Global Leadership Academy


K-12 Board of Directors Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday January 16, 2025 at 4:00 PM


4660 Lusso Ln, Jacksonville, FL 32246

Directors Present

C. Hearn (remote), L. Kolyesnik, L. Williams, V. Budnik, V. Kushnar, V. Sendetskiy, Y. Brychka

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Korchuk, Chris McKinney, D. Goncharov, G. Stickel (remote), I. Soroka, J. Chisholm, J. Galeani (remote), J. Hemphill, Lianna Knight, Liliya Kovalevich, Luann Hoyseth (remote), Lynne Leahey, M. Korniychuk, Marissa Aulick, Melissa Arnold (remote), Sergey Soroka, Vitaliy B Sulakov

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Williams called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Thursday Jan 16, 2025 at 4:14 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Previous Board Minutes 11/18/24

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve the minutes from K-12 Board of Directors Meeting on 11-18-24.
L. Kolyesnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


October Financial Statements

Y. Brychka made a motion to to approve financial statements for the month of October.
L. Kolyesnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


November Financial Statements

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve financial statements for the month of November.
L. Kolyesnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Out of Field Letter - February 2025

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve Out of the Field letters for each campus to be sent out in February.
L. Kolyesnik seconded the motion.

Teachers with an Out of Field Status (Name/Status)

Discovery Campus:

Rangel Rafael, Yuridia Elementary Education, ESOL
Christie, Tiffany, ESOL
Rivera, Elba, ESOL
Otero, Wanda, ESOL
Aweis, Vera, ESOL
Curry, Tracie, ESOL
Colon, Rosa, Elementary Education, ESOL
Casanova, Sandra, Elementary Education, ESOL
Spahic, Vildana, ESOL
Jones, Zita, Elementary Education, ESOL
Blair, Martha, ESOL
Blaydes, Camille, Elementary Education, ESOL
Condit, Deborah, ESOL
Olson, Hady Marie, Elementary Education
Prikhodko, Natalya, ESOL
Hunter, Christine,  Elementary Education
Kyrylov, Vitaliy, Mathematics 5-9/ ESOL
Cook, Myra, Elementary Education K-6/ ESOL
Beye, Christopher, Elementary Education K-6/ ESOL
Whittle, Kiora Arts Grades K-12 Elementary Education/ESOL
Lacy, David Music Grades K-12 Elementary Education/ESOL
Saintgeorges, Frantz, ESOL
Hampshire, Julia, MG Science 5-9/ ESOL
Adams, Alesia, ESOL
Stokes, Jonathan, ESOL
Randolph III, Eddie, ESOL
Matthews, Zachary, ESOL
Bradfute, Andrew,  ESOL
Warthen, Shanya, ESOL
Rountree, Jalisa, ESOL
Floyd, Elizabeth, ESOL
Gomez, Jorge, ESOL
McClash, Vincent, ESOL
Martinez, Anthony, ESOL
Reynolds, George, PE/Health/ ESOL


Arts Campus:

Riedell (Fonner),Suzzanne, ESOL
Bottoms, Julia, ESOL
Molina, Amy, ESOL
Madala, Smantha, ESOL
Chelsea, Mize, ESOL
Alston, Leslie, Elementary Education/ ESOL
Gilliam, Michelle, ESOL
Lewis, Julia, ESOL
Simmons, Kathryn, ESOL
Spencer, Shayla, Elementary Education Grades K-6/ESOL
Larsen, Diane, ESOL
Gemmell, Stefanie, Reading Endorsement
Halligan, Kerri, ESOL
Lee, Jill, ESOL
Clark, Shauna, ESOL
Horan, Jenna, ESOL


Intercoastal Campus:

Lee (Fulginiti), Mary Brianna, ESOL
Vickers, Murneka, ESOL
Struble, Monica, ESOL
McSwain, Kimberly, Elementary Education Grades K-6
Brennan, Stephanie, Elementary Education Grades K-6
Hiers, Katelyn, Mathematics Grades 5-9
Bryant, Sterea, ESOL
Ocampo, Mariann, ESOL
Blewett, Michael, ESOL
Jewell, Karen, ESOL
Leon de Lahaye, Lena, ESOL
Iaconelli, Mason Music, ESOL
Warvel, Sara, ESOL
Angel, Melissa, ESOL


High School: 

Caouette, Michael, Mathematics /ESOL
Weatherford, Steven, ESOL
Fowles, Kimberlyn, ESOL
DiZinno, Charles, ESOL
Brown, Norma (Krissy), ESOL
Sanders-Wolf, Diane, ESOL
Brown, Apryl, ESOL
Cline, Alfia, English Grades 6-12
Williams, Kristal, ESOL
Ursal, Joanna, ESOL
McKie, Patrick, ESOL
Sanabria, Marilyn, Reading/ English Grades 6-12
Aweis, Kathryn, ESOL
Spears, Tony, ESOL
Callanan, Jonathan, ESOL

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Approval of Consent Agenda


Approval of Consent Agenda

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda.
L. Kolyesnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

IV. Discussion Items


Lennar and GOCA Properties LLC Drainage Easement

L. Williams made a motion to approve Easement as presented, reviewed and edited by ALF.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.

Approval subject to final lawyer language and final reconciliation with Lennar done by the staff.   

Board member Cheryl Hearn requested an update after the completion of the reconciliation.

The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Global Arts PTO

C. Hearn made a motion to approve the creation of the Global Arts PTO as well as the Executive Board Members.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Mid-Year Budget

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve the mid-year budgets.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Grizzly Green Fields Turf

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve ASE Backyard Services vendor quotes.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:01 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Williams