
March CASA Academy Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 5, 2018 at 6:30 PM


CASA Academy (1500 West Maryland Avenue, Phoenix, AZ)
CASA Academy Governing Board meetings will take place at the CASA Academy campus (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015). Per A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice of meetings for CASA Academy and any of its committees will be posted on this website. Notices will also be posted in the front office of CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015), which is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Trustees Present

E. Bolick, M. Dahlen (remote), M. Major, M. Tucker, T. Wee

Trustees Absent

C. Chavez, D. Brown, D. Puente

Ex Officio Members Present

J. Leahy, T. Clayton Cundy

Non Voting Members Present

J. Leahy, T. Clayton Cundy

Guests Present

L. Taylor (remote)

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Dahlen called a meeting of the board of trustees of CASA ACADEMY to order on Monday Mar 5, 2018 at 6:38 PM.


Approve Minutes

T. Wee made a motion to approve minutes from the Feburary CASA Academy Board Meeting on 02-05-18 Feburary CASA Academy Board Meeting on 02-05-18.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Minutes

T. Wee made a motion to approve minutes from the CASA Academy Annual Event on 02-23-18 CASA Academy Annual Event on 02-23-18.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. CASA Culture and Engagement Committee


General Update

Update regarding the surveys that are coming up:  the second staff survey (March) and parent survey (April).  Update regarding culture statistics.  Update regarding new hire.  Discussions regarding round table discussion with staff and the follow up with the staff. 

III. Finance Committee


General Update

No updates. 

IV. Governance


General Update

No updates.  Discussions regarding recruiting and screening new board members.  

V. CO-CEO Report



Discussions regarding staff culture ratings, which have stayed consistently high. 
Discussions regarding academic data.  Currently testing STEP, so will have updated results in April.  On track to meet goals. 
Discussions regarding staffing updates. 
Fundraising update.  We have met our fundraising goal.  
Update regarding enrollment procedures and recruitment team.    

VI. Old Business


Strategic Planning-Next Steps

Discussion regarding format for bringing the different strands of the strategic plan together.    

VII. Annual Event Committee


Event Debrief

Discussions regarding profits and losses for the annual event.  Updates on the fundraising efforts, ticket sales, sponsors, pledges, and expenses. 
Write thank you notes. 

VIII. Executive Session


Budget 2018-2019

M. Dahlen made a motion to Approve the salaries as proposed in executive session.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Tucker made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Tucker