Adelante Schools


Adelante Schools Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday November 17, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School

1202 E Troy Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

Scholar Center, Floor 2

  1. Approve organizational foundational tools and policies to govern our school and operate effectively.
  2. Deepen our understanding of Adelante’s Emma Donnan operational state and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Directors Present

A. Smith (remote), B. Burcope, K. Kainrath, M. Staten (remote), M. Whitley (remote), N. Frech, R. Scott (remote), S. Simpson (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

E. Rangel, M. Rooney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kainrath called a meeting of the board of directors of Adelante Schools to order on Friday Nov 17, 2023 at 9:03 AM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment


Approve Minutes

M. Whitley made a motion to approve the minutes from Adelante Schools Board Meeting <NEW DATE> on 10-27-23.
M. Staten seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Staten
B. Burcope
S. Simpson
M. Whitley
N. Frech
A. Smith
R. Scott
K. Kainrath

II. Executive Director Update


Ebullience & Spotlight

Kendra Randle, Executive Principal, was the recipient of a $25,000 Millken Educator Award, a nationwide award celebrating outstanding achievements in education. 


Dayla Bedford, 1st grade teacher, was highlighted by Teach Like a Champion's Doug Lemov on a blog titled, "Foundational Literacy isn't easy but Dayla Bedford shows the way."

III. Finance & Operations


Consent Vote: Approval of October Transactions

Agenda item to vote on the October transactions need to be tabled because we currently don't have that information available due to the budget updating from last board meeting's vote.

IV. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

No update.


Finance & Development




A candidate has agreed to move forward after multiple touch points for the Treasurer position. Has a background in accounting, Hoosier native, and a finance specialist. Has prior non-profit board experience, including setting up schools in Nicaragua. He will be moving forward with a vote at the next board meeting.


Succession Plan

Will be submitted to OEI after review & updates.

V. Board Chair Update


OEI Reporting Requirements

Three board members in person are required. Kainrath asked that members review the agenda and do what they can to be in-person to be in compliance with Indiana Open Door Law. Every board member should plan to attend at least 50% of board meetings in person.


Over the next three months, Kainrath will be running 1:1 board member check-ins and will be scheduling those individually with members.

New item:

The board received an "Adopt a Family" email & Scott wanted to follow-up that there isn't a Donate Now button on the website. Another idea is to connect directly with Emma Donnan alumni to build a community of support.


New item: 

Staten wanted to ask about the update regarding monthly updates for "board education." A contracted consultant could lean in to support & organize this item from the past meeting.


VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Frech