Girls Global Academy


GGA General Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday January 25, 2021 at 6:30 PM


This meeting will be conducted via video conference.

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), C. Miller (remote), D. Tymus (remote), E. Harris (remote), K. Bryant (remote), M. Colburn (remote), M. Dunn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), M. Pendleton (remote), S. Benson (remote), S. Ganske (remote)

Trustees Absent

J. Parker, L. Myrick, M. Bowser

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday Jan 25, 2021 at 6:40 PM.

II. Other Business


Approval of Minutes from November 2020 General Meeting

B. Blaufuss made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board General Meeting on 11-23-20.
S. Ganske seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Status on Board "Homework"

Another Board on Track walk through will be scheduled for those who missed the earlier session. 
Everyone is encouraged to attend a session.
Friday, 1/29/21, 8 AM will be the next scheduled date.

Head shots were requested for the GGA website.
The Board training video is recommended viewing for Board members.  It explains the purpose of boards, committees, interactions with the school, etc.  The first 30 minutes of the 1 hour video are especially worthwhile.  Max will recirculate the link.

Our next scheduled meeting was going to be March (every other month) but with remote learning/Covid, recruiting, etc. we will continue to meet monthly to support continuity of efforts.


Committee Hygiene

Committees may wish to meet monthly.  
Committees should be taking minutes in their meetings.
The Board on Track system has meeting templates where the minutes can easily be added.  So use of the system should help us better organize and to be compliant.


General Communication and Collaboration

We have spent little time together, but we should reach out to each other directly. 
If at any point someone feels unclear or unsure about who to direct a comment to, please utilize Max.  
We will pass the globe to each other.  That's an acknowledgement of accomplishment and effort by a Board member. (Max has a real globe)
We have spent little time together, but we should reach out to each other directly. 
If at any point someone feels unclear or unsure about who to direct a comment to, please utilize Max.  
We will pass the globe to each other.

III. Governance


Election for Vice Chair Office

Shalini stepped down from the Vice Chair role.  Christine has come forward to express interest in this role.  She has chaired Governance and brings knowledge and skills to that office.  
M. Levasseur made a motion to Nominate Christine Miller as Vice Chair of GGA.
M. Dunn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Finalizing Goals and Committee Objectives for SY20-21


Where We Are Today

Starting point for the discussion was the seven goals from the Board retreat.
The two most important goals were academic-related and the recruiting goals.


The Academic committee presented their goals- Insuring teacher preparedness, addressing student barriers to engagement, measurement through surveys and insights.  Measuring growth in a virtual setting is being done qualitatively- speaking about how they are growing.


Dilemna consultancy- may bring an artifact- I wonder/I notice. Share what Karen and Shayne are hearing. Being there as partners to work through challenges.
Students are failing 2 or more classes, acclimating to virtual learning. 
GGA is meeting students where they are looking at readiness, learning style, interest, pacing, different ways to assess.  GGA is addressing the SEL needs in an empathetic and interdisciplinary way.
How can everyone be supported?  There's no bad data, but rather some inaccurate data.  Subjective measures. GGA is holding the social equity bar and meeting students where they are.  This march isn't going to end anytime soon.  
Holding the bar but adapting so that it's about the skill vs the breadth of material.  
This is the culture we want for our teachers as well.


Highlight on Program, Student, and Staff Related Goals


Highlight on Student Recruiting Goal and Objectives

Recruit and retain 2 full classes- 115 new students out of 180.
Increase inquires by 33%
Increase applications in progress by 50%


Mailers are going out.  Mailing went to over 58,000 homes in target 13 zip codes.


GGA is looking for referrals to potential partner orgs for recruiting.  Board members are asked to contribute contacts to the spreadsheet where this information is being collected.


The detailed recruitment plan from the leadership team was well-received.  Prioritizing digital marketing, they looked at what worked.  


YouTube videos on YouTube channel are great.  There are 3 videos.

V. Finace and Audit Committee Report Out


Results of SY19-20 Audit

A voluntary audit was conducted by SB and company- a DC-based company with charter school experience- independent of EdBoard.  The work took place between the end of October through last week. 


Results were reviewed.  Statements will be issued, but no material weaknesses were noted.  The leadership team was very cooperative.  Comptrol environment was effective.  They suggested improvements in expenditures timing and process.  A management action plan is being written.  Expenses lined up with the right budget items. 


The Board has to approve the final audit.  We'll vote on this in February or March.  For a first year school, very happy with the way the audit came out. 


Will we get a GuideStar rating?  (Kevin).  It would be good to get a high rating.  

Budget- the goal is to approve it sooner. We need to accomplish this by the end of May. 
The Leadership team is working on priorities. 
All committees need to provide expense input.
The target is to have a big bucket budget in March, baseline budget in May, and October final budget after Count Day. 


The Finance and Audit Committee is preparing for this to be a more routine process, moving forward- prepared for staffing and growth. 


Development goals will be discussed. 


Financials and Budget

VI. Executive Director's Report


General Status of Student Body and School Operations

Students are nervous about making friends.


Shayne has worked with the health teacher to promote self care.  Wants to build a rapport with the students.  How can students and staff be intentional about taking care of themselves?  The self care challenge means doing something that's just for them.  One person reported that they took time to smile.  Community meetings take place every Wednesday.  Recently there was a presentation on positive body image.  GGA partnered with W Girls and the Fem Health project.  

30% of staff are on campus.  Some students receive virtual instruction.  It's a case by case decision on whether students are permitted to come on campus.  Students and parents will be surveyed about trimester 3 in March.


Feb 1 application deadline.

City is in category 1.  GGA has 8 eligible to receive the vaccine.
GGA is partnering with Curative to do Covid testing on site on Thursdays.
Covid-19 vaccines are not required for staff.  There were 700 appointments on Thursday.  Open to the community.  Mobile van.  


March 20th- A Sisterhood virtual summit is being planned- spotlight on female change makers.  The board is asked to nominate women for panels and keynote speaker.



Current Plans for In-person Instruction

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris