October CASA Academy Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 2, 2017 at 6:30 PM
CASA Academy (1500 West Maryland Avenue, Phoenix, AZ)
CASA Academy Governing Board meetings will take place at the CASA Academy campus (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015). Per A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice of meetings for CASA Academy and any of its committees will be posted on this website. Notices will also be posted in the front office of CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015), which is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Trustees Present
C. Chavez (remote), D. Brown, D. Puente, E. Bolick, M. Dahlen, M. Major, M. Tucker, T. Wee
Trustees Absent
B. Locker
Ex Officio Members Present
T. Clayton Cundy
Non Voting Members Present
T. Clayton Cundy
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
M. Dahlen called a meeting of the board of trustees of CASA ACADEMY to order on Monday Oct 2, 2017 at 6:37 PM.
Approve Minutes
M. Tucker made a motion to approve minutes from the September CASA Academy Board Meeting on 09-11-17 September CASA Academy Board Meeting on 09-11-17.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. CO-CEO Report
III. CASA Culture and Engagment Committee
General Update and Vote on CEO Evaluation Surveys
The Survey is about to go out. It has been renamed to Culture and Engagement Survey. The CEO is still rated on the survey and this will go into the CEO review. Staff will get a letter introducing the survey and an email reminder. Survey results will be processed within two week after the survey itself.
We had a round table in September. The committee will be reviewing the results in their meeting Wednesday. Overall the responses were very positive. November Mark and Madison will be doing interviews with the staff and have discussions about how they are doing, their support, and culture.
We had a round table in September. The committee will be reviewing the results in their meeting Wednesday. Overall the responses were very positive. November Mark and Madison will be doing interviews with the staff and have discussions about how they are doing, their support, and culture.
T. Wee made a motion to approve the changes to the CEO Survey that is now called the Culture and Engagement Survey and letter as presented to the board.
D. Brown seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Annual Event Committee
Annual Event
Our venue of Phoenix Country Day School is not available for the event. We are now looking for a different venue. Still are target date is February 23. We still need the theme. More information coming to the board after October 19.
V. Finance
The Finance Committee met with CASA's auditor and went over the audited financials. The committee went through July and August financials. We have a net loss, but this is normal for this time of year, in particular Title 1 and Idea payment. Looking at the balance sheet, nothing looks unusual--one thing to note is that Jenna opened up a CD and we are now getting interest revenue for that. There will be more items coming, including a budget to actual and aging report.
VI. Governance
General Update
The Governance Committee is putting together a timeline of when the surveys need to get distributed for the CEO evaluations.
The committee feels like we need to update the CASA Academy policies and procedures. The first step is seeing if there is room in the budget to have them reviewed by an attorney. The piecemeal amendments need to be reviewed. How often do these need to be reviewed? Not often, just because it is getting convoluted and we don't want to open ourselves to liability. Its best to have a document in place that the CEOs can understand and implement. The committee will seek bids from different firms.
The committee is working to develop official job descriptions for the CEO's position. It will provide a basis for "grading" the CEO's on their performance. First, define the roles and responsibilities of each and those they are sharing. Use this as a basis for the surveys. This will result in better, more focused feedback.
The committee feels like we need to update the CASA Academy policies and procedures. The first step is seeing if there is room in the budget to have them reviewed by an attorney. The piecemeal amendments need to be reviewed. How often do these need to be reviewed? Not often, just because it is getting convoluted and we don't want to open ourselves to liability. Its best to have a document in place that the CEOs can understand and implement. The committee will seek bids from different firms.
The committee is working to develop official job descriptions for the CEO's position. It will provide a basis for "grading" the CEO's on their performance. First, define the roles and responsibilities of each and those they are sharing. Use this as a basis for the surveys. This will result in better, more focused feedback.
VII. New Business
Vote on Field Trip
CASA is able to use tax credit funds to take a field trip.
Q: Does our insurance cover this or do we need supplement insurance?
A: Tacey believes so, but will double check.
Q: Does our insurance cover this or do we need supplement insurance?
A: Tacey believes so, but will double check.
E. Bolick made a motion to approve the field trip proposal and the use of restricted funds for a field trip to the aquarium.
M. Major seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Vote on Annual Financial Report-Audited
CASA's accounting firm records our profits and loss and shores up the balance sheet at the end of the year. The auditor puts it into financial report and legal compliance questionnaire. We had less payment come in (less revenues) because we had less calendar days but we also had less expenses, our net assets went up.
For the compliance questionnaire there was only one finding, which is very good. The limited finding was question 21. CASA's auditor is not concerned because its not uncommon. Jenna was able to reconcile the difference. Jenna is looking to upgrade the attendance system.
Q: Do we need to file anything because of the finding?
A: No, the auditor files it with the state.
For the compliance questionnaire there was only one finding, which is very good. The limited finding was question 21. CASA's auditor is not concerned because its not uncommon. Jenna was able to reconcile the difference. Jenna is looking to upgrade the attendance system.
Q: Do we need to file anything because of the finding?
A: No, the auditor files it with the state.
D. Puente made a motion to approve the Annual Financial Report 2017.
M. Tucker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
November 6th.
Strategic Planning Meeting: November 18, 8:00-1:00.
Strategic Planning Meeting: November 18, 8:00-1:00.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:46 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
M. Dahlen
M. Tucker made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
T. Wee seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Staff Culture is slightly increasing--while remaining very stable. First Staff Roundtable occurred 9/15.
Curriculum is about 87.3% complete.
Average Daily Membership: We are about .5 of a child under our target enrollment. We have gotten a couple of new students in the last month -- not sure where they came from.
Fundraising goal and progress was discussed.