Adelante Schools


Adelante Schools Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday August 25, 2023 at 8:30 AM


Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School

1202 E Troy Ave.

Indianapolis, IN 46203

Scholar Center, Floor 2

  1. Approve organizational foundational tools and policies to govern our school and operate effectively.
  2. Deepen our understanding of Adelante’s Emma Donnan operational state and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Directors Present

B. Burcope (remote), K. Kainrath, M. Whitley, N. Frech (remote), R. Scott (remote), S. Simpson

Directors Absent

A. Smith, M. Staten

Directors who left before the meeting adjourned

R. Scott

Guests Present

E. Rangel, J. Habayeb, M. Rooney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kainrath called a meeting of the board of directors of Adelante Schools to order on Friday Aug 25, 2023 at 8:32 AM.


Record Attendance


Public Comment


Approve Minutes

No quorum so vote was not held to approve minutes.

R. Scott made a motion to approve the minutes from Adelante Schools Board Meeting on 06-16-23.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Ebullience & Spotlight


Back to School Night

85 families attended the Back to School Night last night. Patachou served dinner for staff and families. It was a joyous time where teachers and staff interacted with families. Community partners joined in the fun as well. 


The Together Teammate Feature

Chief Operating Officer, Jordan Habayeb, and Adelante Schools were featured in a newly released book called "The Together Teammate" which spotlights non-profit organizations that have created strong systems. 

III. Executive Director Update


Enrollment Update

On May 24th, 351 scholars attended (including 75 matriculating 8th graders). By July 31, 83.7% of families intended to return & were present in the first weeks of school. This is the highest in AS's history.


Enrollment number is as of August 21: 432 total scholars & 46 are kindergartners.


  • 117 (75.4%) of new scholars come from traditional public districts.
  • 76 (37.8) of new scholars transferred from other IPS schools
  • 28 (18%) of new scholars transferred from RBS-impacted IPS schools.
  • 23 (14%) of new scholars transferred from Warren & Perry Township schools
  • 23 (14%) of new scholars transferred from other charter schools

Current demographic enrollment

  • 37.1% African American (similar to last year)
  • 29.5% Latinx/Hispanic (an increase from last year)
  • 25.2% White (a decline from last year)
  • 7.6% Multiracial (an increase from last year)


  • 36% (nearly 2 out of 5) receive additional IEP/ILP services
  • IEP population has stayed relatively steady, but multi-lingual learners have increased significantly.

Kainrath asked if the increase in ML students, does that require additional staff. Another full-time position, including the existing two full-time positions, added to the list and is still vacant.


The special education team is the largest in Adelante Schools history and has the most staff members who are fully licensed in special education, including a staff member to support students with moderate-severe disabilities.



SY23-24 Family & Scholar Handbook


  • p. 36, Item 6 - Transportation addendum that mirrors the IPS transportation policy.

Scholar Safety

  • p. 36-37, Item 7a-c - Routine use of walkthrough and handheld metal detectors, use of metal detectors for reasonable suspicion, pat downs and searches evolving from reasonable suspicion or metal detection.
M. Whitley made a motion to approve the school handbook.
S. Simpson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Finance & Operations


Consent Vote: Approval of June and July Transactions

Finance Committee met last week and discussed the budgetary impacts of increased enrollment. The original budget was passed for a lower count of students. 

  1. August & Early September - Budget Reprojections
  2. September Committee - Review updated projections & make changes
  3. September Board Meeting - Based off of ADM, vote on an amended budget
  4. June/July transactions & financial statements are not yet prepared by the outside finance vendor, so the vote will be delayed until the next board meeting.
  5. Once amended budget is approved, the committee will focus on cash management strategies moving forward.

V. Committee Updates


Academic Excellence

2023 ILEARN Scores (for students passing ELA & Math)

  • 70th percentile of Center Township (Charter & District)
  • Top-performing Restart Innovation School
  • 2nd & 3rd Year Adelante Schools scholars ranked in the 77th percentile of Center Township schools
  • K-3 Early Literacy results are an exciting indicator of dramatic progress.
  • Disaggregation of newly enrolled and returning students
    • Overall 52.2% of ILEARN testers were returning, 47.8% were new
    • 48 new scholars (nearly 1 out of 5) entered after 1/9/2023 (with 58 days until ILEARN)
  • Overall data - Concerning decline in ELA scores (around 6%), Math scores (around 3%) from 2022 ILEARN
  • Returning students - Performed 7 pts. above new scholars in ELA, 12 pts in Math, & 10 pts above passing both. 17.1% of returning students passed both, making it within the 80th percentile for Center Twp
  • Disaggregated by Demographics - Decrease in (passing both) scores for Black & White students, an increase with Latinx scores
  • Disaggregated for Special Populations - Significant increase for Special Education students, slight increase for Multilingual Learner students

K-3 Foundational Reading Data

  • Kindergarten & 2nd grade saw dramatic increase in mClass DIBELS scores - 76% of K (a growth from 15%) & 72% of 2nd graders (a growth from 18%) were on grade level by year's end. 1st & 3rd graders doubled their growth.
  • Best practices for K-3 have been operationalized for 4-8 ELA and K-8 math.

Next Steps & SY2324 Priorities

  • Educate
    • 100% of SY22-23 Approaching/At/Above scholars will be At/Above Proficiency by the end of the 23-24 year in respective reading and math. 40/40 overall proficiency for 3-8 ILEARN ELA & Math
  • Keep
    • 80% of students who start this year with us will return next year. 90% of highly effective & effective teachers return in SY24-25.
  • Transform
    • Emma Donnan will rank in the top quartile (75th percentile or above) of charter schools in the city & nation for instructional focus, family satisfaction, and staff well-being.

Frech asked what the comparison percentiles referred to. It refers to all traditional public schools and public charter schools in Center Township, Indianapolis. The percentile is lower for state averages.


Kainrath asked what specifically we will see to address academic achievement:


- Staffing - Chrissy Franz, Chief Literacy Officer, and Matthew Rooney, Chief Schools Officer, who leads math has normed across K-8 ELA & Math to embed the systems from last year's Foundational ELA work. The other staffing push is in departmentalization. This means all teachers, including early grade teachers, either focus exclusively on reading or math.

- Creating Data Systems - Frequent assessments based on Indiana Academic Standards (at least weekly) now occur in K-8 ELA & Math. 

R. Scott left at 8:58 AM.


Finance & Development



Key action: Recruit Treasurer/Finance lead by 1/1/24. A kick-off meeting with board members was held on August 14th.


Action Plan #1

- Complete skills matrix by Sep 15 & define optimal composition of skills, knowledge, & experience by Sep 22


Action Plan #2

- Identify & introduce board to community partners and contacts who already work alongside Adelante Schools to expand the board reach


Action Plan #3

- Broad the understanding of community ties & ensure diverse perspectives


Action Plan #4

- Identify 2-4 local chapters of associations (all board members should own) to tap into additional board members


Board Retreat Update

  • Process documentation for each committee - clearly defined processes, owners, & dates
  • Continue quarterly board education
  • Continue trust building exercises - DEI questions, Insight question, articles for review

Board Goals

  • Aligned with the mayor's office goals
  • Most indicators have not shifted (except for necessary shifts for number of student enrollment, as well as an increase in family satisfaction).
  • Academic indicators have been revised based on the ILEARN projections included in the board packet. If students took ILEARN, what would their pass rate be? If we got our goal of all approaching/at/near students, what would the pass rate be? These are the questions that we've used to frame feasible goals.
    • 27% proficient on ELA (which represents 80% of approaching/at/near students passing)
    • 25% proficient on Math
    • 94% average daily attendance
  • Updated goals will be submitted to OEI by September 1


Board Education - shifts recommended by the board

- September - Academics

- January - Finance

- April - Governance/DEI

- June - Chairman of Board

N. Frech made a motion to approve board goals for submission to OEI for 23/24 year.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
N. Frech made a motion to approve Kristy Kainrath for an extension as treasurer.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


DEI Article and Conversation

Since Smith is not present, Kainrath asked the board to pull out the DEI materials and reflect on one artifact to anchor each meeting in inclusion work.


Board reviewed the Framework for Inclusive Governance: The Continuum from Exclusion to Inclusion & conducted a dialogue. Each board member conducted an individual reflection on what they will commit to do.

VI. Board Chair Update


OEI Reporting Requirements

The minutes from June's board meeting

Goal framework voted today

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:41 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Whitley


Executive Session