Washington Latin
WLPCS Executive Committee and Committee Chairs Joint Meeting - Nov 2024
Date and Time
Monday November 25, 2024 at 5:00 PM
via ZOOM webinar
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Directors Present
A. Graham (remote), B. Caldwell (remote), B. Williams-Kief (remote), C. McFadgion (remote), E. Paisner (remote), K. Merritt (remote), L. Ballenger (remote), L. Rucker (remote)
Directors Absent
Guests Present
L. Chia (remote), M. Brooks (remote), P. Anderson (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Discuss And Align On Committee Changes
Board Calendar
A comprehensive board calendar was shared with the board members. The size of the Executive Committee was discussed. The need for a succession plan was also briefly mentioned.
Committee "Charge" For SY25/26
There will be an Executive Committee meeting on Dec 13 Fri from 8:00am to 9:00am to discuss the strategic plan progress and risk assessment for WLPCS.
(DRAFT) SY25/26 Committee "Charge"
** to monitor the progress of the WLPCS strategic priorities
** to manage and minimize risks
** to ensure the board is set up for long term success
- with a clear succession and recruitment plan
- with a continuous improvement mindset and process
Finance And Operations
** to provide fiscal and operational support
** to achieve financial sustainability and operational excellence
Schools Program And Performance
** to protect the core ideas of the WLPCS model
** to ensure equitable outcomes for (diverse) students
** to ensure equitable experiences for (diverse) faculty
Advocacy And Community Relations
** to advocate for increased funding
** to ensure a diverse body of students
Committee Composition
The change from 8 to 5 committees is to increase engagement and efficiency. The plan is to use task forces (eg Capital Campaign task force) instead of committees when needed.
(DRAFT) Committee Composition
Executive Committee
** KM and BWK/EP/LB
** LR and AG/AZ/KM and FP(?)
Finance And Operations
** EP/LB and CM/GK/PJ
Schools Program And Performance
** AG and AJ/BC/JO/LR
Advocacy And Community Relations
** BC and BWK/MY and FP(?)
III. Closing Items
To Do
Deadline : Jan 30 Thu
Board members to finalize the following items.
- committee "charge"
- committee meeting dates/times
- committee meeting topics
- committee composition
Myra Brooks opened the conversation by inviting all board members present to share a reaction/question/suggestion.
Board members would like to know which committee(s) include "fundraising" and "student enrollment and demographics".
There was a suggestion to recruit new board members who can help financially. Not all board members agreed with this approach.
Board members also commented on the need to incorporate good representation from all voices - student body and parent community etc.
It was noted that there will be WLPCS staff on every committee.
A board member asked about the opinion of the WLPCS leadership on the proposed board engagement model.
A suggestion was raised to rotate board members through the various committees.
Board members to consider keeping the current committee name "Development And Community Affairs" instead of the proposed committee name "Advocacy And Community Relations".