Global Leadership Academy


Annual Board Meeting (K-8): DAY 2

Day 2 Planning: 2020-2021

Date and Time

Wednesday June 10, 2020 at 11:00 AM


373 Rising Star Lane
Mineral Bluff, GA 30559
The Mission of Global Outreach Charter Academy is to deliver a first-class academic program that offers a unique foreign language and multicultural curriculum, empowering students to have a competitive edge in the global vision.

Directors Present

C. Hearn, V. Budnik (remote), V. Kushnar, V. Stepanchuk (remote), Y. Brychka

Directors Absent


Ex Officio Members Present

S. Soroka

Non Voting Members Present

S. Soroka

Guests Present

A. Korchuk, David Soroka, I. Savich, J. Chisholm, Joette Whittingham, Liliya Soroka, V. Chizh

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

V. Budnik called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Wednesday Jun 10, 2020 at 11:16 AM.

II. Public Comments


Public Comments

Mr Soroka:
-Asked V Budnik if she gives approval for Operations and Admin to raise up another two Board Members
-Joe agreed to help with the search of new Board Members

III. Discussion Items


Principal Presentation (K-8): David Soroka

David Soroka:
-6 items/questions covered
-Who do you have in your team for the next school year Responsible for academics? 
    A majority of the team with remain the same, a few exceptions like myself and Mrs. Murray, Murray     was the reading coach and will remain, Rivers will remain the same, Alla and Moran will be     coaches also, looking for Padilla to be discipline lead, 2 deans and looking for one more
-How will you improve ESOL services?
    Met already two times for five hours, Mrs. Bartsova will be ESOL lead and in charge of all     documentation and direct supervisor for ESOL teachers, Rivera will be the lead teacher, to help out     ESOL we will help Cub Campus by dividing the teachers between Grizzly and Cub. Also Izoda will     be an ESOL assistant and take on a lot of the Russian students, 4 teachers and 3 assistants. We     are looking into expanding the ESE department by hiring an additional ESE teacher who will work     with students on a full time schedule along with having a lead/gifted teacher for rotations
-Who will take over my responsibilities? (David Soroka)
    Someone will be taking over as dean for myself, Padilla will be brought back to Grizzly and Roman     will be at Cub
-How will the school grade be raised?
    Continuing working on adding and changing curriculum which can be shared with the board once     those are finished being drafted. K-1 we will continue using Wonders, but nothing should change.     The only thing that will change is the platforms that are available for teachers to use and it was     overwhelming, they didn't know which program to use. This year we would like it more     standardized and looking to cut back on a couple but able to use the ones we keep to full capacity.     Pull data binders and keeping it as organized and accurate as we can, we have decided to update     our current spreadsheet data base when we discovered teachers weren't putting in accurate     numbers, still doing green parties and reward programs
-What is projected enrollment? Current?
    Projected 1,100, currently we have 1,165 If you get an application packet you are automatically     given a spot at the school
-My vision for staff....
    If the team is not on the same page and united, the moral is low, it doesn't matter the number of     great ideas or plans. If there is not a good culture, you're fighting a losing battle. I will be working     with my upper admin team on creating a friendly culture where we feel that we can be open with     one another and not be criticized. There will be a problem if I find out that there is a toxic culture     being created via rumors, they should come to their direct supervisor first and discuss, not create     rumors

Mr Soroka:
-Duval County is very supportive of Mr David and like his standing in schools, he has been working at GOCA for 12 years and is our 7th principle, he is doing a fantastic job


Mental Health Plan: 2020-2021

Mr David:
-Mental health plan remained the same since last year, Holiday's responsibilities have changed and she will be completely focused on student's mental health

-We must develop some kind of voice for our teachers/students as we move into this next year due to the current cultural differences

Mr David:
-Mental health plan is to know how to address the needs of our students, when a mandate was passed 3 years ago where it is required
-One thing for this year is to not just be available for our students but also our staff, Holiday came from Right Path and also has experience in Family Counseling
-Biggest change is that we do work with JSO and call for their assistance when a child is acting up, and then following up with a report but we are adding NorthWest Behavioral Center because Right Path accepted Medicaid and parents who didn't have it did not get help. So we looked into options for parents with private insurance to also get their children help

Mr Soroka:
-We see a huge problem today where children are having more problems with mental health because parents are addicted to drugs/alcohol and we must do all we can to help them


Credit Cards (Adding Users)

Anna Korchuk:
-Our current Financial Control Policy is that the only one who can hold a card is the CEO and the Chairman but we need to look for other options so more users can have access to the card
-We can dedicate those cards to department heads, principles at each campus
-There are card options where you can begin with 15 users and this will eliminate the current issue where the card does not have to be hunted down to make a quick purchase
-There will be reporting, limits on spending

-There should be an approval process before someone is able to use these cards

-I did a lot of research on how to handle these situations, there will be two access types to these credit cards. IT has a large budget for everyday expenses, principles don't need that much so for them there can be monthly limits set so they do not go over. Some companies limit spending over certain amount and spend up to $500 but anything over that they will have to pick up the phone and get verbal authorization
-There were a few policies I found from other companies and how they manage the credit cards and their expectations with these cards


21st Century Program Review

-21st Century has ended for this school year, we ended this after Spring Break when we moved to online learning
-The final decision from the District was that it was up to us whether or not we will continue the program, we were able to just work on next years planning
-We were given the option to opt-out of the required summer school for 21st Century, we have decided that it was not worth it to put students through online learning during the summer also and have not lost any funding or gained any additional charges
-As far as management, our current contract with the director expires soon and she will not be continuing her position. We are looking at a different candidate to begin training them next week

-The program currently allows the director to work 4 1/2 hours a day for a 3 hour day to give them time to prepare
-We ask the program still run Monday-Thursday with Friday reserved for the director for reporting


Public Relations / Media Director

Anna Korchuk:
-We just discussed that 21st Century Directors held many hats, and one of them was promotion and outreach, now we have never had a position like that and given that we are expanding we need that person out there promoting us
-We have to start training staff for the Kernan location, so we will copy and paste Grizzly campus and the new person we are bringing in will be trained for operations and promotions
-We will have a High School website, a main website, and from the main website there will be links to the specific campuses so most current information will be on the main website and specific information will be linked to the schools specifically


GOCA Expansion / New Campus Options for InterCoastal Campus

Mr Soroka:
-Looking for new locations, we received the approval for the Kernan location and the contract with Duval will soon be signed
-We would like Taylor company to find a great location and asked us to sign an agreement with them
-He proposed 4 different locations
    Faith Bridge church (most desired location)
    Harvest Dome Property 
    Cross Roads Methodist church 
    Arc Jacksonville campus


InterCoastal Campus: Back-up Location Options

Same as item F


Jax Charter Group - Adam Miller

-There may be some missing gaps because Mr Soroka and me were involved in different meetings but we discussed Adam's vision about Charter schools in the area
-They want to be more effective and advocating what is important for the charter schools in the community, an example is that each charter works with the District to get approved but we don't call each other prior to contacting the District to get the best result 
-We are looking to tie all charters together with a monthly meeting and we are looking into different tax statuses in regards to lobbying
-Adam is the business development head for IDEA Schools out of Texas and have expanded to Florida a year ago in Tampa
-They provide an education for immigrants to have the ability to achieve high grades in the school systems
-Mayor did not support the sales tax increase that will be on the ballot for June
-The FCSA has established people (Jim Horn, John Curtley, Patricia Lavest, Tom Jackson) behind the curtain what they are looking at is potentially reducing PPP funding based off how much schools are spending 
-Second issue is that the charter is tied to the authorizers timing/school calendars and COV-ID environment is making things very difficult and we want to make sure that we gain more flexibility for charter schools in the future moving forward
-Equal distribution of funds is also a problem, along with school districts are saying that PPP only went to non-profits and not school districts and they don't want non-profit to double-dip so the PPP will go to the non-profit board and not the charter 


Strategic Planning / Foundation

Mr Soroka:
-From 2021-2023 Expansion projects in USA, internationally, and a YouTube Educational Channel, Yearly Conference (School Choice), Summary Evaluation
-We are focusing on 5 steps over the next three years, Local Expansion, Global Expansion, Local/Global Expansion, Networking/Program Development, Media Exposure
-I ask for the board to approve moving funds to help support this movement

-In our own name we know that we are reaching globally, that concept we do not hide from anyone. the IDA just focuses on opening as many schools as possible but GOCA is looking to grow our future leaders (mission statement)

Mr Soroka:
-Our goal through the organization is to establish communications and connections that we will be able to rely on, locally, nationally, and internationally
-Working with Anna we came to a number that we would need for a start up, and in the future the foundation with begin to bring money it by itself

-Have you researched into any other charters that are doing something similar to this?

Mr Soroka:
-Yes, non-profits do this to get new developments and build more schools, the pro-profit groups use their foundations not for development

Mr Soroka:
-There are membership fees that will have to be paid each month ($10-$20)
-Fundraising, grants
-But I am asking for $250,000 and I will explain how we will use this money:
Global Outreach Education Foundation (GOEF)


10 Year Anniversary

Mr Soroka:
-There will be an anniversary with 300 people to celebrate 10 years in Jacksonville and 20 years in School Choice Movement and to show potential locations for future schools
-The people that are invited to this event, either nationally or internationally, will be major players in GOCA's future growth and we must sell this vision to get their support
-Internationally we can present a successful model from other schools in Ukraine to show the reform heads how we can benefit from their model

-The projected budget is $260,000
10 year anniversary is 3 days of conferences (1 day celebration and 2 for conference)
Breakfast 10k
Lunch 25k
Hotel+air travel for special guests 25K
Lodging 10k
Interior decorations and furniture 15k
Marketing 10k
*continued breakdown of budget spreadsheet*

-Is it still an option to become a local education agency?

-That still needs some research and we need to explore that options, we need to see the requirements to reach that status.

- The board discussed that it is best to approve a start up budget of $95k for this event. 


Security Camera Quotes

- Mrs. Korchuk presented to the board 3 quotes for Security Camera's that will need to be installed at the new Grizzly Campus. 
- The quotes that were submitted for review are the following:
  1. Security Engineering and Design LLC : $29,995
  2. Comvox Systems: $91,101.47
  3. Simple IT Solutions: $20,775
- The Board reviewed all the quotes, and were all in agreement to approve the lowest bid of the 3 options, which is the Simple IT Solutions quote. 

IV. Action Items


Credit Cards (Adding Users)

V. Budnik made a motion to Approve adding and assigning users to the company cards.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Public Relations / Media Director

V. Kushnar made a motion to approving hiring and adding this additional position.
C. Hearn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Mental Health Plan : 2020-2021

Y. Brychka made a motion to approve.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


10 Year Anniversary

V. Kushnar made a motion to approve a budget of 95k for the 10 year anniversary.
C. Hearn seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Security Camera Quotes

Y. Brychka made a motion to Approve the Bid for Simple IT Solutions for the new Security Camera's at the Grizzly Campus.
V. Kushnar seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

V. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 2:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. Soroka