Global Leadership Academy


Emergency Board Meeting: K-8

Covid_19 (Grizzly Campus)

Date and Time

Friday November 6, 2020 at 10:30 AM


Time: 10:30AM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 987 3358 1134
Passcode: GOCA
The Mission of Global Outreach Charter Academy is to deliver a first-class academic program that offers a unique foreign language and multicultural curriculum, empowering students to have a competitive edge in the global vision.

Directors Present

C. Hearn (remote), V. Budnik (remote), V. Kushnar (remote), V. Stepanchuk (remote), Y. Brychka (remote)

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

S. Soroka (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Soroka (remote)

Guests Present

V. Chizh (remote), (remote), (remote), (remote), (remote), (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

V. Budnik called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Friday Nov 6, 2020 at 10:34 AM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

- No Comments

III. Discussion Items


Virtual Learning Update: 11/2 - 11/6/2020

- Mr. David, School Principal reviewed the Virtual learning of the week of11/2-11/6/2020.
- Communication regarding the Virtual Learning at the Grizzly campus was provided thru DOJO, Translated Letters, Phone Calls, Emails, and direct teacher communication using their emails and DOJO.
- Majority of students in Grades 3-5 worked on packets throughout the week because majority of those teachers were sick due to Covid.  
- Packets were given out to students that requested those, and signed as received by parents.  Approximate count of students that worked on Packets throughout the week was 280 students. 
- Board Member, Victoria Budnik, asked how many staff members are still on quarantine and how many are expected to return. Mr. David explained that in Grades 3-5, 14 teachers will return by 11/10,  and in Grades 6-8, 0 teachers will be on quarantine as we know of today. The remaining 7 staff members are support staff and not teachers that are on quarantine during the same time period.
- 3 new positive Covid cases were reported this week, and 3 pending covid tests are currently being processed. Results should be received by today around noon. 
- In the week of the closure, the school had deep cleaning conducted, with all furniture cleaned and sanitized, as well as all carpeted areas cleaned, and rooms were fogged for deeper sanitation of the space.



Re-Opening Plan: Grizzly Campus

- Mr. David, the school Principal discussed several recommendations that he received regarding the Reopening Plan. 
- Recommendation from Attorney is to complete the full CDC recommended 14 day quarantine for the teachers at the Grizzly Campus.  
- Health Department for the DCPS school board recommends to bring teachers and students back as they complete their quarantine individually, and are cleared by the local health officials.
- The Principal recommends to bring back grade Levels 6-8 to campus next week, on Thursday. 
- The Principal Recommends to bring back all staff on campus beginning Monday, November 9th.  All support staff and teachers that are not on quarantine, or have been cleared, will be required to return back on campus on Monday.  All Teachers will teach virtually from their classroom. 
- Board agrees with recommended plan of the Principal and agree that it will help with a smoother transition of all students and staff returning back to campus.
- Grades 3-5 will return back to campus Thursday, November 16, 2020.
- 1 student was reported positive at the Grizzly campus in the past 14 days. 
- Board Member, Cheryl Hearn, recommends for parents to sign a clearance waiver that indicates their child is not experiencing any Covid related symptoms. This procedure is already recommended tot he parents as part of schools daily routine. 
- Parents will be encouraged to conduct a self-check for their children on a daily basis. 


Post-Closing Agreement

- School Attorney, Melissa Cross-Arnold, updated the Board of the current construction process.
- Mrs. Cross-Arnold recommends to have a post-closing agreement, due to delayed construction that needs to be continued after the closing of the loan.
- Mr. Taylor Smith, explained that original PSA allowed for cosmetic work, which is currently complete. New vents and duct work needs to be added to the hallways, that were custom fabricated, arrived to the site, but were not the correct size. The vents need to be reconstructed, but will be ready after the closing. 
- Closing is currently scheduled for November 13th, 2020.  Inspection can be conducted and issued after the ducts and work surrounding the vents is complete. 
- A security fund will be created during the extension of the construction, until the duct work, damper and vents are complete. The fund will serve as a security if emergency funds are needed due to the delay in construction, and to guarantee the completion of the site. 
- The Certificate of Occupancy will be issued once the construction is 100% complete, and passing of Fire Marshal inspection. 
- The date that is proposed for the issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy is 30 days past the original closing date of November 15th. The guarantee date for the Certificate of Occupancy is now December 15th, 2020.  
- In the post-closing agreement, 200% of the closing costs will be put into a trust account as security until the construction is fully complete. 

IV. Action Items


Reopening Plan: Grizzly Campus

V. Budnik made a motion to Approve the Reopening plan of returning students and staff in phases.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Post-Closing Agreement

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve the post-closing agreement.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

V. Budnik made a motion to Adjourn the meeting.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
V. Chizh