January CASA Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 8, 2018 at 6:30 PM
CASA Academy (1500 West Maryland Avenue, Phoenix, AZ)
CASA Academy Governing Board meetings will take place at the CASA Academy campus (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015). Per A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice of meetings for CASA Academy and any of its committees will be posted on this website. Notices will also be posted in the front office of CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015), which is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Trustees Present
C. Chavez (remote), D. Brown, D. Puente, E. Bolick, M. Dahlen (remote), M. Major, M. Tucker, T. Wee
Trustees Absent
Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened
E. Bolick, T. Wee
Ex Officio Members Present
J. Leahy, T. Clayton Cundy
Non Voting Members Present
J. Leahy, T. Clayton Cundy
Guests Present
L. Taylor
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Brown called a meeting of the board of trustees of CASA ACADEMY to order on Monday Jan 8, 2018 at 6:36 PM.
Approve Minutes
M. Tucker made a motion to approve minutes from the December Board Meeting on 12-04-17 December Board Meeting on 12-04-17.
C. Chavez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
M. Tucker made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Social Activity prior to Board Retreat on 11-17-17 Board Social Activity prior to Board Retreat on 11-17-17.
C. Chavez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Mintues
M. Tucker made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Retreat on 11-18-17 Board Retreat on 11-18-17.
D. Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Annual Event Committee
Annual Event
We have the band confirmed. We still need 2 food vendors to donate food. We still need a wine sponsor (we are hoping for about 200 bottles for the wine pull and 100 bottles for the event).
T. Wee arrived.
We still have tickets to sell. Continue to invite friends via email and Facebook.
A flyer was created talking about the Kindergarten deficit to send to potential sponsors.
Marketing Update: Objectives for the marketing committee, high level overview and goals. The goal would 5-6 people on the marketing committee. Taking recommendations for marketing committee. Discussion regarding recruitment, social media, pr/event, brand, and website, and consistency throughout. Discussion about budgeting for marketing committee.
A flyer was created talking about the Kindergarten deficit to send to potential sponsors.
Marketing Update: Objectives for the marketing committee, high level overview and goals. The goal would 5-6 people on the marketing committee. Taking recommendations for marketing committee. Discussion regarding recruitment, social media, pr/event, brand, and website, and consistency throughout. Discussion about budgeting for marketing committee.
III. CASA Culture and Engagment Committee
General Update
Discussion about teacher moral, leadership development, retention, career pathing.
E. Bolick arrived.
IV. Finance Committee
General Update
No meeting this month; nothing to report.
V. Governance
General Update
No meeting yet this month; nothing to report.
VI. CO-CEO Report
Discussion about staff culture ratings.
Review and discussion about academic dashboard. Currently in the STEP testing window, will have the results for February meeting. Goal would be to have students grow 1 step in their STEP scores.
Communicated transition and growth plan to the staff on January 4. It was well received. Tacey will be meeting with staff to discuss career paths over the next couple of months. Working on budget for upcoming year/finalizing staffing plan, hopeful to present to the board next month. As of last Friday, posts for staff recruiting have been made.
Discussion about enrollment, we are currently under-enrolled. Our biggest obstacle is transiency of the students we serve. January 26th is the 100th day of school.
Fundraising update and discussion. Although we are under-enrolled, we are on track of budget. However, this could fluctuate on the 100th day, hopefully we will have the information from the state for the February board meeting.
We received a literacy grant through the grant for professional development and technology.
Review and discussion about academic dashboard. Currently in the STEP testing window, will have the results for February meeting. Goal would be to have students grow 1 step in their STEP scores.
Communicated transition and growth plan to the staff on January 4. It was well received. Tacey will be meeting with staff to discuss career paths over the next couple of months. Working on budget for upcoming year/finalizing staffing plan, hopeful to present to the board next month. As of last Friday, posts for staff recruiting have been made.
Discussion about enrollment, we are currently under-enrolled. Our biggest obstacle is transiency of the students we serve. January 26th is the 100th day of school.
Fundraising update and discussion. Although we are under-enrolled, we are on track of budget. However, this could fluctuate on the 100th day, hopefully we will have the information from the state for the February board meeting.
We received a literacy grant through the grant for professional development and technology.
VII. Old Business
Strategic Planning Update
Discussion about areas of focus: (1) retaining and recruiting of staff (Mark; to add to the culture committee); (2) student enrollment and marketing (Crystal); (3) long term growth plan (Tacey to focus on the vision of CASA and chair the committee; chairs of each committee to meet to discuss and support Tacey's vision; development of growth committee; identify types of people and resources for the committee; creating a timeline for when things need to happen (i.e. facility decisions need to take place before middle of next year); start in a small group before bringing to the full board; quarterly meetings). Updates will come at the February meeting to make sure we are moving forward.
VIII. New Business
Vote on 2018-19 School Calendar
M. Major made a motion to approve the school year calendar for 2018-2019.
T. Wee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
C. Chavez made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
D. Puente seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Brown