Facility Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday February 8, 2017 at 6:00 PM
Dial-in Number: (712) 775-7031 Meeting ID: 356-190-185 Host PIN: 5293
CASA Academy Governing Board meetings will take place at the CASA Academy campus (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015). Per A.R.S. § 38-431.02, notice of meetings for CASA Academy and any of its committees will be posted on this website. Notices will also be posted in the front office of CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015), which is open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday.
Committee Members Present
D. Brown (remote), D. Puente (remote), J. Leahy (remote), M. Dahlen (remote), T. Wee (remote)
Committee Members Absent
B. Locker
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
D. Puente called a meeting of the Facility Committee of CASA ACADEMY to order on Wednesday Feb 8, 2017 at 6:05 PM.
Approve Minutes
J. Leahy made a motion to approve minutes from the Facility Committee Meeting on 01-04-17 Facility Committee Meeting on 01-04-17.
M. Dahlen seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. Facility
Lease update from Church
Church will vote on the CASA lease and replacing AC in sanctuary in next meeting in February. Meeting date is TBD.
Preliminary plan for construction
-Danielle to follow-up on whether or not Dickens Demolition can do the re-tiling.
-Danny will investigate what is required for older building remodels that were grandfathered in as it relates to fire code. Jenna was told that the building would need to be brought up to fire code if more than 50% changed. Need to clarify requirements.
-The committee agrees that the original cost estimate of $3k appears reasonable.
-Danny will investigate what is required for older building remodels that were grandfathered in as it relates to fire code. Jenna was told that the building would need to be brought up to fire code if more than 50% changed. Need to clarify requirements.
-The committee agrees that the original cost estimate of $3k appears reasonable.
Other tenant improvement work
Jenna will request quotes for tiling in March if the demolition company does not perform this type of work.
Timeline for Implementation of Facilities Transition
-Jenna will follow-up regarding whether or not the storage pod company also does the moving. If not, the committee brainstormed on ways to get volunteers to help.
-Danielle will share draft timeline with demolition company and get feedback.
-As the remodel gets closer, we need to ask demo company on what needs to be removed (closet storage, ect.)
-Danielle will share draft timeline with demolition company and get feedback.
-As the remodel gets closer, we need to ask demo company on what needs to be removed (closet storage, ect.)
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:44 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
D. Puente