Washington Latin


Monthly WLPCS Board of Governors Meeting - October 2023

via ZOOM webinar

Date and Time

Thursday October 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM


via ZOOM webinar


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Directors Present

A. Graham (remote), A. Jesseman (remote), B. Caldwell (remote), B. Williams-Kief (remote), C. McFadgion (remote), E. Paisner (remote), J. Osgood (remote), K. Merritt (remote), L. Ballenger (remote), L. Rucker (remote), P. Jayachandran (remote)

Directors Absent

F. Perera

Guests Present

C. Davis (remote), C. Gifford (remote), D. Smith (remote), G. Izurieta (remote), J. Kelly (remote), K. Cromwell (remote), K. Roberts (remote), L. Chia (remote), P. Anderson (remote), T. Porter (remote), c. WLPCS (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

K. Merritt called a meeting of the board of directors of Washington Latin to order on Thursday Oct 12, 2023 at 6:10 PM.


Approve Minutes

A. Graham made a motion to approve the minutes from Monthly WLPCS Board of Governors Meeting - September 2023 on 09-14-23.
B. Caldwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Rucker
P. Jayachandran
B. Caldwell
C. McFadgion
L. Ballenger
E. Paisner
F. Perera
A. Jesseman
B. Williams-Kief
J. Osgood
A. Graham
K. Merritt

II. LEA Report


Quick Update from Anna Julia Cooper Campus

Khashiffa Roberts mentioned that Oct 13 Fri is AJC field day. It will be held at Trinity University.


Quick Update from 2nd Street Campus

James Kelly informed the board that Kena Allison (US biology) is a 2024 DC Teacher Of The Year finalist. Thanks to her teaching, the number of students interested in taking AP biology has increased. He also provided some personnel updates, including upcoming leaves of absence and interim coverage plans for some senior administrators.



Executive Report

A copy of the Executive Report is attached to the Agenda.

III. Strategic Plan and Committee Updates


Finance Committee

Geovanna Izurieta shared a list of LEA contracts over $25K awarded for SY23/24 to date.


There are 5 Finance Committee goals:

  • explore and analyze feasible options to finance KIROV construction loan to ensure long term financial sustainability and our commitment to small class sizes
  • support the Facilities Committee
  • investments
  • review and adjust compensation package
  • strengthen our internal controls

These goals align with the WLPCS strategic plan.


A tentative FY23 audit schedule was also highlighted.



Strategic Plan

Peter Anderson presented the WLPCS strategic plan in detail. He spoke about LATIN's mission and vision. The purpose of the "ONE LATIN" strategic plan is to help create one shared vision of where LATIN wants to be in three years and outlining the steps necessary to get there.


There are 4 strategic priorities that were elaborated on.


priority #1 : challenge - Caroline Gifford (lead)

Challenge all learners to grow and achieve rigorous standards of excellence through collective responsibility and differentiated support.


priority #2 : diversity and integration - Peter Anderson (lead)

Fulfill the founding idea of LATIN as a truly diverse and integrated community that is accessible, equitable, and inclusive for all students, families, faculty, leaders, and board members.


priority #3 : human flourishing - Diana Smith (lead)

Articulate and more deeply implement LATIN's beliefs about human flourishing as the aim of education; promulgate LATIN's approach to shaping and nurturing the adults in a school community around this aim.


priority #4 : sustainability - Geovanna Izurieta (lead)

Ensure long-term fiscal, operational, human, and cultural sustainability as we continue to minimize risk and expand our impact.


A discussion and question/answer session followed.



Academic Committee

Alyse Graham noted that the WLPCS proficiency levels on PARCC tend to be similar year over year, and that it is hard to "move the needle" over time.


The Academic Committee slides show that WLPCS 2nd St and AJC outperformed both DCPS and DCPCS in ELA PARCC. Middle School Math PARCC proficiency has returned to or surpassed pre-pandemic levels of achievement. Upper School Math PARCC scores show a gap between pre-pandemic levels of achievement and current proficiency.



Facilities Committee

Laurie Ballenger said the AJC groundbreaking @ KIROV on Oct 03 Tue was a success.


Tom Porter reported that the KIROV project is going smoothly. WLPCS closed on the sale of the lot to YuYing.


Development Committee

Barry Caldwell highlighted the need to raise $4.26M this school year.

  • $1.26M for funding the annual operating budget
  • $3.0M in capital campaign funding to cover KIROV construction costs for next summer

So far, approximately $700K has been raised recently towards the $3.0M goal.


The 2nd St cocktail concert on Sep 29 Fri raised about $13K.


According to Peter Anderson, WLPCS has to apply for a Charter Amendment this year for the relocation of the AJC Campus at 711 Edgewood St NE WDC 20017 to the permanent site at 4301 Harewood Rd NE WDC 20017.


New Committee

Ken Merritt introduced a new committee for SY23/24, the Board of Governors Compensation Committee.


The Compensation Committee will focus on the following:

  • CEO Total Rewards Strategy
  • Leadership Total Rewards Advisory
  • LEA Compensation Initiatives

The committee members are:

Board President - Ken Merritt

Board Vice President - Laurie Ballenger

Finance Committee Chair - Elizabeth Paisner

Governor At Large - Lisa Rucker

CEO - Peter Anderson


A. Graham made a motion to approve the (new) Compensation Committee and membership to the committee.
B. Caldwell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
B. Williams-Kief
P. Jayachandran
B. Caldwell
F. Perera
E. Paisner
L. Rucker
K. Merritt
J. Osgood
A. Jesseman
L. Ballenger
A. Graham
C. McFadgion


Governance Committee

During the Governance Committee meeting earlier today, Lisa Rucker introduced a potential board member. A few other names were mentioned. It was suggested that a potential board member could perhaps join as a committee member before joining the board. The intent is to have a full board of (maximum) 15 members.


IV. Closing Items


Any Other Business

Elizabeth Paisner raised a concern about sports. There is limited space and personnel to accommodate the growing demand for extracurricular athletics. This will be discussed in more detail at another meeting.



Adjourn Meeting

E. Paisner made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Osgood seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Osgood
K. Merritt
E. Paisner
F. Perera
A. Jesseman
A. Graham
L. Rucker
B. Caldwell
B. Williams-Kief
L. Ballenger
C. McFadgion
P. Jayachandran
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Chia