Adelante Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday April 15, 2021 at 6:00 PM

  1. Approve organizational foundational tools and policies to govern our school and operate effectively.
  2. Deepen our understanding of Adelante’s Emma Donnan operational state and provide any necessary support and guidance.

Directors Present

B. Burcope (remote), J. Garcia (remote), K. Kainrath (remote), M. Staten (remote), M. Whitley

Directors Absent

A. Impink, K. Branson-Hutchison

Guests Present

E. Rangel (remote), M. Rooney, (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Kainrath called a meeting of the board of directors of Adelante Schools to order on Thursday Apr 15, 2021 at 6:04 PM.


Student Musical Performance

Ms. Sterling showed the 2nd through 4th grade music class dance and singing performances!


Approve Minutes

J. Garcia made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 03-18-21.
M. Whitley seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Academic Committee


Academic Committee Update

The School was able to test all grades, K-8 and the Committee analyzed the growth of both in-person and virtual students.


Rangel shared the results of three Interim Assessments through the Clearsight platform. The data does not represent the same group of students being tested over three intervals. Instead, the first round was just students who were in-person. The second round was just virtual students where there weren't secure testing browsers. The third round was both in-person and virtual scholars with secure testing browsers. Therefore, the biggest growth is the decrease in the number of students "not tested."


Whitley pointed out that each Interim meant that students were tested on an entire year's curriculum. Therefore, you can anticipate that the first round would have the lowest proficiency, both because students hadn't been in class for long, but also because they are being tested on material, in some cases, that they haven't yet covered.


Whitley pointed out that proficiency scores for ELA are higher, overall, on average than Math. Part of this is due to dramatic increase in rigor within the push towards the conceptual understanding of math standards. Rangel pointed out that data shows that missed instructional time has a larger negative impact on math mastery.


The first round of state data through I-READ3 is updated. 

III. Development


Development Update

Garcia met with Angela Douglas to present the ideas from the board retreat. One priority upcoming is Teacher Appreciation Week, extending a project from the board to thank teachers, as well as developing approved content to publicly celebrate them.


Standing meetings every other month will occur between Development Committee and Douglas. The Winter Coat Drive project will be a major initiative next year.

IV. Finance



Kainrath led the March financial report which was sent today. Adelante continues to be in very good financial shape.


Habayeb added that the budget was created without CSP funding included, so that funding will show as a net gain.

V. Governance


Governance Update

Burcope has included documents onto Board on Track including evaluations, articles on relevant topics, and resources for recruiting new board members.


Burcope requested that board members send bios/resumes to demonstrate the caliber of current members.


Ongoing projects include: Q1/Q2 dates, as well as assessments, to link to board discussions. Competencies are complete. The committee will also review the Succession plan and provide feedback.

VI. Executive Director's Report


Executive Director Update

Rangel stated that the current enrollment is 386, 60 students above the School's budgeted enrollment.


Kainrath asked if the increase in students requires additional staff. Rangel reflected that next year includes an increase in staffing, but attempting to hire additional staff late in this school year would likely not be effective.
Habayeb went over the family survey data. Over 80 students were represented, split between middle/elementary by roughly 50%.


"How satisfied are you with the school's options of in-person and virtual learning?" and "How have you been satisfied with Emma Donnan overall?" saw growth of over .2 from fall survey data to spring.


On the question: "The teachers do their best to help my child learn", 86% of families said agree/strongly agree. The goal to "Meet Standard" was 85%.


Rangel added that Emma Donnan will likely not be participating in the Mind Trust/United Way summer school option, but will be running an internal summer learning program.


ESSER 2.0 Budget

Habayeb presented Year 2 of the budgeted plan, which will include:
  • The School will be adding an administrative position to support the Elementary School, a Principal Fellow, for the SY21-22. This budget includes that staff member's salary and benefits.
  • The School will be investing in technology and infrastructure for the middle school. This includes class sets of desks/chairs/tables. Teachers will also be able to wirelessly stream through a television, ordered in this new budget.
  • The School will add a dedicated grades 3-5 science curriculum to supplement current offerings. The budget will also include music and PE equipment.
  • Interventionist co-teachers will be added in Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3-5. Saturday School budgets to support completing unfinished learning have been added.
  • A Director of Technology and Data has been added instructional data and tech device support.
  • All staff will have Adelante iPhones to support family communication. A nurse has continued to be included in this budget. 
  • The Family Support Fund will support each family with 1 uniform shirt per family.
Garcia asked about the allocation for hot spots for the next year. Habayeb reiterated that the budget will greatly decrease next year for hot spots. However, the School will continue to provide for student e-learning days moving forward.


Kainrath asked the time span for 2.0 which will continue until 2023. It is a smaller amount compared to 3.0, but larger than 1.0. The total amount of 2.0 allocated is slightly over $1 million. The total amount in the budget is an identical amount. The 3.0 allocation is $2.4 million. Non-Covid expenses related over $10,000 must be approved by the board. Kainrath stated that the board needs to look and approve the budget with line items that exceed the $25,000 threshold for approval. Rangel asked for as soon as possible.


Burcope asked about the before and after care programs within the budget. Habayeb stated that part of this money will go to extra-curricular options for families. One option is to partner with an organization where we can support enrollment for our students, and financial support, for families to involve their children in the program. The other option is to run an internal program where staff (or other staff) are compensated for our school's own internal programming. The goal would be to start this coming fall.


Kainrath asked if there is a risk that expenses won't be reimbursed. Habayeb stated that the risk is low since the state has approved the budget prior to spending and will then be reimbursed.


Staten asked whether the instructional supports that the Director of Technology and Data exist and what exactly this director will be supporting with. Habayeb stated that we have most of the structures currently in existence, but to lead the effort to implement these structures according to the vision of the school leaders.


Burcope asked about the Principal Fellow role. The role will provide a 1-2 year on-ramp to lead the school as Rangel balances the School Leader and Executive Director with a growing staff and enrollment. This is also in response to data that shows that unfinished learning begins in the lower grades and the Fellow would support with K-2.


Whitley asked about whether there are concerns about funding expenses that are not one-time expenses. Habayeb stated that many of those expenses were originally within the Title I budget which will reoccur. The priority in this budget is to prioritize the one-time purchases to limit the amount of future expenditures (as with furniture, music supplies, etc.) that will be necessary.


Whitley asked about how numbers, including the PE/music budgets, were determined. Habayeb stated that it's based on predicted enrollment, there is embedded financial flexibility if enrollment fluctuates, and requests from staff members in key positions.


Staten asked about the science curriculum costs. This includes 6-8 digital curricula components, as well as 3-8 material kits to go with the curriculum. It provides teachers all materials necessary to execute the labs, projects, and activities.


Staten asked about on-demand workers. Habayeb stated that this is due to save money with the furniture requests. Instead of paying significantly more for the furniture providers to put together orders, on-demand workers would be hired at a lower rate to support with assembly. In addition, this would cover cafeteria workers if staff was required to quarantine.
B. Burcope made a motion to approve the ESSER budget as shown today.
J. Garcia seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


SY 2021-2022 Calendar

B. Burcope made a motion to approve the SY21-22 Calendar as written.
M. Staten seconded the motion.
No discussion
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Board Chair Report


Strategic Planning Retreat Follow-up

Nothing additional to add.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:41 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Whitley