Global Leadership Academy


Board Meeting


Date and Time

Tuesday January 26, 2021 at 5:00 PM


Global Outreach Charter Academy - High School: 1252 Fromage Way, Jacksonville, FL 32225
The Mission of Global Outreach Charter Academy is to deliver a first-class academic program that offers a unique foreign language and multicultural curriculum, empowering students to have a competitive edge in the global vision.

Directors Present

C. Hearn, V. Budnik, V. Kushnar, V. Stepanchuk, Y. Brychka

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

S. Soroka

Non Voting Members Present

S. Soroka

Guests Present

A. Korchuk, Alex Chernov, D. Goncharov (remote), Ilya Soroka, J. Chisholm, Taylor Smith, V. Chizh

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

V. Budnik called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Tuesday Jan 26, 2021 at 5:17 PM.

II. Approve Previous Board Minutes


Approve Previous Board Meeting Minutes

V. Kushnar made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly Board Meeting: K-8 on 12-08-20.
V. Budnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. Public Comments


Public Comments

- No Public Comment

IV. Consent Items


Monthly Financials - December 2020

- Dmitrity discussed the current standing of budgets that were balanced according to budget.
- Expenses that were initially budgeted to pay for building expense was not enough and extra funds were needed to be allocated for the additional expenses. 
- PPP application has been submitted and currently awaiting approval of fund reimbursement

V. Discussion Items


K8 & Intercoastal Location Planning Year

- Taylor Smith reviewed original plan to occupy Faith Bridge building for the first year of intercoastal opening. Rezoning was completed for the area, and due to another school opening in the same zone, it will complicate the current relationships with their other schools and school board,  A suggestion is presented to the board that in the best interest of the area and relationship of other schools to postpone the opening until school year 2022-2023, and take this next year as a Planning Year. 
- Anna Korchuk also mentioned that postponing the opening of the new K8 campus will help give the GOCA team a good amount of time to open the new campus flawlessly. During the year 2021-2022, the team will be able to focus on the current campus improvements and have a completed action plan that is fail-proof during the launch of the opening of the intercoastal campus. 
- The board agrees that it is in the interest of the school, local schools, families, and the site location, to Plan in 2021-2022 and have the opening in 2022-2023.
- The team will also focus on the current pending application for the proposed Arts Charter School for GOCA.
- The board agrees that it is best to do a planning year in 2021-2022 for the opening of the Intercoastal Location.


Out-Of-Field Letters: 2020-2021

- Vitalina Chizh, HR Director, presented the list of current teachers that are out of field for their current subject area that they are teaching. Majority of the teachers are missing the ESOL endorsement. The teachers are currently working on completing on meeting their out of field requirements. 
- This letter is required to be provided twice a year to parents of students. Once in the Fall and a 2nd time in the Spring. 


Mid-Year Budget Review: 2020-2021

 - Dmitriy Goncharev, discussed the portion of the budget that was allocated for the building and the need to spend more due to increased fees that were required during the closing process of the High School and Grizzly Campus. 
- Next Year, expenses associated with the building will be 300k less then current school year. 
- Fees associated with Rent of cub campus and payment for HS and Grizzly campus will be less as well.


Resolution: Wells Fargo

- Dmitriy Gonchorev discussed the additional documents that need to be added to the Wells Fargo paperwork. 


Amendment to Vendor Contract - Armstrong & Associates

- Anna Korchuk reviewed a current amendment that needs to be added to the Armstrong & Associates vendor contract.  The vendor will provide additional services for website, school digital promotion and advertisement. The vendor will continue more on public relations and will focus on re-building a brand new website that includes all GOCA Campuses. 
- A core team in GOCA will be in constant communication with Armstrong & Associates for the required website updates. 


New Website Update : K-12

- Alex Chernov presented overview of current process to rebuild the current website. Thru the process of adding a new website, GOCA will be able to re-brand and reach a broader audience. 
- Website updates will increase presence on social media and digital world and will help assist in the increase of traffic on the website.  This will help with growth of GOCA and student enrollment and influence worldwide. 
- New website will be user friendly, modern, and will provide all information that a student and parent will need in order to enroll into the school and find out basic information on the services that the school provides. 


White Paper - Update

- Milena Smolinskaya reviewed the current status off the white paper document for GOCA. The white paper explains in detail the current services that all GOCA campuses provide to the community and to the country. 
- The document discusses the benefits of school choice and the positive impact that GOCA has on the current world. 
- The document also includes areas that show current struggle areas that exist in the country and how GOCA can help overcome those struggles thru its policies and the direction of the school. 
- White Paper will also help in building relationships and increasing our current social network. 

VI. Action Items


K8 & Intercoastal Location Planning Year

V. Kushnar made a motion to Approve postponing of opening new Intercoastal K8 Location until 2022-2023 so that the next year can be planning year.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Mid-Year Budget Review: 2020-2021

V. Budnik made a motion to Approve Mid-Year Budget.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Amendment to Vendor Contract - Armstrong & Associates

V. Kushnar made a motion to Approve amendment to vendor contract.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Out-Of-Field Letters: 2020-2021

V. Budnik made a motion to approve out of field letters.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Resolution: Wells Fargo

V. Kushnar made a motion to Approve Resolution.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

V. Kushnar made a motion to Adjourn Meeting.
V. Budnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
V. Chizh
Documents used during the meeting