Global Leadership Academy


Monthly Board Meeting: K-8

CORONA 19 - Virtual Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday March 26, 2020 at 2:30 PM


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The Mission of Global Outreach Charter Academy is to deliver a first-class academic program that offers a unique foreign language and multicultural curriculum, empowering students to have a competitive edge in the global vision.

Directors Present

C. Hearn (remote), V. Kushnar (remote), V. Stepanchuk (remote), Y. Brychka (remote)

Directors Absent

D. Grigaltchik, V. Budnik

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Soroka (remote)

Non Voting Members Present

S. Soroka (remote)

Guests Present

A. Korchuk (remote), D. Goncharov (remote), Ilya Soroka, J. Chisholm (remote), J. Montero (remote), Liliya Soroka, Slavik Goryuk, V. Chizh (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

V. Kushnar called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Thursday Mar 26, 2020 at 2:54 PM.


Approve Minutes

V. Kushnar made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting: K-8 on 02-26-20.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Consent Items


Monthly Expenses - February 2020

- Mr. Goncharev said that it is expected to see some changes for the Month of March due to the Covid_19.
- If the school will be closed through the end of the year, Lunch Dept will not add 40k of net profit that was budgeted for. 
- GOCA is expected to receive more Capital Outlet by $100K, then originally projected. 
- GOCA is still currently waiting for an approved budget for 21st Century. Budget has been submitted to the District for approval, and is currently waiting on the final approval by the state program director 
- - Anna Korchuk advised that the State is currently reviewing the 21st Century budget, and it is expected to be approved in the next few weeks 

III. Public Comments


Public Comments

No public comments reported

IV. Reports and Presentations


Board Member Report

- No Board Member Report


Communications to the Board

-No Communication to the board

V. Discussion Items


Home based Learning: Covid_19

- Mrs. Soroka, the interim Principal, updated the board with the current process of home based Learning. 
- TECHNOLOGY: All parents have received  technology survey to see their technology need for the home based learning.  A policy and laptop check-out agreement was created for all student's needing chrome books during the home based learning during the Covid_19 school closures.  319 chrome books were distributed and it is expected for up to 400 laptops to be borrowed during this time.
- Another survey was created and sent to all parents where parents can submit information where they need additional help. It has been noted that families of more than 5 children face a few difficulties with having enough laptops, and GOCA is trying to assist these families as much as possible. 
- Home-Based Learning has begun on Monday, March 23rd.  
- ACADEMICS:  A Google Classroom platform was created, where teachers submit all lesson plans for their classrooms.  The platform includes all information that every student needs to know for their subject area and classroom. Different classrooms were created for each grade, with their assigned teacher. 
- Attendance is taken daily, virtually by teachers. Students need to be present in the classroom or show activity daily between 8am-8pm.  If a student does not show any activity during a day between these hours, they are marked as absence for those days. 
- All Elective classes are already created, and should be launched in the 2nd or 3rd week of the home based learning.
- ESL/Speech/Interventionist: We are currently in the process of providing this support to our students. The teachers have been using the Zoom platform to communicate with their students.  All interventionists were assigned to specific students to help assist.
GOCA will try to be as effective as possible to provide these services to the students. 
- IP Plan will be provided online. 
- Mrs. Hearn asked how the teachers are collaborating together to work on the online platforms.  Mrs. Soroka let the board members know that the current Vice Principal, and Coaches, are working directly with all teachers to help assist with the online classrooms. The teachers have all been trained how to use all online platforms that are available to them. The team is working closely on a daily basis. 
- Resource Teachers have prepared all material that will be used on the online platform.  Students will receive this information in a week, after they are acquainted with their homeroom classroom assignments. 



Update to Bylaws Verbiage: Governing Board Members

- Mrs. Korchuk reviewed with the Board the change that was made to the current Bylaws, concerning the allowance of the number of board members for GOCA. 
- Attorney has reviewed the Bylaws and it was recommended to add a limit on how many members can serve on the board.  Change was added on page 2 that has a minimum of 3 board members that are needed and up to 9 board members. 


Moving Bids

- Mr. Slavic has contacted several companies to help move the Grizzly Campus for the next school Year. 
- The bids were reviewed, and one of the requirements was for the moving company to give an option to store furniture temporary. 

- GOCA has received 3 moving bids:
  • Two Men and A Truck:  $40,150.00 to $40,870.00
  • Suddath: $75,805.50 (Included removal of White Boards, and $3000 for installation)
  • Baymeadows: 3 Options: 1) $49,500, 2) $84,500,  3) Labor for four men at $200 per hour, three hour minimum plus $200 travel charge per day. Cost includes on-site supervisor, labor, truck and all materials needed to execute move. It might be possible for some larger items we need to add an additional labor for the day. That cost is $50 per hour per man.
- Mr. Slavik is concerned with the damage that might happen during the moving, because all 3 of these companies do not have experience to move a school. 
- Mr. Slavik recommends to go with a company that has more staff to help with the move, and has more trucks for a quicker move. 
- Mr. Slavik recommends Baymeadows moving company, for the reasons mentioned above. 
- The board discussed all three options, and are in agreement it is best to go with a company that has the most supplies to help with the move and best experience. It is recommended to go with a comany that offers temporary storage. 
- It was suggested to rent a semi-truck trainer for temporary storage for the move to save money for the moving. Mr. Slavik will research these options, and will present the quotes on the next board meeting. 


Employee Pay: Covid_19

- Mrs. Korchuk has updated the board of the current procedure of paying all GOCA employees of their average pay, before the school closures occured. 
- Attorney is encouraging for GOCA to continue paying all GOCA Employees.  Once the Act is passed, all companies that keep employees on staff, will not need to pay back the loan that will be given to all companies with employees under 500 employees.
- It will be cost effective to keep All employees on staff, and on payroll, instead of laying off Hourly employees, and then hiring them again when the school is back and running. 
- The government will compensate the School if no layoff's occur during Covid_19.
- The board agreed to keep all salaries unchanged based on current information, with anticipation of Government Aid and further analysis of budget impact.  The board agrees to continue paying all employees their average pay, as it was before the school closures. 
- Reimbursement is expected to be received for expenses associated with handling the Covid_19, depending on approval of the bill.


Best & Brightest Policy: 2019-2020

- Mrs. Korchuk has informed the opportunity for our GOCA Staff to qualify to receive the Best & Brightest Scholarship.
- The Board will need to approve the GOCA Best and Brightest Policy. The policy will need to follow the guidelines that the State has put into place. 
- The policy has been reviewed by the Attorney and approved to be submitted for review by the board. 
- The board reviewed the suggested policy, and agreed these are the best procedures for the school to choose candidates for each award in the Best and Brightest Policy. 


Best & Brightest Nominations/Awards: 2019-2020

- Mrs. Korchuk presented the 3 awards that the GOCA Employees are eligible for:
Retention Award, Recruitment Award, and Recognition Award. 
- Recognition award is equally divided between the remaining staff that qualify for this award, after the Retention and Recruitment Awards have been distributed. 
- The board reviewed the awards and employees that are eligible for the awards, and agreed to proceed with these awards. 
- The total amount of the award is $96K in gross.


Financial Control Policy: Update

- Mr. Dmitriy updated the board of the change that needs to added to the Financial Control Policy on Page 16-17.
- Wording needs to be added to the control policy that says that we are inventory is logged and tagged, with disposition date, Condition, and Location, as GOCA has already been doing. 


Admin Office Move

- Mr. Soroka is suggesting to move all Admin offices to a remote location, depending on availability and cost to the school. 
- It is suggested for the Admin offices to move to a more permanent location, instead of moving several times in the next 2 years. 
- Options to move are still being researched and locations will be presented in the next board meeting. 

VI. Action Items


Update to Bylaws Verbiage: Governing Board Members

J. Montero made a motion to Amending the Provision to change wording to include 3-9 board members that can be on the board.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Employee Pay: Covid_19

Y. Brychka made a motion to Approve the pay during the closures due to Covid_19.
J. Montero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Best & Brightest Policy: 2019-2020

J. Montero made a motion to Adopt the Policy for GOCA.
V. Stepanchuk seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Best & Brightest Nominations/Awards: 2019-2020

C. Hearn made a motion to Approve the employee Awards.
J. Montero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Financial Control Policy: Update

Y. Brychka made a motion to Approve the addition to the policy to show the tagging and disposition date to equipment.
J. Montero seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:54 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
V. Chizh