mr. William Robertson.........................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Mr. Jorge Arroyo..................................................................1 years  June 30, 2017
Ms. Amy Johnson................................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Ms. Jenni Owen...................................................................3 years  June 30, 2017
Mr. Anthony Jowid...............................................................2 years June 30, 2019
Ms. Alison Diaz, Executive Director & Founder 
Ms. Kami Cotler, Director of Strategic Initiative 
Ms. Tracy Bondi, Director of Finance and Operations 
Ms. Danielle Kelsick, Director of Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. Robert Gloria, Principal at ECMS - Gardena 
Ms. Beth Bernstein, Principal at ECMS - Inglewood
Ms. KC Villoria, Principal at ECHS 

Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Notice is hereby given that consistent with the requirements of the Bagley-Keene Open Meeting Act, special presentations not mentioned in the agenda may be made at this meeting.  However, any such presentation will be for information only.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact ECS at 812 West 165th Place, Gardena, CA 90247; telephone (310) 214-3400; fax (310) 214-3410.


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Review and Approval of Agenda
Ad Hoc Compensation Committee
  A. Motion to approve the agenda
  B. Approve Previous ECS Board Meeting Minutes

ECS Board Meeting Minutes January 30, 2017

    Approve minutes for Board Meeting on January 30, 2017
III. Presentations from the Floor
Ad Hoc Technology Committee


At this time any person wishing to speak to any item not on the agenda will be granted three minutes to make a presentation to the Board.



Any person wishing to speak to any item on the agenda will be granted five minutes to make a presentation.

IV. Reports / Presentations
Development Committee
  A. Executive Director's Report
Jane Goodall
Early Renewal 
Human Capital
We are a network ... 
  B. Site Principal Report Outs


V. Committee Reports
Facilities Committee
  A. Academic Excellent Committee
Will meet quarterly and it will coincide with data reports.
Academic Excellence Committee minutes linked in the consent agenda.
  B. Diversity and Equity Committee Taskforce
Diversity and Equity Taskforce minutes linked in the consent agenda.
  C. Finance Committee
ED Tec Report (FILE NAME: 170226 ECS Finance Committee Slides) 
Finance Committee minutes linked in the consent agenda.
  D. Facilities Committee
ECHS LAWNDALE Powerpoint (FILE NAME: 170228 ECHS Facilities Update) 
Facilities Committee Minutes linked in the consent portion of the agenda. 
60K of permit fees returned 
  E. Development Committee
Development Committee Minutes linked in the consent portion of the agenda.

Great Public Schools Now (GPSN) 200K Grant

  F. Govenance Committee
1.  Board Pipeline Update
2.  Adam Miller's Project 
3. Strategic Planning 

See Governance Committee Minutes linked below.  
Strategic Planning Powerpoint  (https://docs.google.com/a/ecsonline.org/presentation/d/1BVjhUl3hWHD1tavB4vpP4yW8JetnreirI3J407sh-TI/edit?usp=sharing)
Summaries of each strategic next step (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VuYXOXEFJWiUHcXgmy-ywZtaOEPdQWQuNQN0P04roPE/edit)
Committee agrees with cabinet's recommendations:  ECS dreams of becoming a model educational program via sustained service & open source. ECS envisions becoming a k-12 network, a professional development center and a community hub to reach its end game. ECS is advancing our current strategic plan.  Cabinet has identified our big rock as Human Resources.  Therefore, the committee agrees with cabinet's recommendation to hire a Director of Human Capital.  The committee also agrees with Cabinet's recommendation that we work to develop a three to five year strategic plan prioritizing the following three goals: 1 ECS's next school shall be a high school into which our MS students may matriculate.  2. ECS continue to become a professional development center, modeling for others our best practices and 3, ECS become a community hub.  

In addition, ECS Governance Committee agrees with Cabinet's recommendation that we revise our mission.  Our current mission was created when we were just one school.  We have grown significantly since then and when we think of our mission we realize we need to revise it to account for changes 1. Make implicit our explicit goals regarding equity, 2. Encompass all three schools, GAI/GA, and future growth and, 3 Is something that is memorable - easy to recite and owned by all stakeholders.  The committee would like Alison to work with leadership to develop a plan for revision and return to the board with suggestions.  
VI. Upcoming Dates
Finance Committee
  A. Next ECS Board Meeting
May 22, 2017 
  B. Next ECS Committee Meetings

Facilities Committee Meeting - April 21, 2017 
Development Committee Meeting - April 28, 2017 
Governance Committee Meeting - April 28, 2017
Finance Committee Meeting - May 5, 2017 
Equity Taskforce Meeting - June 12, 2017
Academic Excellence Committee Meeting - July 10, 2017 
  C. Next Tour Dates

April 6, 2017 
April 18, 2017 
May 4, 2017 
May 16, 2017
June 1, 2017
June 13, 2017 
VII. Study Session
Governance Committee
VIII. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve Consent Agenda
  1. Accept Development Committee Minutes on February 10, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170210 Development Committee Minutes_DRAFT)
  2. Accept Governance Committee Minutes on February 13, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170213 Governance Committee Minutes_DRAFT)
  3. Accept Governance Committee Strategic Planning Session Minutes on February 13, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170213 Governance Committee Strategic Planning Session Minutes_DRAFT)
  4. Accept Academic Excellence Committee Minutes on February 17, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170217 Academic Excellence Committee Minutes_DRAFT)
  5. Accept Finance Committee Minutes on March 3, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170303 Finance Committee Minutes_DRAFT)
  6. Accept Facilities Committee Minutes on March 3, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170303 Facilities Committee Minutes_DRAFT)
  7. Accept School Site Council Minutes:
    • ECMS-G SSC on January 20, 2017 (FILE NAME: 170120 ECMSG School Site Council Minutes_DRAFT)
    • ECMS-I SSC on November 10, 2016 (FILE NAME: 161110 ECMSI School Site Council Minutes_DRAFT) 
    • ECHS SSC on October 18, 2016 and November 15, 2016 (FILE NAME: 161018 ECHS SSC Meeting Minutes_DRAFT and 161115 ECHS SSC Meeting Minutes_DRAFT)
  8. Approve Jenni Owen resignation from Governance Committee
  9. Approve Anthony Jowid as a Facilities committee Member
  10. Accept Check Register for
    • November (FILE NAME: ECS Check Register November 2016)
    • January (FILE NAME: ECS Check Register January 2017)
    • February (FILE NAME: ECS Check Register February 2017)
  11. Accept Private Donations  (FILE NAME: 170327 ECS Private Donations)
  12. Approve Squar Milner proposal for audit services for FY 16/17 (FILE NAME: ECS Audit Quotation Squar Milner 06.30.17-19
  13. Approve College Ready Budget Proposal (FILE NAME: 161117 ECHS College Readiness Grant Plan v.2)
  14. Approve ECHS SPSA 16/17 (FILE NAME: 170327 ECHS SPSA 2016-17)
IX. Action Items
  A. Action Items
  1. Approve Mission Revision Process
  2. Approve Strategic Priorities as recommended by Cabinet
X. Reflections
XI. Closed Session
  A. Conference with Legal Counsel –Litigation
Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Gov. Code Section 54956.9
Number of cases: 1
  B. Report Out on Closed Session Action
XII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
