Global Leadership Academy


Board Meeting: K-8


Date and Time

Wednesday February 26, 2020 at 5:30 PM

The Mission of Global Outreach Charter Academy is to deliver a first-class academic program that offers a unique foreign language and multicultural curriculum, empowering students to have a competitive edge in the global vision.

Directors Present

D. Grigaltchik, V. Budnik, V. Kushnar, Y. Brychka

Directors Absent

V. Stepanchuk

Ex Officio Members Present

S. Soroka

Non Voting Members Present

S. Soroka

Guests Present

A. Korchuk, Cheryl Hearn, D. Goncharov, Ilya Soroka, J. Chisholm, Jesus Montero, V. Chizh

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

V. Budnik called a meeting of the board of directors of Global Leadership Academy to order on Wednesday Feb 26, 2020 at 5:49 PM.


Approve Minutes

D. Grigaltchik made a motion to approve the minutes from Board Meeting on 01-23-20.
V. Budnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

V. Budnik made a motion to approve the minutes from Emergency Board Meeting on 02-05-20.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Consent Items


Monthly Expenses - January 2020

- Board reviewed the consent Items

III. Public Comments


Public Comments

- No public comments to report

IV. Reports and Presentations


Board Member Report

- No board member report


Communications to the Board

- No report

V. Discussion Items


Update Bylaws: Governing Board Members

- The board reviewed the current Bylaws concerning the allowance of the number of Governing Board Members that can serve on the school Board.
- The Board members agreed that it is in the best interest of the school to increase the allowance of board members from 5 to 7 or more.
- The board has asked for an amendment to be created show an increase in the allowance of Board Members that can serve on the board. 


Board Member Candidate Nominations

- Mrs. Cheryl Hearn presented her resume and request to be considered as a candidate for to join the GOCA Board. 
- Resume was reviewed of the candidate. 
- The board members welcomed the new candidate to the board.


GOCA Foundation Update

- Mr. Soroka updated the board members that during the next board meeting a full report will be given of the strategy to raise funds for the GOCA Foundation. 


Intellect Ukraine

- Mr. Soroka discussed current progress of the "Intellect Ukraine" curriculum.  A contract was created to reflect a curriculum that will last for one school year.  This is a pilot program that will begin with the Kindergarten classroom.
- Contracts were reviewed by the Board Members. 


Dinner Plan Update

- Mrs. Liliana discussed the launch of the Dinner Program for GOCA after-school programs. This program feeds all GOCARizing students, Extended Day, and Sports.  Students are able to eat a healthy Dinner at the school.
- GOCA now offers 4 meals that are free to the students. This includes Free Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, and Dinner. 
- Mrs. Liliana has officially received her dietitian certificate for the School.  


Interim Principal Report

- Mrs. Soroka thanked the board members for giving her the opportunity to serve the school and it's students as an interim Principal. 
- Mrs. Soroka has been learning all of the processes of the academic side of the school and has been able to assist in processes that can help improve data. 
- Mrs. Soroka has been working on the WIDA testing program, that helps ESOL students achieve highly in their studies 
- Previous board meeting, a suggestion was given to add reading coaches.  Mrs. Murray has been placed to be a reading coach, and has already been working with teachers to help guide and coach them. 
- GOCA has one of the biggest ESOL Population of students in the Duval County Schools. 


Time Off for Administration

- Mrs. Korchuk presented 4 proposed options on how to allow the admin to use their Vacation hours before the end of the school year.  Because of the move of several campuses, a decision needs to be made on which option is best in benefit of the school when it concerns the move and testing season. 


School Building Updates

- Mr. Ilya Soroka showed high school rendering photos of the future High School Building.
- 90% of the required permits for the building have been received and approved and the last few are almost complete. 
- The projected completion of the construction is end of May 2020.
- Campus will include a soccer field and vollyball court.
- Mr. Ilya Soroka reviewed with the Board the layout and entrances to the new Grizzly Campus at Impact Church and High School Campus off Lee Road. 

VI. Action Items


Update Bylaws: Governing Board Members

D. Grigaltchik made a motion to Approve for an amendment to be added to increase the allowance of Board Members that can serve on the board.
V. Budnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Board Member Candidate Nominations : Mrs. Cheryl Hearn

V. Kushnar made a motion to Approve Mrs. Cheryl Hearn to Join the GOCA Board.
Y. Brychka seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Time Off for Administration

V. Kushnar made a motion to Approve for Admin Vacation hours to roll over for the next school 2020-2021 and will expire on July 01, 2021.
D. Grigaltchik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.


Intellect Ukraine

D. Grigaltchik made a motion to Approve the Pilot Program for the Intellect Ukraine Program.
V. Budnik seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

VII. Board Comments


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:47 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
V. Chizh