Girls Global Academy


GGA Board General Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday March 29, 2022 at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be conducted by video conference.  

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), E. Harris (remote), J. Parker (remote), L. Bartos (remote), M. Bowser (remote), M. Colburn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), S. Benson (remote)

Trustees Absent

C. Miller, L. Myrick, M. Pendleton, S. George

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Guests Present

J. Mellen (remote), S. O'Neal (remote), S. Swift (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Tuesday Mar 29, 2022 at 6:34 PM.

II. Internal Business


Approval of Minutes from February 2022 General Meeting

M. Levasseur made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board General Meeting on 02-28-22.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.

Max noted a small typo.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Colburn
S. George
E. Harris
J. Parker
M. Pendleton
S. Benson
M. Bowser
B. Blaufuss
C. Miller
L. Myrick
M. Levasseur
L. Bartos


Recognizing Christine Miller

The GGA Board expressed appreciation for Christine's work.

Max referred to her as an OG. She's been a strong supporter and contributor to the founding of GGA from the very beginning.


Her departure from the Board leaves big shoes to fill.


Shalini ordered flowers for her and received the most considerable contribution ever.


Christine is helping with the transition to the new Governance Committee leadership.


Committees Update

Strengthening committees is still an objective.  

  • We have 11 members at the moment
  • Decent attempt to add capacity with non-members
  • The finance committee has been most successful- in adding people to support the facility build-out
  • We haven't seen participation consistently from non-board members or non-GGA staff in other committees.
  • There has been some committee rotation.
  • There are no single-person committees.
    • Most committees have three members, except the Academic Committee


  • We need to build depth and capacity among board members.
  • Rotate who hosts meetings, so other members get practice building and circulating the agenda, maintaining continuity, etc.


Besides standing committees, there are the:

  • Exec Committee: Officers and Committee Chairs, per the by-laws
  • The support team (for the ED) was started after the first evaluation.


Other Business

Auditors recommended an annual Review of Conflict of Interest:

  • Should also review NDAs
  • We need to get those documents (COIs and NDAs) completed by new Board members.


More to come on Finance and Facilities in the April meeting:

  • The loan application was submitted.  
    • Expect to hear back in April.  
    • GGA Board might have status at the April meeting. 
    • It was submitted for consideration to OSSE last Friday.  


Logistics for Future GGA Board General Meeting: 

  • Max recommended using the April meeting for parent engagement, such as:
    • Observations about the year
    • What they're looking forward to
    • Questions and concerns
  • Ample common space at the school will prevent the need for a hybrid meeting (April 26th: the 4th Tuesday in April) if we meet in person.  
    • There's a logistics component to address for an in-person meeting.


III. Academics


Review of 2nd Trimester Data

Academic growth present between T1 and T2:

  • A slight improvement in grades was noted between T1 and T2. 
  • In addition, more are staying after school for tutoring.
  • Education includes skill-building
  • More students are passing all of their classes
  • The Utilization of MAP Assessment:
    • It shows where students are and their readiness to learn
  • There has been a lot of growth despite not having a math instructor
    • Substitutes handing out math worksheets is not the same as math instruction


Growth in "Advancement":

  • 15% of 10th graders are enrolled in the dual enrollment program


Modes of Academic Improvement:

  • Teachers are working on cross topics:
    • Added field trips
    • Working as a whole grade team to identify experiences connected to the curriculum
  • Teachers are utilizing:
    • CK 12 curriculum, which is adaptive.
    • Reading plus
    • As well as preparing for labs
  • Shamira is a certified Math teacher
    • Shamira has been working directly with long term subs for 10th-grade math:
      • Finds everything a student needs to do the work
      • Provides the materials and grades the work
        • Students have done two projects and will likely do a 3rd  
      • Keeps in very close contact with the long term subs


Interventions to improve academic performance:

  • Tutoring
  • Credit recovery
  • Summer school


Additional Notes:

  • Attendance improvement efforts are ongoing.
  • Every mode of communication is being utilized, including home visits.
  • Participation counts toward grades.


