Girls Global Academy


GGA Board General Meeting

SY21 Annual Meeting

Date and Time

Monday June 28, 2021 at 6:30 PM

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), C. Miller (remote), E. Harris (remote), J. Parker (remote), K. Bryant (remote), M. Bowser (remote), M. Colburn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), M. Pendleton (remote), S. Ganske (remote)

Trustees Absent

L. Myrick, M. Dunn, S. Benson

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Guests Present

J. Mellen (remote), S. Swift (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday Jun 28, 2021 at 6:40 PM.

II. GGA Community Engagement


Introduction of the Board

Max welcomed parents and students attending this Annual Meeting of the board.  Board members introduced themselves by role on the board and responded to the question of what they are looking forward to doing this summer that they didn't do last summer.


Dialogue with GGA Community

Karen introduced this section.
Janice opened the parent/student dialog by commending the staff on helping the students get acclimated to high school and helping them socially.  Saturday School and a hybrid schedule on Tuesday and Thursday helped with engagement.  Improved inclusion and equity is an opportunity which may be addressed by being in person.

Coach McCrimmon
Kesi Chestnut
Niyea (student) and her mother, Sequoya
Dr. Stacie LeSure
Ms. Williams

Niyea (from chat)  "I think my year has gone well. I have enjoyed  the support from the different staff members throughout the year. I also love the the way us as students are always thought of by staff and that they always checked our mental health."

Karen:  Engagement is a focus area for the Fall, which includes co-planning and empowering students to advocate for themselves, more collaboration with special educators, and more staff to support the process.  GGA is developing both student and adult culture.  Looking to expand those efforts.  More time in the building helps.  Everything is better overall with more time in the building and students can interact.  

Sequoya- School took into account how people felt about being virtual vs coming to school.  Didn't feel pressure about not being ready to come back.  Didn't make her feel like a bad mom for not bringing  her child back on site.  Children are checked on frequently. Appreciate the way teachers check on the students to see if they're OK.

Coach McCrimmon- Teachers were challenged to grow as people themselves and to see what's working.  Push to get engagement from professional development and sharing lesson plans.  Seeing students running around in person was a joy.  They know they are safe, loved, 'you're enough and cared for'.  Girls were able to turn their cameras on and share some things that were tough.  Rising 9th grade is nice to see.

Kesi (from chat):  "Would like to say  a HUGE thank you for your commitment to and support for our girls. Even though we wish we could all get a "do-over", we successfully(ish) pulled it off and can only grow from here. I'm a proud parent of a GGA scholar".

Max:  Is there anything you did to adapt that you will hold on to in person?  Was there anything you learned?  

Dr. LeSure- Feels she's a better person.  (This year) Taught her to have more grace for herself as a perfectionist.  First year was about building relationships and building confidence that they can do anything they wish.  They need to know how much people care.

Max thanked attendees and people who shared.


Attendee Raffle

Niyea was the winner of the raffle and received a Girl Power shirt.
Community guests will receive GGA swag and a gift certificate.

III. Governance


Board Members under Special Circumstances

M. Levasseur made a motion to Vote on the following: Per a Board resolution in July of 2019, the initial terms of C. Miller and M. Levasseur should be treated as special circumstances. Their initial terms end in June 2021. I move to re-elect Christine Miller and Max Levasseur to what will effectively be their first term of 3 years on the GGA Board.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.
Christine and Max can be elected to a second 3 year term.  
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
M. Levasseur made a motion to Vote on the following: Per a Board resolution in July of 2019, the initial term of Scott Ganske, a founding Board member, should be treated as a special circumstance. Scott's initial term was scheduled to end in June of 2021, and Scott has chosen not to be considered for any consecutive additional term at this time. However, in order to continue monitoring the recruiting and enrollment activity through near completion, I move that the end date of Scott's initial term be changed from June 2021 to August 2021. Hence, Scoot would remain on the board in his initial term for an additional two months and continue to act as chair of the Student Recruitment Committee during that time.
C. Miller seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Election of GGA Board Officers for SY22

Officer candidates:
No self-nominations were submitted
Elaine- Secretary
Christine- Vice Chair
Maura- Treasurer
Max- Chair
C. Miller made a motion to consider the officer nominations as a slate.
E. Harris seconded the motion.
Elaine- Secretary
Christine- Vice Chair
Maura- Treasurer
Max- Chair
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Election of Chairs of Standing Committees for SY22

With the exception of Development, no seats were contested or moved to change.
Kevin was thanked for his work in creating a foundation for GGA
Maureen has volunteered to chair the Development Committee.

These are the current standing committees and their chair candidates:
Beth- Risk and Audit
Maureen- Development
Mary- Academic Performance
Maura- Finance
Christine- Governance
C. Miller made a motion to Vote on the Standing Committee Chairs as a slate and to confirm them.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.
Beth- Risk and Audit
Maureen- Development
Mary- Academic Performance
Maura- Finance
Christine- Governance
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Postpone Vote on Bylaws Updates

Some revisions have already been made.  Of the 15, there are 5 remaining to be discussed.  Those things that can't be resolved will be deferred.  They will not affect operations.  Great comments have been submitted so don't want to either rush or delay.

We will have a July meeting.

We can schedule a separate by laws discussion.

IV. Internal Business


Approval of Minutes from May 2021 General Meeting

M. Levasseur made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board General Meeting on 05-24-21.
K. Bryant seconded the motion.
Approve the minutes from the GGA General Board meeting on May 24, 2021 with the corrections of the identified small typos.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of Vendor Contracts for Core Services

Board approval is required for contracts of $25,000 or more.  
Max opened the floor to questions.

Contracts will be voted on as a slate.

Maintenance and operations contracts are in the first batch of contracts for approval.
Janice asked a clarification question about special education services.  Karen explained that this is for a vendor to manage providers who support students with IEPs for circumstances that include behavior support, occupational therapy, and audiology.
M. Levasseur made a motion to Approve the slate of contracts (renewals/extensions and new) as presented to provide support services for SY21-22.
M. Bowser seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Motion to Approve the extension of the Studio 27 contract to provide architectural and engineering services in support of SY21-22 facility build-out.
M. Colburn seconded the motion.
Has the vendor offered any matched services or discounts that can be counted as in-kind services? (Kevin)  Yes. They provided a lot of pro bono and discounted services during the planning year for the RFP. (Karen and Beth)   Besides oversight, is procurement included as part of the services? (Kevin)  Plumbing and electrical minor upgrades are the major focus,both requiring drawings. (Jason)
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
M. Levasseur made a motion to Authorize GGA Leadership to continue negotiations with MCN to obtain a formal, written quote for SY21-22 facility buildout services. Further move to authorize the Finance Committee to approve the resulting contract extension with MCN on behalf of the Board in order to meet time constraints to complete buildout prior to the first day of school, August 23, 2021.
M. Bowser seconded the motion.
This is substantially larger than budgeted.  Will go back to vendor for clarification, review of scope.  Need to resolve as quickly as possible because of long lead times for permitting.  Finance Committee approval will expedite the process.  Will this come from Facilities funding or outside sources? (Maureen).  Intent is to come from Facilities (Karen).  Budgeted amount was $120,000.  Did we get multiple bids? (Kevin).  Goal is to put out to bid every 2 years.  This is a contract extension.  Can renew up to 5 years. (Jason)  
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Recap of Executive Committee Meeting on 6/21/21

Board and Leadership Team evaluation results have been worked into a second draft memo.  Final approval of the ED compensation adjustment policy was accomplished. Looking to conclude the week of July 12th, per the plan.  We are on track.


GGA Board "World" Recognition

Maura was the last recipient.  Max read Maura's designation of Christine Miller as the next recipient.


Looking Ahead

Will meet in October and November.  December off.  No meeting in September because of the retreat. 

We will likely keep the same Monday schedule but may move to every other month starting next year.

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris