Adelante Schools


Adelante Schools Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday August 18, 2022 at 6:00 PM


Emma Donnan Elementary and Middle School

Family Room, Floor 1

1202 E Troy Ave., Indianapolis, IN 46203

  1. Approve organizational foundational tools and policies to govern our school and operate effectively.
  2. Deepen our understanding of Adelante’s Emma Donnan operational state and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Directors Present

A. Smith, B. Burcope, K. Kainrath, M. Staten

Directors Absent

K. Branson-Hutchison, M. Whitley

Guests Present

E. Rangel, K. Randle, Leah Kuruzar, M. Rooney

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order


Record Attendance


Approve Minutes



Leah shared about new partnerships. Indy hunger network does a cooking course that is online. All ingredients are provided along with a $10 gift card and families cook along. One body ministries has a food pantry including special hours for emergency situations. After school clubs include Next Great Architects, City Yoga, Ladies Under Construction, and Girls on the Run. UIndy partnership is thriving with a service learning partnership. Typically this is 5-10 individuals who can come in a group or separate to complete service hours. Social work and Education students will begin internships. Invited to do super Saturday will have 100 volunteers for one day. Projects will include landscaping and storage organization. School supply donations from Bean Creek, IPS, and Garfield Christian Church. Leah will volunteer in community 2x a month with organizations with current and aspirational partners. Includes SEND food pantry, Mission 27, and Indy Reads.


Initiated a monthly newsletter to families with information on community and school events. Advisory council began, 10 families were signed up and 4 attended. Partnering with the Mind Trust to create a school improvement plan. Kinvolved text platform that translates to multiple langauges. After School care began and is an in-house program with an ED employee 32 enrolled and 7 on waitlist.


Athletics for elementary and middle school including volleyball began. First game is 8/22 at 6:00 if board wants to attend. Enrichment clubs begin and are based on student interest. Currently 13 clubs includign gardening, art, chess, mentoring, yoga, STEM, leadership, etc. Showcase on 11/21 t 3:00


Questions for Leah on the afterschool program. Going smoothly, goes til 4:30 at no charge to families. Will provide school's out camps at reasonable cost through his LLC. Mr. Keyes is the new athletic director and is a teacher and alum of Emma Donnan.

II. Executive Director Update


Executive Director Update

State of the School:

Final ILEARN comparisons are in and we reviewed slides of data that compared EDEMS to IPS district averages. Working on compiling similar schools data which is comparing 90 schools. Will partner with Victory College Prep to prepare that data and share in advance of next meeting.

Proud of growth and yet 1 in 5 children are proficient in math and reading and therefore lots ahead to continue to accelerate growth. 

Recognized as 10 of the top 12 schools for black student proficiency gains in center township which are charter school.

Last year attendance was in the 82% range. 94.7% attendance today. Attendance van is in the parking lot and is waiting on the license plates from the BMV.


IPS Rebuilding Stronger Plan:

Reviewed the plan from IPS's website. Initial thoughts were released in June of 2022. Emma Donnan named as an underutilized building with a capacity of 1100 and current at a capacity of 350 or so. Emma Donnan is in great shape and does not cost a lot of money to maintain. 


Robust discussion around how the current enrollment system works, proximity zones, community responses as we've heard them in the community. Grade reconfiguration is a concern depending on how the district decides to establish schools (k-5 + 6-8, k-8, or k-6 +7-8).


State of the District announcement planned for 9/1.

III. Finance & Development


Financial update

Reviewed graphic of finance metrics. EDEMS is exceeding all current goals. Request to see actual financial statements as well in board packet. We do not have June or July financial statements until September, including projections. As part of the vote next meeting we will have to approve the debit card transactions.

IV. Governance


Governance Update

Reviewed Rachel Scott, Shayla Simpson, Nelson Frech who contacted OEI and is a strong candidate as well. Goal is to get to 9 members this school year and to 11 members next year.


Continuing to work on DEI plan and will hopefully bring more of this work to the next board meeting after connecting with a Mind Trust support person to discuss initial thoughts.


OEI assurance forms are complete.

A. Smith made a motion to approve Rachel Scott, Shayla Simpson, and Nelson Frech to the board.
B. Burcope seconded the motion.

Mary Staten voted by proxy via email.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
A. Smith
K. Kainrath
M. Whitley
K. Branson-Hutchison
B. Burcope
M. Staten

V. Board Chair Update


Board Chair Update

Discussed how to get minutes approved and to the OEI. Agreed to have zoom option for folks who may not be able to make it in person.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Smith
Documents used during the meeting