Girls Global Academy
GGA September 2023 Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday September 27, 2023 at 6:15 PM
Beth Blaufuss is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: GGA Board Meeting
Time: Sep 27, 2023 09:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Trustees Present
Andria Wisler (remote), Beth Blaufuss (remote), Laura Bartos (remote), Lauren Johannesson-McCoy (remote), Maria Miller (remote), Mary Pendleton (remote), Maureen Colburn (remote), Max Levasseur, Shobha George
Trustees Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Board Officers
Vice-chair vote
Roll Call | |
Maureen Colburn |
Beth Blaufuss |
Max Levasseur |
Laura Bartos |
Lauren Johannesson-McCoy |
Andria Wisler |
Maria Miller |
III. Community Engagement
- Update Karen and Maureen will update us on enrollment and community engagement planning, including fundraising. The pre-reading is linked here.
- Enrollments:
- 208 scholars, 211 goal, still have until Oct 1st
- Starting recruiting early and sticking with it, lots of follow-up with families
- Important to see 456 applications for 208 enrolled; important to note how many applications we need to get to this # enrolled
- Partnerships:
- Maria is working with Shayne on a matrix for partners; so not too much time is spent engaging with partners that end up not being a good fit
- Development:
- FundEd – and annual development goals
- Starting corporate stewardship for the first time this year
- Enrollments:
- Comments: Call on social media (Instagram) for partners but matrix is not yet set. Karen isn’t aware of this post.
IV. Finance Committee
Finance update
- Finance update FYI Laura Bartos 15 m Laura will provide an update on our financials. The pre-reading narrative is linked here, and the financials are attached as well.
- Laura:
- excited about where we are financially; feeling confident and comfortable with where we are and cash position
- looking toward long-term goals à the lease! The strong financial position this year gives us more time to solve the lease issue
- Convo with landlord in October
- Karen: 4th quarter rent from resident partner is on track; will reduce amount of rent that we need to pay from our account.
- Beth: echo Laura’s praise; 78 days of cash on hand – phenomenal! Strange question: is that actually too much? Where is the line between prudence and stinginess?
- Karen: Want to bring to the Finance Committee, areas in which we can increase spending. Be strategic about cash on hand and support critical programming.
- Laura: may need to go to rent depending on conversation with landlord
- Maureen: How much of the funding, if any, coming out of pandemic-related funding? Because we may not have that funding moving forward.
- Karen: We are receiving significantly less pandemic funding already, but good reminder to consider this closely
- Laura: Karen already does this
- Beth: Let’s hope negotiations on Capitol Hill do not result in 80% funding cut to Title 1. What’s the timeline on the lease negotiations?
- Laura:
- Scenario 1: Count day then Karen talks to Calvary and they say Yes! We are open to negotiating what makes more sense and this will result in a lease amendment. Done by end of the year
Scenario 2: they aren’t willing to negotiate, then it would turn into a legal action. Are we willing to go that long, costly path?
V. Academic Excellence 6:37 PM A. PARCC Test Results Discussion Discuss Mary Pendleton 20 m Mary and Karen will discuss key takeaways and next steps based on spring PARCC results. Pre-reading is linked here.
VI. Strategic Plan 6:57 PM A. Strategic plan feedback time and next steps Discuss Beth Blaufuss 40 m Beth will facilitate the board's feedback on the latest draft of the strategic plan
V. Academic Excellence
PARCC Test Results Discussion
A. PARCC Test Results Discussion - will discuss key takeaways and next steps based on spring PARCC results. Pre-reading is linked here
1. PARCC reminders (see slides for details)
- Next slide, students earning 3 or higher. Strength ELA is performing close to the charter sector in English I and slightly higher in English II
- Next slide, 4+ only (meeting or performing above grade-level expectations); GGA is performing lower than other groups measured and shown on bar graphs
- Next slide, percentage for each course and overall for ELA and Math; ELA is higher than math overall; not a surprise
- Next slide, comparing data from 2 years ago, 2021-22 year first year back from pandemic at-home learning
- Next slide, 3s 4s and 5s (earning 3+ by grade, year over year); small increase in geometry and small increase in algebra
2. Take 4 minutes to digest the data, review slides 1 – 8 on your own then put 1 noticing/wondering in the chat. From the chat:
- 18:57:01 From Laura Bartos To Everyone:
I'm wondering how we think through goal setting each year with PARCC for the school by subject (ie - do we target specific percentage of students achieving 3+) and how do we make sure those goals are realistic and put us on a long-term, achievable path to improvement? I'm also wondering the year over year growth (which I know is another metric) for each grade in ELA and math, as I think that is helpful to view in combination with the absolute PARCC scores.
- 18:57:12 From Beth Blaufuss To Everyone:
I’m noticing the comparatively low performance of ELL’s, and I wonder about supports for core subject teachers to instruct this subgroup well.
- 18:57:56 From Lauren Johannesson-McCoy To Everyone:
I'm wondering (can't remember?) how these scores impact GGA's overall rating. Is it exponential or step increases with the increasing scores?
- 18:59:36 From Maria Miller To Everyone:
notice that the 4+scores for English II have dropped nearly by half. Assuming that this represents the body of students that we've had from the school's beginning, do we have a sense of what the issue is and how are we addressing it?
3. What do you want to add to the group to consider when talking about the Strategic Plan?
- Highlights what we have to focus on: learning environment, learning experiences, and learning for all
- If we really pay attention to the learning environment, students will see the classroom is where they can build relationships and build confidence. Adults matter!
- English II, 10th grade students; ELA is different from Math because…English II from English I text complexity, planning has to align to the rigor and complexity of what will be tested. How can we (the Board) support this development of teachers? Thinking critically and complex texts; the importance of on-grade-level work
VI. Other Business
Look ahead
Beth will preview two items:
- The next board meeting, October 23, from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
- Committee chairs: email Beth by October 19th with pre-reading for next board meeting
- Work on board evaluation and new board member additions
- Parent board members!
- Will receive email from consulting firm (Bell Weather) to recruit new board members. We’ve also engaged with Compass to support on board wellness check-up. LOOK OUT for these in your email inbox.
- Other announcements?
- Karen and Shayne: end our meeting with 1 or 2 things that you’ve seen in the past week that’s given you joy at GGA
- Karen:
- we have Seniors! They went to their college fair!
- Community meeting affirmations
- Shayne:
- I'll add that we have an enrichment partner in the building who was our IB student and graduated in 2013; she teaches vinyl DJing on Wednesdays
- Karen:
- Graduation date??? Graduation committee met on Monday. June 7th, 2024 or June 6th depending on venue
- Yes, we are thinking about a student rep to the Board
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- Adjourn Meeting Vote @ 7:54
- Moved by Beth
- No objections!