Girls Global Academy


GGA Board General Meeting

Meet the GGA Board

Date and Time

Monday November 23, 2020 at 6:30 PM

Trustees Present

B. Blaufuss (remote), C. Miller (remote), C. Talero (remote), D. Tymus (remote), E. Harris (remote), J. Parker (remote), K. Bryant (remote), M. Colburn (remote), M. Dunn (remote), M. Levasseur (remote), M. Pendleton (remote), S. Benson (remote), S. Ganske (remote)

Trustees Absent

M. Bowser

Ex Officio Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

K. Venable-Croft (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance/Recognize Quorum


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Levasseur called a meeting of the board of trustees of Girls Global Academy to order on Monday Nov 23, 2020 at 6:36 PM.

II. Meet the GGA Board


Short introduction of GGA Board members

Approximately 4 parents were welcomed to the meeting.

Each board member introduced themselves, their role on the board, and responded to the 'share' question- what we're thankful for in 2020 and/or what we're looking forward to in 2021.


Informal Q&A with students and parents

The meeting was opened to questions from students and parents. 
Max initiated this section by asking about the board members'  familiarity with public schools in DC.  Janice asked a question about the timing for co-curriculars/enrichment activities.
Is there a platform other than PARCC to test student preparedness?  (Parent question- Lakisha Myrick)
    Yes- ACT Aspire provides baseline data on how well students are doing and prepares them for taking the ACT as an entry level college exam.  (Karen)

III. Governance


On-boarding New Parent Member

15th and final member- Lakisha Myrick- Advocates in the community and across the city
Social, emotional, and mental health support background
Will be a strong supporter of the GGA mission
As the parent of a freshman will be able to lift up the voices of families and students
C. Miller made a motion to Add Lakisha Myrick as GGA's 15th Board Member.
M. Dunn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Other Business


Approval of Minutes from October Special Meeting

C. Talero made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Special Board Meeting - Oct 16, 2020 on 10-16-20.
K. Bryant seconded the motion.
Janice abstained as her addition was the subject of the meeting
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approval of Minutes from October Board Retreat (Part One)

M. Dunn made a motion to approve the minutes from GGA Board SY20-21 Retreat - PART ONE on 10-24-20.
J. Parker seconded the motion.
Catalina abstained as she was not present for the entire meeting
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


EdOps Contracts

2 RFIs were issued- for financial administrative support and student data management
EdOps was the preferred vendor for both. 
The $25,000 threshold required for approval was reached considering both together.
Finance support- Will work closely with finance and ED to create financial reports. 

Note:  Risk committee is conducting an audit to set a good foundation.   

M. Dunn made a motion to Approve 2 statements of work for EdOps: -Finance support for 7 months- July 2020 to Jan 2021  -Student data management for 12 months-  July 2020 to June 2021.
J. Parker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board internal activity

Board Expectations:
Giving- contribute financially as able, but contribute in other ways as well
Time commitment- 6 to 10 hours
Serve on at least 1 committee, but preferably 2 committees

Not meeting as a full body during December, but committee meetings may take place

Need to complete transition to GGA email addresses by January; Jason can resend if necessary
Get set up in Board on Track; will offer 2 training sessions in January- one weekday evening and one weekend session
Board on Track video explaining charter board practice- common topics, largely applicable to DC. This is recommended viewing (1:20)

V. Executive Director's Report


General status of school operations

General info
Closing our first trimester (November 24)
Focus was on developing routines and getting to know students
There's power in our 4 pillars.  We need to stay the course and support the learning community.

Messages of hope from guest speakers- rise above adversity individually and collectively
Working on a design challenge in the engineering class- addressing housing insecurity
Attendance is regular (92% over the past 4 weeks)
All still adapting to virtual learning (no hybrid or face to face); need to insure staff can adapt and students can access.

32% of students have IEPs
Hired additional staff to serve all of the students over the course of the next trimester
Have to be creative and intentional- including have providers outside of the classroom

Virtual learning will continue when students return in January
Developing a group of core stakeholders to create the plan to bring students back safely, supported with policies and procedures.  
The earliest students would be brought back into the building would be middle to late January
Need plan to address Covid

Trimester 2
Starts on December 1.
Resources for social and emotional support
Fundraising- to offer students the best opportunities for resources that will support them
One to one attention has worked very well after school- mentors to support them is a goal to thrive socially and emotionally as well as academically
Co-curriculars are important- to get to know each other, opportunities to work together,  Sign ups have taken place

Student engagement
On camera presence has increased. 
Goal is for all to advance from 9th to 10th grade  

Continuing to accept students
Hired a new staff member to support recruiting- Julie
Outreach to all middle schools is going on now- Middle School Option Night
EdFest is coming up 

Kickoff on Dec 1 (Giving Tuesday) but campaign is the entire month of December
Shalini held a birthday fundraiser- 1 hour Zoom meeting, 35 of 50 women invited attended, signed up 6 people as Trailblazers from all over the country, did breakout groups, talked about sisterhood.  Shows how much GGA mission resonates.  There's a whole network who want the world to be different for girls collectively and are willing to support this.  Shalini is happy to provide tips to others who may want to do the same thing or something similar.  It was very uplifting AND raised about $2000.



Current plans for in-person instruction

Virtual learning will continue when students return in January
Developing a group of core stakeholders to create the plan to bring students back safely, supported with policies and procedures.  
The earliest students would be brought back into the building would be middle to late January
Need plan to address Covid-19

Questions raised by parents regarding in person instruction/coming back
Safety of students, being safe outside coming to the space
Virtual isn't working for everyone
Small group would like to come back in Dec (the start of Trimester 2)
Some want to come back in Jan
Staying virtual works for majority

Note:  Concurrent learning is difficult.  (small cohort in person and virtual cohort at the same time)


Giving Tuesday Campaign

Shout out to Shalini for her efforts
There is an end of year campaign planned
Fundraising platform- Possibility of the board taking on a fundraising activity with separate visibility Board would collectively reach out to contacts and fundraise on behalf of GGA.  Board has autonomy to do outreach- board's contribution to the fundraising effort; landing page, appeal, etc.
Contact people from Karen's list or our own lists- email, calls, texts
Post on social media

Value in showing all contributors and building up the number of contributors
Board comments supported using the giving page that Karen and her team have set up
Development committee will follow up with the board

VI. Review Committee Objectives for SY20-21


Review objectives drafted by each respective committee

Insufficient time to review submissions from the committees
Max will follow up


Review, revise, and reach consensus

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
E. Harris