IB Curriculum: 

  • IB accessibility to diverse learners as there are two components of IB:
    • Personal and professional skills courses are mandatory for all.
    • Life skills: Speaking with people from other cultures, team and group dynamics, personal communications, and ethics
    • The career program takes a language development approach.
      • Language development is 50 hours for IB.
      • IB is more about language and culture vs. language acquisition.
    • IB provides a lot of accommodations.
  • There is some IB student interest, but not necessarily a commitment to the whole program.
    • A need to put out a course selector video on what to do to participate as a whole student vs. one or two classes
  • IB socials are being conducted to encourage interest. 
    • Shayne is planning cool stuff to get students excited about IB.
    • Students like anime want to read it in the books (an example of varied interests can count toward IB).
    • One student wants to move on to Chinese three but will spend some time doing her subset language.
  • One hundred hours of service-learning are required for graduation, and it takes 50 hours of service to develop an IB portfolio.


Language is stand-alone:

  • Open to everyone
  • ASL, Portuguese, Japanese, Arabic
  • Students are learning at their own pace 
    • Monitored self-study for languages


  • The languages for credit to meet the HS requirement are Chinese and Spanish.
  • May have options for students who want to test-Stamp Avant- language proficiency.
  • TBD if language proficiency score can count toward world language HS graduation requirement.




PMF Overview

PMF- Performance Management Framework

  • Achievement
  • Environment
  • Progress

The goal is to achieve Tier 1 status (ultimately).



  • Proficiency in the state tests, PARCC, the English language arts
    • OSSE did not administer the PARCC exam last year
    • Students are taking it this year.
      • PARCC scorecard is released in the Fall


  • Doing MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) to measure achievement in growth over time and determine whether students are meeting or exceeding the assessment.


Our Attendance is around 82%, but the goal of 92%.


Year 3 will be the whole school data.

  • Is there 10th-grade on-track data? 
    • It is available but wasn't present.

IV. Development


Recap of Sisterhood Summit 2022

Karen gave a brief recap but will present a summary with more data later:

  • Student Engagement:
    • There were 20 students on campus
    • Unclear how many were online.  
    • Several students had difficulty registering and attending virtually.
    • There was a great buzz from the students attending in person. There's a plan to show the videos to the rest of the student body.  
  • Sponsor Engagement:
    • 7 sponsors, $3,570 raised with more pledged
  • Community Engagement:
    • 90 unique attendees during the summit
  • Phenomenal Panel & Moderators:
    • Faith and Hope will come into the building.
    • Lydia Kang, the English teacher & panel moderator, has already reached out to the panelists.
    • Ashley (the business teacher), Marilyn, Elaine, and Maureen were breakout moderators.

Future of Sisterhood Summit:

  • GGA is looking at ways to continue to engage.
  • However, the Sisterhood Summit is the first step not the final step.



M. Levasseur made a motion to move the remainder of the meeting to closed session per DC Code 2-575(b)-(9) to discuss disciplinary issues in depth.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.

There will be no voting in the closed session

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Student Life


Recruting and Retention

The recruiting and retention reporting was not done.

VI. Risk/Audit


Review of Culture Indicators

35% of suspensions are due to altercations


There was no increase in safety concerns from T1 to T2 from the Panorama survey.


Student Engagement:

  • 60% are participating in extracurriculars that include:
    • International cuisine
    • Latina group
  • Tutoring: More students are coming 
  • Sister-to-sister: Engages second-and first-year students in pairing
  • Increasing form 2x per month to every Wednesday

Culture Objectives:

  • Building sisterhood 
  • Connection with adults is essential to the girls, not just to each other.
    • Students want to know that teachers see them and care for them.  


Max: Are we getting all we need?  

  • Need more communication with parents, and more transparency is required.
    • Instead of preventing things from happening, the center should be promoting the positive.
    • Elevating student voices are being emphasized.
  • GGA is continuing to look for a full-time math instructor.
    • CK12 does not replace live instruction, which is not happening with 10th-grade math.
    • Marilyn's background is in recruiting, and she asked to what extent LinkedIn is being used for recruiting.
    • Possibly consider people outside of education can be sourced.
    • An interim plan was suggested to have administrators in the classroom teaching math until the end of the year. 
      • Karen taught 9th grade at the beginning of the year until the current 9th-grade math teacher was hired.  Shayne supported the curriculum piece.
      • Shamira is also qualified as a math teacher.


Culture Impacts/Implications

Key Culture Indicators:

  • Retention
  • Conversely, the number of students leaving the school

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris
Documents used during the meeting
  • GGA Committee View-v8.pdf
  • Academic Committee Meeting Updates.pdf
  • PMF report out 3-28-2022.pdf
  • Because YOU Matter Culture- Board Updates.pdf