Girls Global Academy


GGA Board General Meeting

Please mark you calendars. Critical areas of governance to address.

Date and Time

Monday March 29, 2021 at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be conducted over video-conference.

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), C. Miller (remote), E. Harris (remote), J. Parker (remote), K. Bryant (remote), M. Bowser (remote), M. Dunn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), M. Pendleton (remote), S. Benson (remote), S. Ganske (remote)

Trustees Absent

L. Myrick, M. Colburn

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Guests Present

Jason Mellen (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday Mar 29, 2021 at 6:34 PM.

II. Internal Business - Part One


Approval of Minutes from February 2021 General Meeting

B. Blaufuss made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board General Meeting on 02-22-21.
M. Dunn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


GGA Board "World" Recognition

Max conducted a real time poll.
First recipient of the World recognition- Scott Ganske.
Scott will recognize the next recipient of the World.  Max will plant names on the globe.  And the 'ritual' will continue.


We will continue to encourage each other and support the mission of GGA.


Miscellaneous:  Send head shots to Karen, if you haven't already.  Use GGA email.  Log into Board on Track to check meeting announcements, prepare for the ED evaluation, etc.

III. Governance Committee


Open Seats on GGA Board

We were out of compliance with the loss of Catalina.  Governance was looking for a replacement- someone with her skill sets, other complements to the Board, diversity.  
With Donna's departure, we are now at an odd number again, so back in compliance.


Governance will look at the criteria for the next 2 board members that will be nominated.  The maximum number of board members is 15.


Looking to elect officers at the annual meeting in June.  As we're thinking about roles, reach out to Christine.  She will send out info on those positions- officers and committee chairs.


There's one quarter left in the fiscal year.



Addressing Conflict of Interest

The audit surfaced that there was no conflict of interest policy.  The goal is to identify any fiduciary benefit or perceived benefit that a board member or trustee may receive.  This shows active avoidance.  Christine sent a draft policy with standard language, IRS-based. This will be processed by Governance, then a final version presented to the Board next month.  Board members will read and sign it, agree to adhere and disclose any conflicts.  When an issue comes up for vote that represents a conflict, recusal is appropriate.  Final product will meet the needs of GGA.


Annual routine review will be put in place.


As an example of conflict of interest, Christine is an elected official which she had to disclose.  


Targeted Updates to Bylaws

Governance has a flowchart for Compliance and Best Practices for the Open Meetings Act.
Bylaws have to be updated to reflect the Open Meetings Act. 


Terms of Service for Board Members and Officers needs to be reviewed.  Board members commit to a 3 year term.  Three year parent terms have to be evaluated as parents who came on as juniors would need to resign as you need to be the parent to a current student to be a board member. 


Officer Elections

Officers are elected on a 1 year rotation (annual meeting to annual meeting), but governance will be looking at the possibility of extending this to 2 years.  If this is instituted, it will start with the next cycle.


Committee chairs are also selected on a 1 year basis.





IV. Development Committee


Circulation and Intended Use of Development Plan

The development report was distilled from 70+ pages 


Individual giving plus corporate and events exceeded the $30,000 target.
FY22 is projected to be at similar levels.
Foundation grants are largely targeted to start ups, so some shrinkage is expected in this category for FY 2022.
Government grant revenues are expected to increase for FY2022.


Events:  many would be taxing, so focused on 2 per year.
An event could be part of a campaign.  Tried to keep those separate.


Explanation of expenses
The biggest FY 2022 increase is the proposed addition of a Development and Communications coordinator- planned as a contractor hire for the fall or a full time hire.


Expenses are shown as flat, though if events are in-person, the $2500 estimate may be a little low.

The strategy was developed by FundEd and the Development Committee evaluated its practicality


Individual giving, the signature event (Sisterhood Summit), corporate support and additional grants are being sought


The FY 2022 development strategy hinges on:
Individual Giving (individual and major gift 'friendraising') leveraging board support, expanding the Trailblazer volunteer program (Christine and Marilyn are part of the original group), and point of entry events.


Corporate Partnerships and Events (The Sisterhood Summit is GGA's signature events and can attract corporate sponsors).  Would like to continue to raise $30,000 from corporate partners


Foundation Grants (Unrestricted revenue from non-governmental sources is being sought)
The plan is to submit 15 grant requests annually, and get approved on 25% or better.  A Foundation report already has some of these targets identified.  Dana researches and Kevin sends information.  Kevin and Jason screen possibilities.  Not all grants are created the same.  Some have reporting structures that GGA can't meet.







What's Coming Next for Development

V. Student Recruiting Committee


Review Progress Metrics

Recruitment review
April 2 is Match Day.
There are 228 applications, 105 have designated GGA in their top 3!


Wellness calls are a highlight.
Julie has been doing an amazing job- getting good feedback about how she's connecting
Thank you to board members who have been doing calls
One applicant is the child of an ambassador to the US (Beth)


Going forward may ask how the parent/child has heard about GGA


Board Members:  Still need more organizational leads.  Add to the existing Google sheet.  Targeting 50.  Attend recruiting events- open houses.


63 current students are continuing, 6 applied out
Last year 76% of those who designated GGA in the top applied


Want to get to 180


There's a lot of engagement via emails and outreach
Social media is being designed to enable students to share


All board members should be supporting recruiting.  Attend GGA events.  Cultivate the habit of being GGA evangelists.  Should be targeting 300 applications.  





Update on Next Recruiting Activities

VI. Risk/Audit Committee


Approval of SY20 Audit Report

Page 16 from auditor report (SB and Company) stated that there were no material weaknesses.  Shalini and Maura framed the process.  Karen and Jason fully supported the process and provided background documents requested.
B. Blaufuss made a motion to Accept the audit report.
S. Benson seconded the motion.
SB and Company made managememt recommendations.  Karen and Jason have been responsive  Conflict of interest was one of those follow ups.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Executive Director's Report


General Status of Student Body and School Operations

Sisterhood summit highlights
Great experience for students
Reflections will be included in the next GGA newsletter
Board members in attendance are asked to provide feedback via the Google sheet Karen set up.  The link was emailed.


Trailblazers are now the official mascot


In 3rd phase of Pandemic approach
Phase 1:  Identify and Invite students into learning hub
Phase 2:  Intervene and implement programs to help students
Phase 3- Individual approach to invite students in


Staff and students were sent survey to help determine next steps.  Findings will be presented to parents.


The number of honor roll participants has increased


Track started today


Still in virtual phase, but preparing for return to school in Fall 2021


96% will participate in sisterhood and outdoor events- and on campus, starting in Spring and going through to the beginning of the school year


New staff:  Currently reading resumes and interviewing.


Service- part of Spring and Summer
Martha's table- packed 300 bags for those in need.  Parents and board members were invited.


Safety: Vaccines are available


Fundraising: Goals were exceeded
$252,000 goal, $295,000 actual
$30,000 goal, $44,000 received this year includes individual and corporate gifts.  


Looking Ahead
Spring and summer activities
Summer learning
Fall re-opening

GGA is projecting to have $52,674 more in non-governmental revenue (private grants and donations - including corporate, foundation, and individual) than what was budgeted
Some students have signed up already for the summer program


Enrichment and Academic info were included in the meeting packet.




Other Highlights

VIII. Finance


Approval of High Level SY22 Budget

Reflected in the SY21 forecast through the end of June:
$30,000 in additional for recruiting expenses
Increased projected computer expenses by $40K
Need to understand how to account for a deposit on FY 2022 computers which needs to be made in FY 2021


Will end up with a slightly higher net income
Spending is as expected against the budget
SY 22
Budget timing:
Voting tonight is on the high level budget


School is moving on goals and values.  
Budget is based on 153 by Count Day, which meets the rent floor
GGA and recruiting are confident in that number
Big bucket expenses were to have been accounted for in preparation for high level budget


Tonight we need to approve the full top line for recruiting
A detailed budget will be presented in April 
May is when we'll take the final vote


Based on recruitment projection- the target is 143- 163 for Match Day.
If lower than143, will need a reduced budget.  Contingency budget means unsure.
If greater than 163 (like 180) will need a different revised (upward) budget


Than the budget won't be reviewed again until October.


The Finance Committee recommends approval of the budget and authorization of GGA leadership team to go forward with hiring.
M. Dunn made a motion to Approve top line budget as presented, Karen and Jason to proceed.
B. Blaufuss seconded the motion.
143 on match day is the target (80)
Final budget due in April
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Move to Close Session for Personnel Matters Related to ED

M. Levasseur made a motion to Move to Executive Session.
M. Dunn seconded the motion.
Preview policy of ED evaluation
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris