Girls Global Academy


GGA Board General Meeting

Date and Time

Monday May 24, 2021 at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be conducted via video conference

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), C. Miller (remote), E. Harris (remote), J. Parker (remote), M. Colburn (remote), M. Dunn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), M. Pendleton (remote), S. Benson (remote)

Trustees Absent

K. Bryant, L. Myrick, M. Bowser, S. Ganske

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Guests Present

J. Mellen (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday May 24, 2021 at 6:37 PM.

II. Internal Business


Approval of Minutes from April 2021 General Meeting

M. Dunn made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board General Meeting on 04-26-21.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


GGA Board "World" Recognition

Mary holds the globe and selected Maura Dunn as the next recipient.
"She does so many of the things I don't enjoy.  It's stuff that is so important.
All the background work that keeps GGA in compliance."

She is the Treasurer and leads the Finance committee.  She works tirelessly.
Pink tab selected.


Recap of Executive Committee Meeting

Addressed staggered term issue.
Governance committee came up with a resolution and it was handled at the already scheduled Executive Committee meeting.
At the crux was a records keeping issue.
The Executive Committee retroactively approved the relevant documents into the record.
The most recent record was considered the one to follow.
All impacted were contacted prior to the vote last Saturday.

In keeping with the objective of staggered term- being fair to all board members and completely traceable, some board members will be up for a vote to re-up in the June meeting.

Contact Max with any questions.

Reviewed ED survey (evaluation) results from all respondents.  Discussed the process and substance.  Next steps are to draft a memo that will omprise the collective feedback. 
Goals for the ED are being drafted.  At the June meeting, there will be one more update before the evaluation process is completed.

Thank you to everyone who responded to the survey.  If people didn't respond, please review the ED evaluation.  Feel free to write an email to Max with any questions or points to take into consideration.

The Executive Committee approved a max amount to be included in the FY 22 budget for employee salary increases.



Other Items

Last year when coming up with the meeting calendar, prior to OMA, it was recommended to make some of the meetings public.  We voted on having two meetings, and did one meeting (to meet the board).  Now all meetings are open but it's not the same as actively engaging the public.

There was insufficient time to extend a special invitation for this month, so it will be moved to the June meeting.  Will probably allocate up to 30 minutes.  Would like to prepare as much as possible.  Contact attendees in advance.  Engage at the beginning of the meeting.
Will work with Karen on this. 

Need 2 board members to volunteer to organize the community engagement piece for next month.  Would like one volunteer to be a parent. Between Lakisha and Janice- decide which one will represent.  Beth will help prepare.  We want real engagement so if we can't be ready in June, can push the timing back.  It's mportant to do this right.

For June, we will have a number of votes:
  • Officer seats
  • Chairs of standing committees
  • Targeted bylaws changes
  • Re-upping for a few members
Christine will talk about nominations later in the meeting.

We tentatively have a date for the next board retreat.  Current officers discussed it.  At end of October last year, we were already 1/3 of the way through the year from a planning perspective.  We don't want to disrupt the start of school, so came up with September 18th.  If this date presents a problem, let Max know.

Need two volunteers to work on the meeting. 
Would be good to have Shalini work on this.  Representation from Risk/Audit is good.
Max will reach out to Shalini and will poll around.  It will be good to start planning earlier.

Please complete the profile section in Board on Track:  e-mail, what you do, etc.  Board assessment is coming up.  We want to take advantage of the tool and do advanced planning.  Coming soon we will need to look at our skills- what's recommended, what's needed.  The board assessment will be a survey with activity and participation type questions.  Profile info is helpful- especially skills.

Support for the school
How best to fill open seats, keep everyone balanced
Continue to build engagement
Any ideas about capacity, engagement, interest- all input and feedback will be helpful


III. Student Recruiting


Review Progress Metrics

New student enrollment- 78 have completed paperwork
36 are in process
19 were offered admission and declined

Re-enrollment- expecting 63 of 70 to return- 90% retention
32 students automatically completed through OSSE for10th grade returning students
12 more returning need to complete

110 completely confirmed
67 are working to finish
Could have as many as 177
Could still have up to 24 reject and would still meet the baseline budget based on 153


Update on Next Recruiting Activities

Karen- continued
Working with new families- goal is 180- 1 to 1 engagement is needed to build relationships and complete paperwork.

Beth:  Is there a scenario where we should go over 180- if there's no negative impact on programming and can keep small classes? 

Karen- Above 180 would not get funding.
If they are on the waitlist, would be able to go over
Willing to go 15 over because of potential loss.  Can work with MySchoolDC numbers real time. 
Lost 7 between acceptance and start of school in the first year.

Thank you to Jason, Karen, Scott and Julie!!

IV. Audit/Risk


Acceptance of Engagement with Selected Accounting Firm

The audit committee recommends re-engaging SB & Co for FY 20- 21 and FY 21-22
B. Blaufuss made a motion to Re-engage SB & Co for auditing for FY20-21 and FY 21-22.
S. Benson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Governance


Officer Elections in June

In June we will vote for both officers and standing committee chairs
We will vote on a slate:  Chair, Vice chair, Secretary, Treasurer

Max is speaking to people about maintaining their roles.
Christine is happy to talk to anyone who may want to change roles.

Bylaws- amendments and changes will be circulated.  Let Christine know about anything that we can improve.  
Bylaws will be circulated this Friday.  Mark ups are done, so looking for other thoughts.

Biggest change- term limits for parents and officers to accommodate changeover and representation for parents

The staggered terms are broken out as follows:
  • The initial three (3) Trustees: Shalini Benson, Beth Blaufuss and Marilyn Edmunds.
  • The next three (3) Trustees who will serve for two (2) years: Scott Ganske, Max Levasseur, and Christine Miller.
  • One (1) additional Trustees to serve one (1) year term: Donna Tymus
Proposed 2 year terms for officers
Taking care of loose ends in record keeping

Parents can serve 2 consecutive terms.
Shalini:  Can parents still have an opportunity to be officers?
Do 2 year officer terms preclude parents having the opportunity?

Have 1 month to figure it out.
Can discuss further offline
Christine will talk to Janice about language.
Could encourage parent to apply and deal with on a case by case basis
Christine will talk to Janice and Lakisha

How we tap each other's talent and engage with each other is as important as what's in the bylaws.
Need to rotate new people in
It takes several months to learn the job of officers.  It's hard to get it all right in the first year.  

Please take a look at the bylaws!

Don't want to be overly prescriptive, but rather provide guidance around system where people can operate effectively.

Next month's election will be under old terms.  New terms will take place next year.



Electing Chairs of Standing Committees

Standing committee chairs to be voted on in June: 
  • Finance
  • Risk and Audit
  • Governance
  • Academic
  • Development
As with the officers, Max will speak with the committee chairs about staying in their roles.


Targeted Updates to Bylaws

Bylaws- amendments and changes will be circulated.  Let Christine know about anything that we can improve.  
Bylaws will be circulated this Friday.  Mark ups are done, so looking for other thoughts.

Biggest change- term limits for parents and officers to accommodate changeover and representation for parents

Christine will drop motions on staggered terms into the chat- who is filling which seats
Proposed 2 year terms for officers
Taking care of loose ends in record keeping

Parents can serve 2 consecutive terms.
Shalini:  Can parents still have an opportunity to be officers?
Do 2 year officer terms preclude parents having the opportunity?

Have 1 month to figure it out.
Can discuss further offline
Christine will speak with Janice about language.
Could encourage parent to apply and deal with on a case by case basis
Christine will speak with Janice and Lakisha

VI. Finance


Outstanding Questions on SY22 Budget

Almost to the end of the budget process.
We've made it through 4 steps
Approved 1.0
When we have the final count, we can entertain an amendment

Karen and Jason have done a huge amount of work on the budget

Over 45 days of cash on hand from PCSB
In April, we talked about adding a small increase that could go to staff.  That is included and we still have the cash on hand and all the other metrics we need.

Beth:  Will we need to vote on a new budget if we go above 153
Karen: Would take care of safety and wellness and address IEP students as a priority for staff
Not expecting to do a change over during the summer, but planning to wait until October



Approval of SY22 Budget

M. Dunn made a motion to Approve the baseline budget with background documentation on development, recruitment, staffing, and strategic goals.
M. Colburn seconded the motion.
Per pupil allocation number went up so revenue went up.  Went from a 1 to a 3.6% increase.  Corporate, individual, and foundation giving has all been included.  Everyone received the April and May versions.  Extra staffing dollars were included in both.  Thank you to Jason and Karen.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. ED's Report - Preliminary Overview of SY22


Current Plans for Core School Components

Recruiting is going well. 

Students are realizing the power in their minds.  Things are just starting to click.  Wish we had a few more months.

Picture of what we are able to do- Together we're stronger
Making progress
Response to the pandemic
  • Created pathways for students to flourish
  • Students and staff are coping and identifyng resources and opportunities that provide hope that the future will be different.  
  • Developing ways to meet student social needs for self confidence, self worth, self awareness, and self efficacy
  • Equitable and inclusive learning environment

Left the year on a high with Sisterhood Summit
Started month with Teacher Appreciation
Staff received appreciation from students, families, leadership team, board.

They figured out how to adapt with programs such as the sisterhood circle, creating art virtually, world cafe- beauty standards.  
Conducted weekly sisterhood and monthly social events

Families weren't ready to send students to campus.  Needed for them to feel comfortable.

Five  cohorts come on Wednesday of each week- will take place til June
  • Social/emotional support
  • Acclimation to being in school
  • "Almost forgot what it's like to be there"
Students and families needed to feel safe.
Sisterhood social events give them hope about being together again. 
Can be around other people and still be safe

Community social events
June 19th- ice cream social
Julie is planning this
Nice way to come together as a community

3 summer programs
Youth employment program
Summer school and recovery- determined at the end of trimester 3- synchronous and asynchronous
$750 paid to students with IEPs
IB World School application

  •     Attendance
  •     Promotion
  •     ACT Aspire reading and math growth- Using this instead of PARC as a college readiness metric
  •     Enrollment
  •     Relationships and self reported social emotional wellbeing

Started with 65 and ended up with 70. 
Some needed to transfer because of needs or moving
At 90% retention

Logged applications from all 8 wards- majority from 5, 7, and 8
13% have English as a second language
73 different middle schools and high schools
At 61% of goal (180).
Base is 153, goal is 180

Students and parents are partners. 
73% of students believe they have a relationship with teacher vs 46% starting metric.

100% participation in a project to support leukemia research

On campus readiness checklist has been developed
Students are wearing masks
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday students are on campus
Still have 36% not sure they want to send their children in person
Talking to parents and are acommodating families.  

Entrance and exit plan
Covid mitigation risk
Covid testing on campus
Using HEPA and MERV 13 filters
No one can drink out of the fountains
3 ft of physical distancing mandated
Proper number of rooms and staff to accommodate students
Might need to repurpose multi-use spaces

Cohorts have not been mixed (contact tracing)
But have leeway to mix cohorts

Assessment data collection- July 15
Continuous education plans- due end of July

End of July/beginning of August- Federal funds will be released

Walk in centers in every ward- Spanish and English info available

To what extent have applicant families been asking about in person vs remote?
Telling everyone that they will be in person this fall.
Procedures are in place to go hybrid if there's a major outbreak. 

Culture building is so important- hired a Director of Culture. 
Culture ties in to academic

June 3rd- event with girls and family guidance person- new sign ups and prospects invited



Other Highlights

No additional questions.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris