Escuela Avancemos! Academy
Escuela Avancemos Special Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 14, 2024 at 6:30 PM
Escuela Avancemos Academy
2635 Howard St
Detroit, MI 48216
Room 105
Directors Present
A. Bordeianu, C. Stamatin, L. Chittum, M. Barbour, M. Gonzalez
Directors Absent
Directors who arrived after the meeting opened
M. Barbour
Guests Present
A. Ulloa, Beatriz Hill, Dahime Gordon, Elizabeth Rodriguez, J. Joubert, L. Coggins, Philip Van Hooks, S. Johnson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Approval of Agenda
Approval of Agenda
Roll Call | |
M. Barbour |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
III. Consent Agenda Item
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes
Roll Call | |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
IV. New Business
Resolution: Approval of Indemnification of Certain Individuals
Roll Call | |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
C. Stamatin |
M. Barbour |
L. Chittum |
Resolution: Approval of Indemnification of the University
Roll Call | |
C. Stamatin |
M. Gonzalez |
A. Bordeianu |
L. Chittum |
M. Barbour |
Resolution: Approval of Amended Bylaws
Roll Call | |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Gonzalez |
C. Stamatin |
M. Barbour |
L. Chittum |
Resolution: Approval of Charter Contract
Roll Call | |
M. Barbour |
A. Bordeianu |
M. Gonzalez |
C. Stamatin |
L. Chittum |
Escuela Avancemos Academy Terms and Conditions Signature
CMU Contract Language-Matrix Summary Class of 2024
Resolution Authorizing Issuance of Note in Anticipation of State School Aid August Borrowing Through the Michigan Finance Authority
Roll Call | |
L. Chittum |
M. Barbour |
M. Gonzalez |
C. Stamatin |
A. Bordeianu |
V. Reports
21st Century Community Learning Centers Monthly Report
Dahime Gordon, the 21st Century Community Learning Centers Site Coordinator,
presented the monthly programming updates. Regretfully, there will be no summer program this year due to the timing of grant approval notification at the end of May. The 5th-6th and 7th-8th grade soccer teams' matches have begun and are continuing for the remainder of May. Soccer matches are currently being held at the Historic Fort Wayne Field located at 6325 W. Jefferson Ave, Detroit, MI 48209. Michigan Lifelong Education Advancement & Potential and the Department of Education are increasing efforts for additional 21st CCLC programming sites to open at other schools.
April Financials
March 2024 financial reports were presented by Dr. Lorilyn Coggins highlighting cash on hand, year-to-date revenues, year-to-date expenditures, and the current fund balance in a summarized format. The 2024-2025 budget hearing is scheduled for June 25, 2024, at 6:00 pm. The preliminary audit process has begun and is expected to conclude on August 26, 2024.
Sanga Monthly Management Report
Philip Van Hooks and Ana Ulloa presented the Sanga Monthly Management Report. Success For All (SFA) School Improvement Coach, Alex Rodriguez-Rozic visited the academy to share his expertise and experiences with the academy's Leadership Team on strategies for improving the implementation of SFA. KinderCorner, Roots, Wings, and Edge Glow and Grows were shared with the leadership team as the academy continues its efforts to implement SFA with fidelity for academic growth. The academy's leadership team is committed to making sure student achievement growth is happening.
Assessment Updates: 98% of Escuela Avancemos! Academy 3rd through 8th-grade students completed their SY24 MSTEP assessments in ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies. The goal is to reach 100% completion of all NWEA and IREADY End of Year assessments; 43.4% of K-8 students met their Middle of Year Growth Target for Mathematics; In English Language Arts, 34.6% of the student population reached their Middle of Year Growth Target for NWEA/MAP; Teachers and students discussed their End of Year Growth Targets with parents during the last Parent Teacher Conferences; NWEA/MAP End of Year assessments for the academy are scheduled for May 13th through May 23rd; and IREADY End of Year assessments will be completed from May 20th through May 31st.
The Instructional Leader has been working closely with the Special Education department to ensure all students receive their required service hours and double-checking that the student information system data is current with the IEP data. Board Treasurer Linda Chittum inquired about how the Special Education Department is running with the recent personnel changes. Ana Ulloa shared with the Board of Directors the challenges the academy has encountered with the quality of services received from student support vendors. For example, The Stepping Stones Group Remote School Social Worker has been servicing students for 15-18 minutes which turns out to be 5 hours of service a day but is billing the academy for 7.5 hours a day. Sanga management makes every effort to recruit talent for the academy. Recruitment efforts are in full swing for hiring a School Social Worker for the upcoming school year and with a qualified Resource Room Teacher. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu questioned the role of the Special Education Social Worker. What special education services for students in the academy services are not provided for? Ana Ulloa expressed all required support services are being rendered to students on IEP caseloads. Board President Cristina Stamatin requested for all vendors to be required to follow guidelines set by the academy and for management to hold them accountable. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu reiterated that Sanga hires employees and should make sure that employees are qualified. Ana Ulloa mentioned that the employees hired for the academy are based on the talent that the school attracts. Dr. Lorilyn Coggins reiterated that the academy student support services meet the compliance requirements. Board President Cristina Stamatin suggested that the Board of Directors assist with recruitment by sharing job postings within their network. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu inquired if grant money is available to support special education personnel salaries or vendor service costs. Ana Ulloa shared that the education talent pool is a systemic issue within education and most charter schools are experiencing the same personnel issues the academy is dealing with. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu expressed the need for charter schools to network to share the cost of support services personnel. Charter schools are competing for the same students per Ana Ulloa. The Board Vice President asked who was advocating for the students. Parents should be educated on how to advocate for their children. Ana Ulloa shared with the Board of Directors that during a parent meeting, parents shared that safety, discipline, and learning should be the 3 top priorities for the school. The academy has possible gang members and 3 students who left the school premises. Ana Ulloa informed the Board of Directors of an organization within the community called Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation which would be the only community organization that could get charter schools within the area to start networking. Board Vice President Andreea Bordeianu requested Ana Ulloa to contact Ms. Reyes of DHDC in hopes of building a partnership. Ana Ulloa stated that perhaps a board member could take on this request. Once the contact information has been shared with Board President Cristina Stamatin, Ms. Reyes will be contacted. Jennifer Joubert suggested to the Board of Directors that perhaps at the next Board Retreat, an academic committee could be created to discuss concerns and solutions. The Center for Charter Schools also offers a safe space to discuss special education concerns during its. "Coffee with Special Education" webinars.
The Escuela Avancemos Academy Parent Group organized a magnificent Children’s Day experience for our students. The parents developed an Anti-Bully-themed presentation to share with all K-8 students. This event was held at Roberto Clemente Recreation Center. The entire student body walked to and from Escuela Avancemos! Academy and Roberto Clemente Recreation Center on a beautiful and fun-filled day.
VI. Extended Public Comment:
This public comment section is reserved for all remaining comments.
None at this time.
VII. Board Comments
Authorizer Comments
The Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools Central Michigan University Field
Operations School Lead, Jennifer Joubert thanked the Board of Directors and Sanga management for the timely submission of the reauthorization charter contract requirements. The new contract goes into effect on July 1, 2024.
The Board President Roundtable will be held on June 12, 2024, in Southfield, Michigan. Board President Cristina Stamatin plans to attend.
Escuela Avancemos! Academy Board of Directors Updates
Board Treasurer Linda Chittum will continue her efforts in scouting for student support personnel for the academy. The Board Vice President understands that the education arena is tough but is very appreciative of efforts of the management company on recruiting talent. The Board of Directors enjoys seeing the academy's highlighted photos of student activities that are happening at the academy. Board President Cristina Stamatin attended a Junior Achievement awards ceremony and would like to invite the organization to the academy for an end-year activity, The Board of Directors thanked Jennifer Joubert for all of her help and support with the charter reauthorization process.
VIII. Closing Items
Reconfirmation of Next Board Meeting
Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 6:30 pm at Escuela Avancemos Academy.
The academy's Board of Directors reviewed the Central Michigan University Class of 2024 Charter Contract Summary of Changes matrix as presented with no questions or concerns.