Adelante Schools


Adelante Schools Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday October 27, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School

1202 E Troy Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

Scholar Center, Floor 2

  1. Approve organizational foundational tools and policies to govern our school and operate effectively.
  2. Deepen our understanding of Adelante’s Emma Donnan operational state and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Directors Present

A. Smith (remote), B. Burcope (remote), K. Kainrath, M. Staten, M. Whitley (remote), N. Frech (remote), R. Scott (remote), S. Simpson (remote)

Directors Absent


Directors who arrived after the meeting opened

N. Frech

Guests Present

E. Rangel, J. Habayeb, M. Rooney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kainrath called a meeting of the board of directors of Adelante Schools to order on Friday Oct 27, 2023 at 8:32 AM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment

No public comment.


Approve Minutes

M. Staten made a motion to approve the minutes from Adelante Schools Board Meeting on 09-15-23.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Kainrath
S. Simpson
R. Scott
M. Whitley
B. Burcope
M. Staten
A. Smith
N. Frech
N. Frech arrived at 8:36 AM.

II. Executive Director Update


Ebullience & Spotlight

Wins from Quarter One

  • K-8 field trips are rolling for the first time since the start of COVID.
  • Fall Fest & Family Conference day both went off without a hitch.
  • Highest participation of all time at the October Family Advisory Council.
  • Our highest enrollment ever with 441 scholars.
  • "The Commons" is a hit, with scholars having fresh meals daily.
  • Our DTD, Reegan has been selected for a Cadre of tech leaders from across the state.
  • Garrett Gammons & Kyle Gavin were selected to join the Mind Trust School Leader Fellowship
  • In October, the Relay Graduate School of Education's Leverage Leadership Fellowship spotlighted fellow & principal, Kendra Randle
  • 8th Grade ELA Teacher, Ashley Hogan, was selected for the Teach Plus Policy Fellowship



Q1 Attendance Overview

M. Rooney intros Q1 Attendance by starting with IDOE updates and setting the stage with the fact that if all students in the state that are absent showed up on one day, then they would fill 3,000 busses. 


MR introed the Q1 data dashboard

  • Defines key terms: Quarter is different than a FY quarter, % attendance formula

Thresholds Overview

  • Chronically absent: 0-89%
  • Nearly Chronic: 90-92.4%
  • Trending Chronic: 92.5%-94%
  • No Issues: 95%-100%


Adelante is at 89% for Q1

  • MR walks through the core data roll-ups attached in the deck for this section. 

Anna Smith: Asks for a breakdown of data by kind of absence (excused, unexcused, bus-related) 


MR: Covers Adelante's targeted response of absences based by threshold 


KK: Asks about a more frequent system of rewards and celebrations for students that showing up. 


MS: Gives the idea of things like dunk tanks and rewards related to quick wins. 

III. Finance & Operations


Consent Vote: Approval of September Transactions

B. Burcope made a motion to approve September transactions.
N. Frech seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Revised Budget - FY24

Budgetary Shifts due to shifts in enrollment

  • May 2023 - enrollment target was 384 scholars
  • October ADM Count - 441 scholars. The budget needed to reflect this. The budget was set for a count of 410.
  • There is another count day in February. Funding is trued up to account for any flux.
  • June 2024 - End of FY

Kainrath asked if we are sitting close to 441 @ the February account day, is the 410 budget adjusted accordingly. Historically, the School has increased specific line items that have been overpaid for. So, there will be a budget adjustment, but targeted.


6.77% increase in income from original budget to revised due to increased enrollment and access to grants. 


Higher level increases in budget include:

  • 13% for salaries & benefits
  • 41% new needs & funding for programs & development, including PD fees & sub service
  • 28% curriculum & assessments, TMT will pay for an Ignite Reading program tutoring
  • 40% increase in unexpected needs, including food service equipment to create the Commons

Despite some increases in expenses, the overall net increase is slightly more than 34%.


Burcope had a question regarding Array Education, which will be reimbursed somewhat by the TMT. She also asked about teacher stipends. Habayeb answered that it was due to coaching, instructional leadership positions, running clubs, etc.


Staten asked regarding the ability to hire teachers for the increase in enrollment. However, the School continues to be looking and seeking applicants for multiple vacant teaching positions currently covered by long-term subs.

R. Scott made a motion to approve the adjusted fiscal year budget based on count day.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


In-kind donation documents are from IPS and allow us to operate, including paying the "rent" for the building. This means that IPS states that they've given us x amount of money to operate their building. This gets reported as a non-cash asset. This year, IPS sent it to us late and included a 200% increase in in-kind services without context or reasoning. The School is seeking clarity on what specifically informs this shift and whether the new number represents actual services and partnership. As part of our audit submission, we have stated that we don't believe they are accurate "in-kind" donation numbers. Independent auditors have previously seen them as inflated, and this is likely going to be the same finding this year. The Finance Committee has multiple questions regarding the accuracy of the numbers.

IV. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

No update.


Finance & Development



  • Recruitment Update - Two candidates in the interview process, including treasurer and general board member. 
  • Scott submitted a call for board members for the Charitable Advisors Group, especially with finance expertise.
  • Whitley is bringing ideas from other sources to try to diversify and strengthen the prerequisite experience of potential additional members.
  • Board matrix is 90% complete.
  • Recommended increase for the leader, Eddie Rangel of 3.4% increase which would bring it to the 75th percentile for K-8 Indy charter school leaders and schools for less than 400. A Gateway Survey was also used and the increase is comparable to salary scales. New contract will also be proposed to extend for another two years.
  • Burcope & Rangel have met to discuss a succession plan and will continue to work to finalize it.
  • DEI advisory group may be expanded to bring community members and families to participate in meetings.
M. Staten made a motion to approve the increase and to extend the contract for two additional years to Eddie Rangel.
R. Scott seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Board Chair Update


OEI Reporting Requirements

  • Submitting board minutes
  • By December 1st, any shifts in the succession plan.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:43 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
N. Frech