Brooklyn RISE Charter School

Brooklyn RISE Board Meeting

Published on November 30, 2022 at 6:47 PM EST
Amended on November 30, 2022 at 7:26 PM EST

Date and Time

Wednesday November 30, 2022 at 7:00 PM EST


9 Hanover Place, Brooklyn, NY 11201

"Brooklyn RISE builds the knowledge, habits, and mindsets for academic success, ensuring all kindergarten through fifth grade students are on the path to college.”


I. Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
  D. Public Comment
II. SLT Update

Dear Founding Board of Trustees,


Our Students. Overall, students transitioned well from the break! Students are enthusiastic to be part of their Community and share their joy with one another. For example, during our Family Potluck Event, we had some students work hard to encourage their parents to let them stay for the event, even if they weren't planning to do so! This past month we also kicked off our very first Community Circle. During that time, students were able to see kiddos from other classes, grades, and bond with other teachers as well. Field Trips are also abundant this semester, keeping our students engaged in learning new skills, as well as polishing up their knowledge of known skills and curriculum. 


School Culture Overall. In general, School Culture has maintained at a positive level. Staff are leaving the building to get home right after dismissal, Student behavior calls have overall decreased, and Staff are eager to dig into STEP Data this week and next. 

Our Staff. Classroom teachers are eagerly working through administration of the STEP Test for our 2nd round of STEP Data. The Management Leadership Team has planned a 12 Days of Gratitude for our Staff and have worked hard to ensure Staff Members feel celebrated and valued as we head into the remaining weeks before break! 

Together we RISE,

Brooklyn RISE SLT


III. Finance Committee

We discussed the monthly dashboard


Staff gave an enrollment update and discussed ongoing budget strategies 

  A. Dashboard
IV. Academic Committee
  • STEP Round 2 (28 Nov - 14 Dec)
    • Data Day 22 Dec
  • Will have STEP and MAP data at January board meeting
  • Kindergarten and 1st grade some students with misaligned IEPs
  • 3rd and 4th grade shifting to prepare for state testing
  • Moral is high, observations going well
  • Academic committee working on relaunch of Academic Dashboard
V. Governance Committee
VI. Facilities
  A. Scott Barone on 4001 4th Avenue Property
VII. Development
VIII. Other Business
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting