Girls Global Academy
Governance Committee Monthly Meeting
Date and Time
Friday March 7, 2025 at 4:30 PM
via Zoom
Beth Blaufuss is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Beth Blaufuss's Personal Meeting Room
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Committee Members Present
Andria Wisler (remote), Beth Blaufuss (remote), Max Levasseur (remote), Rachel Charles (remote)
Committee Members Absent
Karen Venable-Croft
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Review board member terms and upcoming vacancies to develop recruiting priorities
We identified...
1. A need to re-elect Laura Bartos to a second term at our next board meeting, given the timing of start of her first term--Beth will take care of this
2. The need to recruit new potential board members for next year, with a priority on human resources expertise, legal expertise, financial leadership, and alignment with GGA's mission
3. Andria has a prospective member with HR expertise and will have the initial contact
Preview the Executive Director evaluation cycle and identify next steps
1. Rachel will contact Board on Track to initiate the steps for including faculty and staff in the survey phase
2. Beth will draft a schedule of other steps for the committee to review by their next meeting
Look ahead to board retreat
We discussed a broad outline for retreat to include...
1. Discussion of the April PCSB meeting
2. Review of the Aspire framework and GGA's current progress, to include management's identification of priority areas for making progress and a preview of action steps currently underway and envisioned for 2025-26 to make progress in those key areas
3. Review our 3-year strategic plan in light of those Aspire priorities to see where the plan may need to be altered, and discuss how the Board can use its role and the plan to drive the school's continued growth
4. We will review the budget as needed
5. We will host a brief training on board member fundraising
We will flesh this agenda out more fully at our April meeting.
In the interest of time, we waived review of the minutes of our last meeting.