
Facility Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday November 15, 2016 at 4:00 PM


CASA Academy (1500 W Maryland Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85015)

Committee Members Present

D. Puente, J. Leahy, M. Dahlen, T. Wee (remote)

Committee Members Absent

B. Locker, D. Brown

Guests Present

Chris Rudel, David Marz, Tom Beggren

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

J. Leahy called a meeting of the Facility Committee of CASA ACADEMY to order on Tuesday Nov 15, 2016 at 4:01 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Dahlen made a motion to approve minutes from the Facility Committee Meeting on 11-07-16 Facility Committee Meeting on 11-07-16.
J. Leahy seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Facility


Lease re-negotiation timeline discussion

SOV will take this to church council. SOV will determine whether or not this is a lease extension versus a new lease.

Week of December 5th- Meet to negotiate cost per square foot
December 16th- Draft of the lease finalized
January 9th- CASA board votes to approve lease
January 21st- SOV Council votes to approve lease
29th of January- Congregational meeting at SOV

Chris will find a word document version of the lease. Jenna will start edits, track changes and share out with joint-facility committee.



Update SOV on Strategic Plan

Mary updated SOV on the major areas of focus of the strategic plan.


Key negotiation items

SOV wants to know what the demolition will look like. Demolition of walls: thoughts to consider- structural integrity, mechanical integrity and aesthetic integrity.
SOV has two architects on its property committee.
Jenna shared plans from engineer with SOV Facilities Committee.
Jenna will share engineer's email with Chris as well to follow up.
We are leaning toward going with the shorter fence around the new building.
CASA would also like to put up larger signage on the campus.

CASA requested that the brown chairs in the MPR be moved for storage.

The areas that have the most sensitivity amongst the church are the demolition of the 2 walls and the installation of the fencing.

SOV mentioned that if CASA covered the cost of repairs, it would probably be more appealing to the congregation.

To note: Burns Hall may not be available at 3:10 PM on all days. Pastor David will follow up with Jenna regarding this number.

CASA would like tiling in the cafeteria (not carpet).

Follow up regarding dual use with church at next meeting.

Jenna will meet to follow-up items with SOV:

- fence discussion- Chris and Jenna will meet between 11/15/16 and 12/5/16
- demolition exploration- Chris and Jenna (and potentially others) will meet between 11/15/16 and 12/5/16
- tape lines- Jenna will arrange for Tacey and Pastor to meet to discuss the tape lines
- signage- CASA will delay signage discussion until summer (but will include language regarding this in the lease)
Burns Hall- It's not going to be paint. It will need to be tape. If Tacey has a drawing and could email it to Pastor, that would be great.


Address any further needs with SOV/ Plan next steps

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Leahy