Global Leadership Academy
K-12 Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday December 13, 2023 at 4:30 PM
Directors Present
C. Hearn, L. Kolyesnik, L. Williams, V. Budnik, V. Kushnar, Y. Brychka
Directors Absent
V. Sendetskiy
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
Y. Brychka
Guests Present
A. Korchuk, D. Goncharov, G. Stickel, I. Soroka, J. Chisholm, J. Galeani, J. Hemphill, Luann Hoyseth, Y. Degtyareva
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Previous Board Minutes 11-02-23
Monthly Financials (K-12) October 2023
Paychex Time and Attendance contracts
Paychex Time and Attendance module was under one contract under GOCA K-8 with separate "sites", which created some difficulties in managing employee's time cards. The recommended solution is to separate each school into individual TAA account. The cost will remain the same and for the first year will be even lower.
Recommendation to approve the updated Paychex Time and attendance contracts.
Financial Control Policy Amendment
Dmitriy Goncharov recommendation is to approve Financial Control Policy for all GOCA Schools and the list of pre-approved expenses.
Clean School Bus Rebate Program: Intent to Apply
Dmitriy Goncharov recommendation is to apply for a Clean School Bus Rebate Program to cover the costs of buying an electric school bus and relevant infrastructure.
GOCA Lottery Dates
III. Public Comments
Public Comments
No public comments
IV. Approval of Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
V. Discussion Items
School Data Review
School data with 23-24 grade goals was presented to the board. All schools are improving student academic performance based on the school grades released by the Department of Education for 2022-2023 school year.
Dmitriy Goncharov presented the monthly financials statements for K-12 October 2023.