Girls Global Academy
GGA Board General Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 24, 2022 at 6:30 PM
This meeting will be conducted over video conference.
Trustees Present
Beth Blaufuss (remote), Elaine Harris (remote), Laura Bartos (remote), Marilyn Bowser (remote), Mary Pendleton (remote), Maureen Colburn (remote), Max Levasseur (remote), Shalini Benson (remote)
Trustees Absent
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
Elaine Harris, Maureen Colburn
Ex Officio Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
Non Voting Members Present
Karen Venable-Croft (remote)
Guests Present
Charlie Coddington (remote), Jason Mellen (remote), Shayne Swift (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Internal Business
Approval of Minutes from April 2022 General Meeting
Roll Call | |
Beth Blaufuss |
Shalini Benson |
Laura Bartos |
Marilyn Bowser |
Elaine Harris |
Mary Pendleton |
Max Levasseur |
Maureen Colburn |
Approval of Minutes of Executive Committee Meeting on 5/13/22
Including the Correction of Shalini and Janice's membership as board members rather than guests and a correction in the header.
Roll Call | |
Max Levasseur |
Beth Blaufuss |
Mary Pendleton |
Maureen Colburn |
Marilyn Bowser |
Laura Bartos |
Shalini Benson |
Elaine Harris |
GGA Board "World Recognition"
Other Business
The proposed ED eval timeline SY22.pdf was shown.
Board elections - terms, offices, committee chairs
- Elect board members for second terms.
- Officers have a term of one year. This serves to give board members ample time to be filled in varying positions on the board.
- The annual meeting will hold elections for all four offices.
- Directors can serve two consecutive terms.
- Max will be conducting one-on-one conversations to discuss placement as Committee Chairs/Officers.
- If interested, please communicate with Max, so we can effectively work through the process to ensure proper resources are utilized to assist in the process.
Wellness series for June:
- Ideas have circulated!
- The last day of school is June 23rd. The General Board Meeting is on the 28th.
- Suggestion:
- Happy hour before the Board meeting w/ Staff
- School Team Preferences/Suggestions:
- Karen will share preferences and suggestions for the wellness series from the GGA educator staff.
III. Finance and Facility
Facilities Project
Facilities: Phase 3 Scope
- Asking for Approval of Phase 3 Scope
- Shown within Finance and Facility Board Presentation May 2022.pdf
- Phase 3 Scope.
- Facilities Looking Ahead: Phase 4 Scope and the next two years.
- Facilities Timeline.
- OSSE Loan
- MSN Construction Contract Scope Approval (Hard Cost)
- Facility Votes
- Shown within Finance and Facility Board Presentation May 2022.pdf
1. Q&A on MCN Contract & OSSE Loan; Vote for Approval
- Does that $25,000 total go over the hard cost of $ 2 million, or is it an additional soft cost of the MCN hard cost? Are there other costs that are outside the MCN?
- If we approve this specific number and it goes over the $1.7 hard cost, the finance and facilities committee seeks the board's approval in spending no more than $25,000 in addition to the hard cost of MCN scope.
- If the cost exceeds the Total Project Costs by up to $25K as delegated by the board, it would require the board's approval.
- How would we pay for Scope 4 if we don't win any grants?
- In previous years, we have paid directly through our FY24 budget.
- We could also get another loan from a private bank.
- We could also get the Soar grant for up to $750,000.
- Do we have any estimation for how much the last phase would cost? Do we have any sense of how that would fit into the budget?
- Furniture has been part of our budget. We can easily not pay for that. ($100,000).
- We have had a year's work of facilities within our budget.
- With a full-time person dedicated to the development, we have a better chance to bring in more money for GGA. In addition, they will be able to look into grants and funds and devote some more fundraising efforts to facilities.
- Some this we could pull, paint-cost and flooring-cost, to itemize what it would be for phase 4 to be better equipped for cost.
- We could look at the $2.2 million costs, which included the cost for phase 4, to consider the standard fee.
- The scope would be under $50,000
- How would we accommodate four classrooms if we couldn't pay for these four extra classrooms?
- We could move into those classrooms without Calvary's space. We could roll out the desk; however, we must consider what's adequate for our school culture and facilities. This is a significant point for the recruitment and retention of students.
- The highest cost is the design elements with Scope 4.
- We spent just below $25,000 on design elements, slightly over our budget.
- We have already called out the designs for Phase 4, such as replacing carpet and paint in classrooms. After that, we can decide if we want to wait for gym flooring.
- Hidden costs have been alluded to that we did not acknowledge before the design-build process. Now, this might be easier to manage the cost beyond this point and have more clarity on the next set of expenses within Phase 4.
- We are spending $2 million on improvements to a building that isn't ours. Are we having approval on this beyond the church?
- Yes, the Landlord Project Management Fee ($30,000)
- AAI Contract: They have given us a letter of agreement in which they approved our renovations (however, they are withholding their final agreement as we await certain decisions.)
- This has been an extremely collaborative process in order.
Roll Call | |
Marilyn Bowser |
Beth Blaufuss |
Max Levasseur |
Shalini Benson |
Laura Bartos |
Maureen Colburn |
Mary Pendleton |
Discussion surrounding the utilization of the total loan of $2 million differs from the initial expectations and requirements of the requested budget within the contract. Moving forward, the GGA team and board need to ensure that we are meeting the established initial budgets.
These are accurate estimates, and we don't think they will shift. So, there should be no reason for it to move again.
Roll Call | |
Marilyn Bowser |
Laura Bartos |
Max Levasseur |
Mary Pendleton |
Maureen Colburn |
Shalini Benson |
Beth Blaufuss |
We will vote for the delegation of authority of $25,000 for MCN at the next General Board Meeting.
Review and Approval of SY23 Budget
Shown the SY23 Budget (Finance and Facility Board Presentation May 2022. pdf)
- Budget Process
- SY 21-22 Budget Currently
- We have not been approved for federal funding, in which we will receive a reimbursement estimated to be $300,000. Accordingly, we can now send reimbursement forms to OSSE.
- Days of Cash on Hand: 44 (30 is the baseline to get points, but the target is 45)
- It can shift depending on the timing of reimbursement.
- Budget Priorities
- Revenue Assumptions FY23
- Expense Assumptions FY23
- Budget: Key Variables- Income
- Budget: Key Variables- Expenses
- Things to Know
- Thinking Ahead- Revisions (If Needed)
1. Q&A on any part of the SY23 Budget.
- Do you know how many students we lost between the first day of school and the count day last year? Could this impact these budget assumptions? Our Budget is based on 236 students on count day, so we need to recruit more than 236 students. We might want to amend the goal of 18 students.
- GGA needs more than double that. Our target is to get another 100 applications over the summer should allow us to be on track.
- Additional Information is listed under "Things to Know" within the Finance and Facility Board Presentation May 2022. pdf
- Is our assumption of retention going to be the same as last year?
- We have a better sense of student admission/enrollment assumptions than last year.
- Recommendation: The team considers hiring/retaining some of these positions as contractors vs. FTE considering skills needed and the fringe (benefits) cost, so you won't be faced with potential layoffs if we don't make this goal, and it's more fiscally conservative.
- The FFC did look at capacity and how that is broken down into vendors/contractors versus employees. In terms of managing risk - we will likely be 'late to hire' folks to better mitigate the risk of layoffs, and we are also 'employees at will' in terms of HR.
- Further Discussion: The recruitment impacts the amount of revenue that we have. Recruitment would help pay for us to pay for facilities, so it is helpful to look at the retention and recruitment report before considering the Budget vote.
Discussion of the draft of an addendum to the Financial Policies manual for compensation changes and its integration into the SY22 Budget
Decided to vote on this in the future and make the motion to vote on the FY23 Budget.
Roll Call | |
Max Levasseur |
Elaine Harris |
Shalini Benson |
Beth Blaufuss |
Mary Pendleton |
Maureen Colburn |
Marilyn Bowser |
Laura Bartos |
IV. Schools Update
Update/Next Steps for IB Preparations
Recruiting and Enrollment Status
Shown Communication Plan.pdf (Last Slide)
- The Enrollment of SY22-23
- Data
- Celebration
- Areas of Focus
- Retention Activities
- Additional Recruitment
- How many of our original numbers do we still have with us from the starting 9th-grade class?
- There were about 2/3 of the starting 9th-grade class, 60 students (Originally 64 at the beginning of SY21-22; however, four are not returning.).
SY23 Planning Framework
Action Item about Success Planning:
- Shobha and Beth have curated a quick goal-setting process for the board. (Shown here: GGA Success Planning DRAFT.pdf)
- It is possible to achieve goals without achieving success.
- If you are deeply invested in goal setting, look at the slides and provide Beth with some feedback. Also, if you are interested in taking part in this process, please email Beth.
Shayne will be providing a course selector video on what to do to participate as a whole student vs. one or two classes.
Elaine was the holder of the globe.
Shalini Benson was the recipient of the "World Recognition" globe.